Welcome Home Goddess

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~"Hello Darkness, my old friend."~

Over the next month the group prepared for departure before packing up the new fleet of Long Boats that Floki had built and set sail once more for Paris.

Daga stood at the front of the main ship which Floki had built mainly with her in mind since the head of the ship had a snarling bear head which she couldn't help but grin at. The open ocean made Daga uneasy and yet it was her greatest comfort, she had much respect for the seas just as she did anything else to do with nature in its self.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Harald asked coming to stand beside her overlooking the front of the boat.

"It is." Daga kept her reply short and polite causing Harald to sigh "I owe you an apology."
Daga turned to face the King "Oh?" He nodded his head "I do, I apologize for the way I let things get before Paris. I believed you dead after wards and spent the all these years in deep regret and sadness at the mere belief you were already awaiting me in Valhalla."
Daga's face slowly warmed up as a small smile crossed her lips "And who says it would be you I would have been awaiting in Valhalla?"
Harald puffed out a breath "Wishful thinking I guess for I know if the roles had been reversed i would have gladly awaited your arrival as ever obediently."

The pair stared intently at one another before finally Daga turned her gaze back to the space in front of her "There may be hope for you yet Finehair." Before turning to walk back to the main deck where her brothers and Floki stood leaving a boyishly grinning Harald behind in her wake.
As they arrived at Paris their arrival was definitely not welcome until Daga confidently strolled up and spoke in perfect Parisian "I am Daga Sanngrior I am here to see Prince Robert."

The guards faltered before the leader sent word up to the palace where word was quickly returned to let them enter. The guards took Daga, Bjorn, Floki, Saga, Hvitserk, Harald and Halfdan up to the a throne room where when they entered Daga saw her Uncle Rollo who stood from his throne beside his wife Gisela and their children who stood beside them.

"My Nieces! My Nephews! How wonderful to see you all! Daga and Bjorn you look wonderful." Rolling greeted them warmly in Norse as he looked them over.

"Robert, these savages should not be here." Gisela hissed at her husband disdainfully in Parisian causing Daga to laugh and draw her attention "Savage? I prefer Heathen." Daga spoke highly amused her words perfectly spoken in Parisian shocking Gisela and impressing Rollo.

"You speak Parisian?" Gisela asked Daga who in turn stepped forward causing the guards to shift before being waved off by Rollo. Daga stepped all the way forward and gently held both hands out in a what can you do gesture "I speak many languages. You have such a dislike for us but you forget so easily that your husband came from us."

Gisela frowned heavily at her "I did not forget but my husband is no longer of your kind, he has been baptized and is a Prince."

Daga raised an eyebrow "And I am a Northmen Pagan and a Princess with many other titles of power and such to my name. I did not come here to corrupt your newly sanctified husband I came because I need to speak with my Uncle."

Rollo stepped down to come face to face with his beloved niece "What do you need of me?" Truly ready to give her anything she ask of him.

"Robert!" Gisela hissed only to be waved off by a Rollo who ordered a guard to escort her to her sitting room with the children only for him to be paused as he called his children over "I want you to meet my sons Marcel and David, and my daughter Cisela."

Daga smiled at them all seeing their futures flash before her eyes before giggling as Marcel stuck his tongue out at Floki who smiled brightly at the rude behavior. Cisela looked up to meet Daga's stare and the red haired woman found her self crouching down to meet her stare easier, the little girl had emerald green eyes with a few tiny flecks of yellow in each one. The Gods had big plans for the honey haired little girl.

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