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To clarify this one is going to be shorter than usual, I'm tiered and will probably add more in the morning.

"wait" Lance said with his left eyebrow slowly moving up "I might have an idea about who he's talking about... But you can't say anything. Promise" both Pidge and Hunk looked at one nother then back at Lance.

"I think he was talking about his parents.. his birth parents.."
"Wait! Wh-"
"Shhhh Pidge your gonna wake him up" Lance whispered with slight anger in his voice.
"Sorry, but Shiro and Allura aren't his real parents?!"
"Nada, at least thats what Shiro said. Keith was adopted at 14."
"I mean, he never told me and I've known him for so long... I-I just thought he had to move around alot..."
"I'm sorry Pidge he probably would have told you sooner or later."
"Or never..."
The morning had a weird affect on that day, the sun seemed to shine just a little too bright, and Keith had a gut feeling something went terribly wrong the night before. Pidge and Hunk were sprawled on an air mattress that had been laid down the night before. Lance was next to him but something was odd. Something happened and he knew it. But he didn't really know what to do, nobody else was up so he slowly fell back asleep.
"Wake up sleepy head" Lance said around 12:30. "You need to get up"

Little did Lance know the dream Keith was having. Yet again Keith had killed his father and Lance. But he couldn't put a finger as to why he was dreaming this. His father hadn't even died, well. Maybe. All Keith knew as that he disappeared and Keith one day woke up in a foster home.

"Keith" Lance said while shacking the hell out of him.
"Yo" Keith said while smiling hut his eyes were still closed.
"What the hell"
"Wake up. Pidge and Hunk just left and your parents went to the store about 20 minutes ago.
"Oh sorry." Keith said finnaly opening his eyes "what shall we do today?"
"Actually.. I thought we could go to my house and watch some movies​, and then around 8:30 ish we can head out for patrol"
"Sounds great I'll put some clothes on and we can head out."
"Oh and Keith we don't have school tomorrow so Pidge wants us to come over to a sleepover​."
"Oh, okay sure, I'll pack some clothes too then"

Keith packed light, some black shorts, a red and orange tee, and boxers. A blanket and pillow. And what seemed to be like at least 14 movies.
"Let's go" Keith said slipping on some sneakers heading in the detection of the stairs.
"Okay but actually.. what were you dreaming about last night, when you said 'i didn't kill them'.. please tell me."
"What could be so bad Keith!"
"You wanna know? You really want to fucking know?!"
"I killed you! And my dad.. and I don't know why, but everytime I close my eyes I just imagne looking down at my hands. And in the silence I can hear the two of yours harmonized voices saying 'you killed us' over and over and I can't stand it! And it would really be nice if you lay off! Okay?"
"Let's just go.. okay?"
The ride over was silent. The two had nothing to say. But that's when keith decided he had an idea.
"Soooo when we get there can we watch mothman?"
"What the hell is mothman?!"
"You'll find out"
"That was...... I don't even know"
"Great right?"
3 movies later and 5 bags of popcorn and they were off into the night. It was decently quiet accept for a bank robbery which was easily fixed and the person was sent to jail. The night was boring and they headed back to Lance's at about 9:45 ish.

Pidge: where the hell are you guys!?"
Lance: sorry got held up. On way.
Pidge: I hate you.
*Ding dong*
"Come innn" Pidge yelling from inside the house.
"After you"

"Hey" Pidge said after they got in the house.
"Hi" Lance responded slowly.
"Hey" Keith said while looking up.

"So Hunk and I just finished playing Mario carts and I of course won. But.. we can watch a movie, if you guys want"
"Actually.." Keith said
"Yes?" Pidge actually intrigued
"Let's play another round. But this time the winner gets to pick the movie."
"Okay" they all agreed​

"I call Mario" Lance yelled.
"Im Princess Peach!" Keith said while jumping over and on to the coach.
"Well I'm going to be Bowser and beat all of your asses so it's fine anyway!" Pidge said while picking up a controller.
"Actually, I think I'm just going to make some food. Pidge.. don't loose, god only knows what Lance or Keith would pick."
"What the hell!!!" Pidge said while taking off her glasses and rubbing the bridge of her nose. "How did I loose to Princess Peach?!?!"
"Cause I'm better than you" Keith said while smirking
"Well what movie do you wanna watch Keith."
"You know what movie"
"NOT MOTHMAN" Lance yelled.
"No, no. Not mothman.. Ariel...." Keith said while looking down.
"Wait.. what?" Lance said.
"It's been his favorite movie sence he was like 12."
"Omg my boyfriend is a dweeb... But.. a sweet dweeb."

Pidge started the movie and song after song everyone stood up and sang. Everyone was so consumed in this wonderful Disney movie about a girl who gave up everything for love. It was a long and wild night and they just watched Disney movie after Disney movie and they just danced and sung at the top of there lungs.
But the movies where all over and everyone was asleep. But Keith couldn't allow himself to shut his eyes for more than a second.

I don't even know at this point, I'm just tired.
And that's where I'm gonna stop. *Slams phone on table*
Only skinny jeans will get that.
Ps skinny jeans is going to be in next chapter.


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