13: Our First Family Day Together

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Diego is finally better after a week of having RSV. Today is family day at Wrigley Field. Mine and Javy's first as parents, and a couple, and my first overall. I have my Baez jersey on, Diego has his on as well. I get to Wrigley by Lyft. "Thank you so much." I smiled, paying the driver with a little extra tip. "You're welcome. And wait, you're Javy Baez's girlfriend aren't you?" He asked. "Yeah." I smile, getting Diego out of the back. "Have a nice day." The driver said. "Thank you, you too." I smiled, shutting the back door, walking into Wrigley Field. "Hey, Wrigley." Kris's wife Jessica said. "Ooh, baby!" She squealed. "Can I hold him?" She asks. "Yeah, of course." I smiled. I set Diego down and take him out of his seat. "Ahh! He's so cute!" Jess smiles. "Jess, you literally just seen him yesterday." I laugh and hand him over. "Ohhh my goshhh!" She's all excited. "Is that baby Baez?" Melisa Russell asks, coming over to us. "Yess! He's so precious, isn't he?" Jess says. "Yes! Can I hold him next?" Melisa asked. "Yeah." I smile at her. After a few more minutes, Jess hands Diego over to Melisa and I get Aiden from Melisa. "He's getting so big, Lis." I say. "I don't want him to grow up." Melisa replies. "I'm scared for Diego to grow up. I mean he's already 8 1/2 months old and he just got over his first sickness, which is a relief he didn't have it when he was 1 or 2 months." I sigh. "RSV?" She asks. "Yup." I respond. "Aw, poor thing." She says. "Hey Ladies." Addison Russell walks past us. Then comes back. "Who's baby?" Addi asked. "Mine, and Javy's." I replied. "Oh wow, he's so tiny." Addison rubs Diego's cheek. "Javy says he's too tiny." I laugh. Addison laughs as well. "I'll see you guys around." Addison kisses Melisa and Aiden before walking away with his daughter, Mila. "I'll be there in a minute." Melisa says. Addison raises his hand knowing. "Wait, what's his name?" Jessica asks. "You know this, Jess." I say. "I know but his name is so adorable and it sounds amazing when it come off of your accent." She chuckles. "Javy said my accent is one of the things that turns him on." I laugh. We talk for a little bit, me, Melisa and Jess. "Hey Chicas." Javy makes me jump. "Wrigley just jumped like 5 feet off the ground." Jessica laughed. I had Diego in my arms as I jumped. "So what's up?" I asked Javy. "You girls ready to go on the field? Joe said it's time." Javy says. "Yeah, we're ready." I replied, putting Diego back in his baby seat and grabbing his diaper bag. Javy picks up his seat and we go on the field. We find somewhere to park our butts and we chill. I take a picture of Diego who's on his tummy, the first of many pictures, per Javy and the Cubs social media request. "Hey Kris, can you get our picture?" Javy asks. "Yeah, no problem." Kris smiles. He takes my phone and Javy's phone and takes the pic. We've been trying to get Diego to learn how to crawl and it hasn't happened yet. But now, he brought himself up to his hands and knees. "Javy," I say as Diego starts to get on his hands and knees. "Hmm?" He looks at me. "Diego is on his hands and knees." I say. I have it on video, thank god. "Diego, come here, buddy." Javy said. Diego looks at up at him and just stares at him with a look like 'I ain't crawling to you.' I burst out laughing and Javy's laughing as well. This is a different video. "Maybe he will come to me?" I laugh. "Worth a shot." Javy said, holding his phone up. "Diego, come to mommy." I say. He starts to crawl to me but then Anthony walks by and Diego doesn't want anything to with us. "Rizz, I think Diego likes you more than us." I say. "What? Why?" Anthony picks up Diego. "He wouldn't crawl to Javy, he started crawling to me but then you rolled on by." I laugh. Anthony laughs as well, sitting down by us with Emily. "He's getting so big!" Emily says. "I know." I replied. "We're gonna walk around." Anthony says, standing up with Diego. Okay, you're taking my son. Hahaha I'm just kidding. "So you know how I have that fear of marriage?" I say to Emily. "Yeah." She replies. "I think I'm over that. I wanna make Javy mine forever." I said. "Oh my gosh, aww!" She smiles. "I'm thinking about getting a shirt for Diego that spells out, 'Will You Marry My Mommy?'" I tell her. "Javy would love that." She smiled.

Family day is over and it was pretty successful. Javy and I go home, we chill for a little bit before going to bed.

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