12: Baby's First Illness

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Javy is in Milwaukee with the Cubs. And I'm back in Chicago with Diego. I'm sleeping when I hear Diego crying over the baby monitor. It's not his usual cry. I stand up, frantically and go to his room. I pick him up and he's burning up. Fuck. I check his temperature. 103.5. I call my mom cause I don't know what I should do. "Wrigley, sweetie, it's 2:30 in the morning, what's wrong?" Mom asks. "Diego is running a high fever and he won't stop crying, he won't take a bottle, if I lay him down he cries. Mom I don't know what to do!"
I exclaim. "Baby, calm down. Dad and I'll meet you at the emergency room. I'll leave Ryne home with Addison and Rizzo." Mom says then hangs up. I put Diego in his seat. He starts wailing again. "Shh, it's alright baby. Mommy's gonna get you better." I say, tears falling down. On the way to the hospital, I call Javy, not caring that it's 3:30 their time. He answers about 20 seconds later. "Princesa, you know what time it is right?" Javy asks, almost in a whisper tone. "I'm on the way to the emergency room with Diego." I say, turning the corner. "What's wrong?" Javy asks, a little louder. Diego starts wailing once again. "He's got a high fever, he won't stop crying, he won't take a bottle, he cries when I let him down." I replied, pulling into the hospital parking lot. "I wish I was there." Javy sighed. "I do too. My parents are on their way." I tell him, my phone between my ear and shoulder. "I'm coming home." Javy says. "Babe," I start. "No. I need to be there with you and Diego. I wasn't there with you before I need to be there with you now. I'll make it there as soon as I can." Javy say. "Alright." I replied. "I love you." Javy tells me. "I love you too." I hang up. I grab Diego out of the backseat and walk into the ER. "Hi, how can I help you?" The receptionist asks. "My two week old son has a high fever, he's not taking his bottle, he won't sleep, won't stop crying." I sigh. "What's his full name?" She asks. "Diego Esteban Javier Matteo Baez." I say. "Date of birth?" She asked. I tell her. "Have a seat, it shouldn't be long." She tells me. I sit down and take Diego out of his seat. I take a pic of him when we get into a room. I post it on Instagram.

wrigley_caray98: Poor baby's first trip to the emergency room. 😢 @javy23baez
Tagged: javy23baez
Location: Rush University Medical Center: Emergency Room

I hold my son in my arms waiting for my parents. They walk in and mom comes over to me. "Aw, poor baby." Mom says. "Yeah, it sucks." I reply. "Javy's on his way but it's gonna take at least an hour." I tell her, rubbing Diego's hand who's laying on the ER bed with the rails up so he doesn't fall off. "Poor guy." Padre says. "I'm scared, Padre." I sighed, tears falling. "I know, Princess." Padre hugs me. "He's gonna be alright." He kisses the top of my head. It's almost an hour before a doctor comes back with results.

I walk into the hospital after getting home from Milwaukee early, with Joe's permission. I walk to the desk. "Can I help you?" The receptionist asks. "I need to see my son, Diego Baez." I say. "Relation?" She asks. "I already said, he's my son so that makes me his father." I said, getting a little angry. "I'm gonna need some identification." She tells me. "Are you kidding me?! My name is Javier Baez. My son is in there with a high fever. Let me in." I tell her. She walks out and comes back with someone. "This guy is trying to pass himself off as Javier Baez from the Cubs." She tells the security guard she brought back. I show him my license. "Really, Emily? That is Javier Baez." The guard hits the button to let me through. I ask a nurse and she tells me which room. I walk in and see Wrigley, her parents and Diego is sleeping on the bed. "Javy, you made it!" Wrigley stands up and hugs me. I hug her back and kiss her. "The dumbasses at the front desk not let me through. Pissed me off." I rolled my eyes. "Why?" She asks. "They didn't believe I was Javier Baez." I sit down and she sits in the chair next to me, grabbing my hand. "Pretty much everyone in Chicago knows you in Chicago." Her padre speaks up. "Yeah, I yelled at her. Nobody keeps me from seeing my son." I say. "Exactly." Her Mom says. The doctor comes in after knocking on the door. "Okay, little Diego has RSV which is common in babies. We wanna keep him here until we know how serious it is." Doctor says. We nod. Wrigley and I are both staying with him. Gosh, poor Diego.

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