Past Predictions

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~"Hell have no fury like a woman scorned."~

The atmosphere within Kattegat had never been more full of buzz and gossip, the residents of the lively city all paid no fault to the children of their so called King. Especially the Princess Daga whom many had wished would have driven her blade through the King's neck and been done with it. Within the Long House it was a chaotic mess as servants and slaves alike all flee to and fro trying to prepare for the night's feast for the Lothbrok family.

Aslaug weaved the thin strains of fabric together into tightly woven braids expertly keeping her hands busy and her mind focused on other things that were not the chaos the day had turned into, glancing up she noticed it was a few hours before sunset began and she felt her self shudder violently causing her kohl lined eyes to squeeze shut as she tried desperately to center herself.

How had this become her life? Yes she was born a Princess one who was gifted by the Gods with visions but how exactly had she come to cross paths with the great Ragnar Lothbrok? How had she come to bare a man of his standing three sons? Aslaug remembered being a young girl and dreaming of the day she would marry a wonderful man of power who would love her and treasure her, who she would gladly bare as many children for as the Gods aloud. The Queen remembered the nights she would pray to come to bare at lest one daughter in her life, and in some ways the older woman guessed they had answered her prayers. She may not have physically bared a daughter but she did have one, Daga.

Over the years Daga had become a saving grace to the older woman, Aslaug was no fool she never imagined that she would win the love and respect of the magnificent warrior that was Daga Sanngrior she never imagined that her step daughter would come to be as important to her as she had but Aslaug wouldn't have it any other way.  The Queen had come to depend on Daga heavily especially over the few years since the siege on Paris and her husband's disappearance off to Gods know where.

"Something troubling you?" The red head asked calmly causing Aslaug to look up at her towering step daughter who gazed down at her with knowing blue eyes.

Aslaug smiled fondly and shook her head before returning to her hand braiding "I was just thinking of how blessed I am to have lived the life I have come to live. The Gods have blessed me more then I could have imagined."

Daga crouched down to eye level with her step mother before flopping her head side ways into her step mother's lap causing the older woman to chuckle "Yes, blessing you with a horrid husband who mistreats you and left you behind to rule and raise three children by yourself as well as put up with the antics of two step children who did not make life easy for you in the slightest when it was definitely within their power to do so."

Aslaug gently tangled her fingers through Daga's vibrant crimson curls and lightly scratched her scalp causing Daga to melt in her step mother's lap "The Gods granted me what I always dream of which was to be a mother, it was not easy but motherhood never is if any one is to understand that it is you my love. I was given four sons and a daughter not to mention two beautiful granddaughters and a strong grandson. I am blessed. Truly."

Daga leaned her head up once more to gaze at the older woman and found her heart warmed at the honesty with in her eyes "I love you."

Aslaug smiled her beaming grin her eyes lighting up with blinding twinkles and soft crinkles around the edges "My dearest beauty, I love you oh so more."

The mother and daughter stayed in silence watching the horizon as the sun began to set knowing full well the trouble that awaited them when they returned for supper.
"Would anyone else like to point out how incredibly horrible this is gonna be or am I the only one has the balls to admit it out loud?" Sassa calmly asked before taking a hearty sip of her goblet of mead.

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