1: The First Encounter

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"Addison stop kicking my seat." I said to my 4 year old brother. "No!" He kicks it harder. "Mom! Tell him to stop." I groan. "Addison West Martin." Mom said. "Sorry." Addison stops. We're going to the Cubs-Cardinals game. My family is all Cubs, that includes: my older brother,Ryne, me and my younger sister, Rizzo and my parents, Matteo and Lisa, little brother Addison aka Addi. Yes, in case you were wondering, my parents named us all after Cubs. I got the honor of being named Wrigley Caray after Wrigley Field and Harry Caray.

We get to the stadium, dad and mom drop us kids off to go park the Escalade, I have to pee so I get to my ticket scanned and I walk in through the crowd of Cubs fans, wearing my Baez jersey, and my Cubs hat with a pair of dark wash blue skinny jeans with my Cubs Converse. As I walk out of the bathroom, I run into someone. "Oops sorry." I said, looking up to reveal none other than Cubs player, the guy that happens to be on my jersey, Javy Baez. My bae. "No it's my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going." Javy laughed. "I wasn't either." I laugh, a little. "You're a Cubs fan?" He cocked an eyebrow. "Yup, diehard!" I say with confidence. "You're beautiful." Javy says. I feel my face heat up and go red. "Can I get your name, Beautiful?" He asked. "Oh yeah, it's Wrigley." I smiled. "Really? That's awesome." Javy said. "I'm not the only one with a Cubs themed name." I tell him. "I've got time." he tells me, sitting on a chair. I sit across from him, seeing we are two and a half hours early. "My four year old brother's name is Addison West." I tell him. Javy laughs, "that's great." I smiled at him then continue, "My older brother, who's 25, his name is Ryne Lee after Ryne Sandberg and Derek Lee." I say, "And my little sister's name is Rizzo Ivy, and she's 2 1/2 named after Anthony Rizzo and the ivy in the outfield." I finish. "They're some pretty cool names." Javy said. "Yeah. Our dogs even have Cubs themed name." I told him. "Oh yeah, what's that?" he wondered. "Maddux and Cubbie." I giggle. "That's honestly great, but I have to run. Is there any way I can get your number?" Javy asked. "Yeah, of course." I hand him my phone. He puts his number in and hands my phone back. "I'm gonna get a homer for you Wrigley." Javy smiled, opening his arms, which from what I was thinking meant he wanted a hug. I hug him and he hugs back, kissing my forehead. "Meet me at player entrance after the game. I'll tell security that you're coming down." he says. I smiled and nodded. "Wrigley! Come on!" I hear my name. I turn around and see Ryne. "I'm coming!" I run over to him. "Did I just see you with Javy Baez?" he asked. "Maybe..." I tell him, saying no more, as we find our seats right behind the Cubs dugout. "Mom, I'm not going to need a ride home from you guys." I say. "How are you gonna get there?" she asks. "She's got a date with someone." Ryne wiggles his eyebrows. "Did you eavesdrop on my conversation?" I asked. "Maybe..." Ryne replied. I whack him on the back of the head. "Ow!" he exclaimed. "Here's $20 go buy yourself a beer and me some peanuts and beer." I said. "Fine." he gets up and walks away. "So who's this 'date'?" Dad asked with quotes around date. "Dad, it's not a date. Ryne's just being an ass." I said. "Language." Mom said. "Sorry." I rolled my eyes. "So who's this guy?" Dad asked. "Javy Baez." I replied. "You going on date with Javy Baez!?" Addison exclaimed. Jesus Christ, little brother, you're lucky I don't slap you. "Wrigley how'd you meet him?" Mom asked and I explained. "Here you go your majesty." Ryne says from behind me. I grab the beer and peanuts out of his hands. "Change?" I asked, putting my beer in the cup holder. He hands me $5 back. Prices are so crazy here.

The Cubs won 11-2, Javy did end up getting not only one but three home runs. I walk to the player entrance. "Name?" The security guard asks. "Wrigley." I say. "Alright, you can go in. Clubhouse is third door on your right." he smiled. "Just knock and you'll be let in." he smiled. I walk to the clubhouse and knock on the door. It opens and there stands Anthony Rizzo, with the biggest smile on his face. "GUYS LOOK IT'S JAVY'S GIRL!" Anthony exclaimed. "Wow, Rizz, you really are as hyper as they say." I smirked. "DAMN!! AND SHE'S SALTY!" he yelled. "Rizz move." Javy appears. "Hola Coolatta" Javy smirked. "Hey Javy." I smiled. "Ready to go?" he asked. "Yeah, can I ask where?" I looked at him. "My apartment?" He winked. "Okay." I giggle. "Perfect. Tonight will be a night you will never forget." he smacked my ass.

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