the first day of sophmore year.

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Hey, a little author note from 2018 a year almost 2 after writing this story. ITS A WRECK,, and I know that, but for some reason people like this shit show. But if you guys are going to comment on dumb spelling errors or other small things, uhm lmao? Just don't? Alright, also to let you know i have some langst one shots, and uh neat, cool beans.

It was all kinda sudden. The summer flew by and Keith was kind of sad that he would have to put his skates to a rest. But he surprisingly managed to make a friend, sort of, he wouldn't exactly call one of the most popular guys at school a friend, and they had known each other for quite some time, but over the summer, something changed. Maybe not for Keith because he always had noticed Lance but no, something must have changed for Lance McClain

Ever since freshman year, Keith was crushing hardcore for lance, he might have even been in love with him, he wasn't really ready to admit it was real. Not untill that summer.

Lance and Keith had both joined a skating contest, Keith didn't even know Lance skated so it was already a surprise. But little did they know they had more in common then just roller skating. Because that summer they both were met by a little old man and they both received a powerful gift. After that, things started to change, they both dropped out of the contest, for it seemed neither of them would have the time.

Lance moved to Paris his freshman year, his best friend Hunk knew everything about him, but Lance could never tell him that he was falling for Parises one and only ladybug. Ladybug was everything he never thought he needed. The way his long black hair swooped perfectly over his beautifully deep purple eyes, or the way he always swore never to tell anyone his secret identity or the way that ladybug was just such a mystery. It was corny and stupid. what would hunk think?

Pidge was Keiths best and most of the time only friend. And Pidge knew how much his best friend was in love with Lance McClain. Kieth always talked about the way Lance talked about his family like there was nothing else, or his beautiful blue eyes reminded him of the ocean, or how kind Lance was, even though the two were supposed to be rivals. But even the way Lance talked about going to space someday, he was so sure of himself, that made Keith crazy.

But today was the first day, and the two had to put the summer in the past. Lance madly in love with ladybug, and Keith madly in love with Lance, the two would never be together, they were just so damn helpless.

Keith walked in and sat in his usual place next to his best friend Pidge and right behind Lance who sat next to Hunk. That's where the trouble began. Nyma came rushing in with her slave of a friend Cana. Nyma who had a major crush on Lance, and Lance totally oblivious to it started talking.

"Hey Lanceee!" She shrieked, the words rolled off her tongue with persuasion.

"How was your summer?!.. Well mine was sooo amazing, my dad flew me around the world and I got to see so many fashion designers!!!" Nyma spoke loud and annoying giving lance no time to speak even if he wanted to answer the question.

"Oh, uh.. hey Nyma I'm happy to see you, my summer was great, I had a hu-" all of a sudden he was interrupted by her shrikes.

"O-M-G, I'm so happy you had a good summer!" She said before he could even finish the good part. She started talking to Cana.

"Ya... Thanks, class is starting, don't want to get in trouble on the first day..." he spoke quietly, it's not like she was listening anyway.

"God Keith snap out of it!" he had been staring a hole into the back of Lance's head observing his every movement. keith could tell he was upset.

"Just tell him that you love him and get it over with!" Pidge said angerly while whisper yelling.

"Pidge, it's not that simple, dont you think I would have done that a long time ago?" Keith had been crushing on Lance for the past year. And everytime Keith talked to Lance his words came out jumbled and werid, he sounded like a gay Yoda and it wasn't fun, nor cute, what would lance think?

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