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There is no topic. You must talk for thirty seconds about something, anything though don't bore me. Or you will suffer the consequences. It is that simple.

"And what if I talk huh! I'm not scared of you! You're just a Arogant man behind a mask! You're nothing! You're weak and pathetic, you're a pathetic little man! Probably with a little dick that's why you're so grumpy and angry at the world!" The girl in front of me spat at the floor, guess she didn't give a toss about her life. She looked like she was a witch or something. Dark clothes, dark hair, I swear she had red eyes as well, maybe they were just contacts I don't know. All I know is rest in peace, love.

I guess this is goodbye. We haven't even started yet what a shame!

The head choker came down and locked against her neck causing her to start choking. Two sets of shackles wrapped around her feet and hands pressing them backwards against the wall smashing them both through nails like she was being crucified. A drill from the wall came out making so much noise that all our ears were ringing and it drilled right through her stomach slow enough so she made a gurgling sound as it was happening. Though not through her heart this time, so she was still alive...

Everything stopped the shackles from her feet and hands were released you could see the blood dripping out of her hands her head was secure so she couldn't go limp and pass out though she almost was, she looked so pale you'd think she'd seen a ghost. The next part scared me the most, the worst I've seen this entire time and so far I've watched five people die brutally.

The lock around her neck started to release the pins inside her neck were withdrawn and her head just rolled off her shoulders with no hesitations. We all cupped our hands over our mouths not to gasp at all, as I think we ALL realised that lock had two flat blades on each round side that went through her neck. She was dead the whole time, we just didn't know.

The TV screen came down from the ceiling.

Does anyone else have anything to say or can we continue? Interuptions make me angry. He glared at all of us. All I could think about was getting out of here. I had to lie my way out of this, think of the most interesting stuff to say for each thirty seconds it was my turn, I HAD TO come out if this .... ALIVE....

For the second time..

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