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Cordell and I met more than 6 years ago and every day I find another reason to love him. Our relationship hasn't been perfect and there have been times that I was overwhelmed but we promised each other we would always talk when we have problems and we do. Cordell is 26 now and I am 40 and he still can't keep his hands off of me. Our sex life is the best it's ever been and we always make time to date each other and travel. We never let being an author, producer or parent keep us from being alone and enjoying each other and I'm not talking sex I'm talking intimacy. The insecurities that I had when we first met resurface every now and again especially since I've turned 40 but as soon as they do Cordell immediately does something that lets me know how much he loves me and desires to be with me. He's very perceptive when it concerns me. My children have matured so much over the years too. Valente is 19, in college and he has a steady girlfriend and they are very much in love. Zay is almost 21 and he's popular with the ladies. He had his heart broken and since then he plays the field. He's very transparent with the young women that he dates and they are okay with being one of many women and I can't judge them for that. My miracle baby, Cordelia is our pride and joy. She is extremely spoiled and I don't mean materialistically, I mean with love. She can do no wrong in the eyes of her grandparents or her brothers. She attends her Auntie Kass daycare and she is as smart as can be. Zay and Valente have used my daughter to meet women.

Dell is the best father on the planet although he's only 4 years older than Zay and 6 years older than Valente they have a father-son relationship. They always turn to Cordell for advice and he has swayed them from making costly mistakes in the past. The boys treat and respect him like a father and not just my husband. We are such a close family and that's the way it's supposed to be. Dell was the only child and he always wanted to have a big family and I am happy that the stars aligned and we met each other when we did.

Cordell produces beats and he has worked with some of the hottest names in music. I'm currently working on my final novel, it's a love story detailing me and Dell's relationship and when I'm done I will no longer write. My husband makes more than enough money nowadays to support us financially and that's what he intends to do. Our net worth has tripled, individually and as a couple. I look back over the years that we have shared and I realize that our love is special. Six years is far from an eternity and it isn't an indicator that we will be together forever but we have learned so much from each other and grown from the mistakes that we've made in the past. I rarely hear of successful marriages where the wife is so much older than the husband but I'm living proof that it does happen. We have been fortunate enough to have people in our lives that realized our love succeeded our age difference and they continually support us. I love him so much and I love the family that we have made. I couldn't imagine sharing my life with anyone else but Cordell. In all of my life I've never envisioned that I would meet and fall in love with someone who is 14 years younger than I am but I am so happy that our paths crossed. I wouldn't change anything about our love story so far, not even his cheating because it strengthened our bond. That which was meant to tear us apart only made us stronger. Cordell and I truly share a love worth having.

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