Another Life

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"The truth of the legend was simple The Greten Emperor was a ruthless warrior and a fierce leader but his heart was a matter only one woman had ever known, a living Goddess with flowing blood for hair, snow for skin, cobalt for eyes, and a body built for sin. Her intelligence unparalleled and her strength unmatched. She was everything evil and good combined into a package of flesh and blood and breath and the Emperor worshipped her. She held his heart, mind and soul in the palm of her hand without ever truly believing it but the Emperor knew and he wouldn't have it any other way."~

After sleeping for a few hours and a scolding hot bath Daga sat in front of the vanity of her personal bed chambers directly beside the Emperor's and aloud her chamber maids to brush her hair and style it into a charming bun with stray strands framing her face followed by her beautiful Greten dress of loose flowing white fabrics accented by gold embroideries and gold accessories. She left her feet bare and heavily outlined her Odin blue eyes top and bottom lids blending and smearing it out into a shadowy effect causing her gaze to further leave one breathless.

After dressing for the occasion she left and met the Emperor outside her door who was dressed in his best Greten robes and sandals all in white and gold.

"You look ravishing my Empress." Andreas breathed in shock as he gazed wantonly and admiringly over her form causing her to smile at him adoringly "I am no Empress, but I graciously thank you for your kind words."

Andreas smirked showing off the tip of a sharpened k9 "Why do you torture me so my love? Will I ever be worthy enough for you?"
Daga looked at him seriously before stepping close to him before gently reaching out and lightly touching the side of his handsome face "You have always been worthy Andreas... I simply know in my heart I am the one unworthy of you... Enough of this for tonight my sweet we have a feast to attend."

Andreas looked at her deeply for a moment searching her face for something she knew he wouldn't find because she wouldn't let him, and so with a slight shake of his head he offered her his arm and they went in the direction of the feasting hall.
Daga watched intently at the dancers moving upon their stage and tried desperately to ignore the longing and loving gazes that the Emperor bestowed upon her. The Norse Princess meant everything she had told the Greten man she truly believed herself unworthy of his love knowing how inherently good and true his heart and soul was she could not bare her darkness to taint the light that flowed through his veins as if he was the physical embodiment of the Greten God of the Sun, Apollo.
The Princess took a large sip of her delicious wine and smiled before clapping at the end of the performance the dancers all taking a bow.

"After all this time why did you return to me?" Andreas asked suddenly drawing Daga's attention towards him her eyes seeing through him as they always did "I traveled to Italia and I could not resist.. The call of your warmth was far too strong for me to resist."

Andreas shivered violently at her words drinking heavily from his goblet before turning once more to meet her gaze "You would not have to want for my warmth if you choose to stay."
Daga smiled sadly at him leaning forward ignoring the bustle and excitement around them focusing solely on the man who had so worked his way into her heart and soul "If I were to do such a thing your light would die out and eventually be replaced by cold darkness that would swallow everything inside of you up and leave you a shell of whom you were once."

"If that was true which I do not for a second believe I would gladly accept such a fate as long as you were by my side to guide me through the dark."

Daga took in a sudden shuddering breath before turning back to the party around them staying silent as did Andreas who looked off to the side his brow frowned and his bottom lip pressed tightly into his teeth drawing blood on the inside which he used to focus on his plan, the Emperor of The Greten Islands was not a man who gave up easily and he would give up his empire if only to claim the Norse Princess as his beloved.
Later that night Daga sat down upon the end of her luxurious bed and gently brushed through her once more wild curly hair, she smiled at the wonderful shine and spring her hair had now since having been washed in pomegranate water and dabbed through with the finest olive oil. A sudden knock upon her door caused her to pause before sitting the brush on her vanity on the way to the door.

Opening the door she wasn't surprised to find Andreas on the other side of the door but she was surprised as the legendary warrior grabbed her by the side of her face and waist and yanked her flush against his person kissing her passionately kicking the door shut behind him as he walked to her bed hiking her legs up and wrapping her thighs around his hips falling gently back onto the bed caging her beneath him and pinning her between him and the bed.

Finally pulling back Daga gasped for air as Andreas breathed heavier his eyes shifted to a glossy obsidian black reflecting great affection and adoration down upon her leaving her further difficulty in her breathing.


"You once told me you would never deny me any thing I asked of you and yet you denied me the gift and privilege to call you my wife and Empress will you further break your word and deny me the chance to once more lavish your body with my touch and worship your presence like the starving man that I am for the touch of my Goddess?"

Daga felt tears burn her eyes as she yanked him down to her in a searing kiss. She could not take away his light but she would selfishly indulge in the love he bestowed upon her for the feelings she felt for the magnificent man above her had not coursed through her veins since she met her son's father.

That night in that room love was made, that night in that room there were no Gods, no lands to rule and conquer, there was no worries of any kind. Daga wasn't a Berserker, a Princess or an Earl. Nor was she a mother or a warrior she was a simple woman who aloud her self to believe she deserved a love as true as his.
That night Andreas wasn't an Emperor, a warrior or powerful he was merely a man desperate for the loving touch of the only woman he had ever loved like a man lost in the desert dying of thirst. She quenched his thirst, she restored his strength and reminded him of his place. Together the two did not care what happened outside their walls because they were just like everyone else if only for a moment.

Little did they know another life was being intertwined with theirs...

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