The Truths No One Saw Coming

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As Keith was laying in the hospital, Lance couldn't help but think that all this was his fault. Maybe he should of watched over Keith, he knew he was having nightmares and Lance just fell asleep. That's when things started getting bad again. Lance had been struggling with something, and he wasn't sure with what for a long time. After his mom died and he had to move with his dad away from his siblings things couldn't have gotten​ worse. But this felt worse. Something had shifted.
Keith had woken up and gotten stitches, four to be precise, he would be getting to go home the next day. But Lance, there was something wrong. And as Keith was getting better, Lance was getting worse. Keith was being happy, and Lance didn't want to ruin any of that, so he stayed happy too. But there was things that couldn't go unnoticed. Lance just seemed distant, and Keith didn't know why.. was it because if him?
Days went by, and Keith was getting worried, he had gone home and things were getting better, but it seemed only for him. Lance wasnt getting better, which confused Keith cause he didn't even know something was wrong. He wanted to help Lance but he didn't know how. That might have been his first mistake, not trying to figure things out before they got out of hand.
Lance was staring at his celling which had exactly 474 glow in the dark starts on it. He liked to wonder what was out there. Everything seemed to be right outside of his grasp. Everyone, seemed to be right outside of his grasp. He couldn't deal anymore. He had stopped, stopped eating, talking, smiling, just stopping. This was no surprise to his dad, this had happened several times before and Lance always seemed to get better. It was only after 8 days did his dad know something was wrong. Lances face seemed pale, he hadn't gone to school for the past two weeks, his dad  didn't mind for the fact he didn't want him to go to school anyways. Everyone was worried, even Landon who didn't really know Lance, nor like him.
And just when everyone started to see lance at school again did they think he was better. But he wasn't, he was just there. And only there because his dad was sick of him not doing anything. Lance had missed several patrols but he couldn't help it. Lance barely made it out of bed let along fight some mega douge who had bad intentions. Keith saw Lance, he was moping the halls, he seemed so empty, he started walking down the stairs and started to trip before Keith caught him and held him tightly. Keith looked into Lance's once happy ocean blue eyes, and what seemed to be peace was now a hurricane. It was damaging, and Keith thought he saw it all. But that was before Lance tugged away and something caught his eye, but he didn't say anything. And that was his second mistake. The oddly straight lines carved to what looked like all over his left arm, and maybe even right. But Keith didn't have time to talk before Lance left.
He had seen them. Keith had seen the one thing Lance tried so desperately to hide. But what hurt most, Keith hadn't said anything. He just let him walk away. He didn't care. Lance knew that maybe he didn't but it was all so real. He started to choke as tears came streaming down his face, at first slowly and singular. But the more he thought about everything  like the way his friends though he was just a joke, or how he worked so hard for everything and got nothing, how he was just a constant reminder to his dad of his fallen mother. Lance couldn't help but think, how thing would be so much easier if he were just to stop. To stop breathing, to stop living. He couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't put up with all the shade the world had thrown at him. Lance was done, and at this point.. nothing could save him from jumping of the edge of sanity. He wrote a letter, hands shaking wild, what would he say. Words, later and a damp face, he was finished.
He walked right to the Altea, Keith wasn't home so he left it on he counter. He saw Keith go in but Keith didn't see him leave, and so. That would be the last time Lance saw Keith Kogane.
"Hey, Allura? Who left this here?"
"Oh, hunny. Im not sure."
"Okay, thanks."
Keith walked up the stairs in fast paces. He aggressively unfolded the letter.

"I know your gonna hate me. But Keith, I can't do this anymore. I love you. And I wish I could say that you loved me, but that's your choice. I wanted to see you, but I knew that I couldn't​ talk to you. It seems that nothing is going to get better anyway. I'll never be the man my dad wants me to be, he doesn't love me. I'm not who you want me to be. I'm not who anyone wants me to be. I'm just not.. what you want. You deserve so much better than me. You deserve a guy who isn't like me. Dont think this is your fault. I can't be Cat Noir, in fact I think Pidge or Hunk should take my place they could both do better than me. And as for you... I want you not to be sad. I know that this is a sad thing, but you'll need to move on eventually, why not start now? I wanted to say goodbye. But.. wheres the 'good' in goodbye. So I guess, bye Keith Kogane.

Keith was completely in tears, he didn't know how much time he had, all he knew was that he had to get to Lance's house before he could. That would be hard to run all the way to the McClain Manor, so he thought about the next best thing. Ladybug.

He transformed faster than usual. But that was for the better part of it.
Lance had just gotten home, he took of his army green jacket that hid away everything no one needed to see. Every little red mark, to every big red mark. Lance was scared, but something about dieing in the next few minutes made things easier to him. He turned the clear nob all the way hot, then slowly adjusted the water so he didn't burn himself. He didn't take anything off after his jacket. He rummaged through the droor as he found it. Something so small, yet could cause so much damage. Sliver, and sharp. He slowly got into the shower, water flowing out draining the clear liquid from the bottom of the sink. He stopped it a little over half way, tears steaming down his face...

To be continued bitches.
Suggestions are cool.


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