Planning, Tongues, And All Seeing Eyes

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Chapter Eighteen

"Blood is thicker then water."

A month later in the land of Mercia the Queen Kwenthrith sat upon her throne listening to her beautiful daughter babble excitedly on her lap causing the older woman to smile in a warm and nurturing manner at the inky haired beauty with beautiful blue eyes that reminded the Queen so much of her lover who blessed her with such a gift as their daughter.

Suddenly the Queen's attention was drawn to the large double doors of the throne room being thrown open as her most trusted of her personal guard a former Viking warrior himself once named Osgan now known by Maxwell entered the chamber his attire no where near what it once was.

"Your majesty." Maxwell bowed respectfully towards the Queen before turning to the little Princess who smiled brightly at him making him grin warmly at her "Your grace."

Anna giggled loudly echoing through out the throne room causing the other guards to stifle a laugh at the young Princess' excitement.

Kwenthrith shook her head fondly before addressing Maxwell "You bring news?"

"Yes your majesty. Word has reached us that nearly two months now the Princess Daga is back in her homeland of Scandinavia."

Kwenthrith released a slow deep breath feeling her heart beat in double time. Maxwell hide his knowing smile by lightly bitting his lip "Shall I prepare for departure my lady?"

"Absolutely. We leave as soon as possible. Not a second later." Kwenthrith calmly demanded causing Maxwell to bow once more before turning to leave to make arrangements.

Anna had fallen silent as she watched the interaction between her mother and the man. Kwenthrith gazed down to meet her child's eyes and smiled warmly her eyes glisten with excitement "You're going to meet your mama soon little girl."

Anna suddenly beamed the brightest Kwenthrith had ever seen before and giggled madly making her bell like laughter to ring out loudly in the large room. Little did she or her mother know many miles across the sea at the exact same time the little Princess' mama was giving off that very same bell like giggle of utter joy.

Back in Kattegat the princess was bitting her tongue to keep from ripping the man across from her to shreds. She locked away the rage and animalistic blood lust as her blood warmed to nearly boiling beneath her skin, she was furious and she was quite and the larger blonde man across the room watching her every move stood ready for a fight at any moment. Prince Bjorn watched his elder sibling gaze heatedly at their father as he explained their trip they were to be taking by word of he former Christian Monk, Athelstan.

Bjorn could not for the life of him understand why his sister was as angry as she was at their father but felt it had more to do with the herbs he knew their father was taking. The medicine as the King claimed was gifted to him steadily by his personal slave a young small Asian woman by the name of Yidu, although she belonged to his father Bjorn noticed she also seemed extremely devoted to his older sister but gave it no thought as he knew his sibling had that effect on damn near everyone.

Daga finally had enough of holding her tongue "Paris of all places will be impossible to be taken."

The room fell silent as all eyes were drawn to the young woman who stood tall and confident meeting their eyes head on with out a flinch or a hint of backing down.

Ragnar felt himself floating heavily in the drug induced haze as a result of his herbs he had taken twenty minutes prior to their meeting shaking his head lightly he found his voice "Do you know something I don't?" He spoke calmly his words holding a softer edge then usually spoken with but that seemed to always be the case when he spoke to his daughter.

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