Far From The Truth

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Nothing they said to each other was a lie, they just hadn't shared the who they were under there masks. They were both in love with each other, and the other had no idea of the pain they caused.

Lance went to school the next day with slight confusion, Nyma was all up in his face about some kiss that he didn't quite remember, Keith was quieter than usual and his eyes where tinted red, but out of all the places his eyes wondered that morning they never met with Lances. He was concerned, before Keith never stopped looking and even Lance knew that, but something was off, and he could feel it. Even Pidge hadn't said a word all day. They where all listening, to the teacher, no, they were all listening to themselves think. And that's not the best thing to do.

"Keith?" Lance finally spoke to him hours later at lunch. Keith tried brushing lance off and just walk away, but lance was getting angry now, lance repeated himself.                                                     "Keith!" he turned around not looking Lance in the eyes.               "What do you want lance?" Keith's eyes still not meeting Lances, an Lance still confused.     "Whats, wrong, did i do something to you?" Keith enraged that lance didn't even remember decided to walk away.

Lance went home that day, he was worried about Keith, what the hell could he have done to make Keith so mad, and sad? He laid there wondering what could have Keith so shook. It was odd, lance didn't remember the last 10 minutes of class, but he did remember looking over to see Keith, and his face was so hurt, and that concerned him more than anything. Lance set off to tell him that he was worried and that they needed to talk when he got a message.

An angry gay: Meet me 6th main, now!
A sighing bi: on my way.
"The hell is this" Cat said after seeing what they were up against.
"Our end if you don't move" lady pushing Cat out of the way. And the acumatized victim moving closer.
"She's a hypnosis, I think, and everyone in Paris will be under her control if we don't stop her. DON'T AND I REPEAT, DON'T LOOK IN HER EYES!!" The two trying to figure out what her plan was, and where the acuma was.
"It's in the necklace kitty" and with that the two raced to the girl.
After the two deafeted her something strange started to happen. Lance started to remember things he wasn't sure he even did. That's when he remembered. He was making out with Nyma when Keith walked in. But that could only mean, that Keith liked Lance.

"Shit, Keith" Cat mumbled under his breath.
"Did you just say... Keith?" Lady's face growing in concern.
"Yea... I messed up ladybug, I have to go." Cat running off into the distance.

Keith lay there in bed, almost asleep. He still wasn't sure what happened with Cat, and he wasn't over Lance. Then he received a text.

A sighing bi: I need some advice
An angry gay: okay..
A sighing bi: I need to tell someone I'm sorry.
An angry gay: who
A sighing bi: aren't we not supposed to share personal names and stuff.
An angry gay: well you already came to me so dosesnt matter now.
A sighing bi: Keith
A sighing bi: Keith Kogane

Keith's eyes widening

An angry gay: okay.... Why do you  need to tell him your sorry?
A sighing bi: I think he likes me, and I didn't realize this cause I was under the control of Nyma (the girl who was acumatized) but I kissed her, and he saw.
An angry gay: tell him your sorry?
A sighing bi: will it work?
And angry gay: in person.
A sighing bi: okay. Gtg I'm going to do this now.

Keith completely​ and utterly confused decided to just in case, take out the trash, or put it in his closet and call it good. The trash bag had every picture possible of Lance.
The door bell rang.

"Hello" Keith said while trying to look suprised
"May I help you?"
"Ya, we need to talk, can I come in?"
"Umm, I suppose."

The two walking up stairs to Keith's room.
"What do you want Lance?"
"I have to apologise... I don't know how, or why I did that. But I'm sorry."
"Lance, what are you talking about?"
"You know what I'm talking about Keith" Keith was scared as hell.
"Umm, I have a question"
"Go on"
"What where you doing about two hours ago?"
"I-I was..."
"I knew it"
"It's not what it sounds like"
"It's exactly what it sounds like.... Cat Noir." Lance's eyes widening
"Excuse me?" Keith pulling out his phone still not sure if this was the right thing to do
"Keith?... What the hell"
"I don't know"

And one thing led to another. But not before Keith's eyes fluttered open.

Keith: SHIT!
Pidge: Keith???
Keith: shitttttttt
Pidge: what the hell, what's going on??????
Keith: meet me, my house nowwwwwwwwww
Pidge: Keith!
Keith: I have to tell you something, and I need your help with something too.
Pidge: on my way.
"Okay so what was it that you needed Keith"
"I need you to track someone for me"
"Let me guess"
"Yes, but not like that, there's more to it.. Pidge im-"
"I don't want to hear it, I'll just do it"
"Thank you"
"Your going to have to get something that he never takes off... I know! That ugly ring"
The next day Keith set off, to get lances horrid ring. He ligit never took it off so there was a slight flaw in his plan. But he still had an idea. Lance always took a shower right after a competition, therefore he would have to take of his ring. And luck Keith there was a big competition today and that's when he would strike.
Lance was just getting in the shower when Keith took out his little friend Tikki and she went through and took his ring out of his bag.

Keith: got it, what now?
Pidge: on my way where are you?
Keith: uhh, I'll meet you outside the chem labs.
Pidge: I'm already there
Keith: I know, I see you

"Why were you walking from the direction of the boys locker room?"
"Shut up" Pidge slowly putting the tracker in place.
"Thanks I'm going to go return this now"
"Have fun"

Keith on his way back to the locker room had Tiki put the ring back in Lance's bag and then running out of the room before he got caught.
A sighing bi: hey
An angry gay: hi.

Okay I have a fucking tree on my house the actual fuck.

Next chapter will be out tonight or tomorrow morning.

Also, any ideas// or suggestions?


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