What A Plan

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Keith went to open the letter when Lance came barging in.

"Hey Ke-" Lance said before stoping. "What?"
"Keith? Why is your shirt all bloody?"
"Oh, umm. Uh- so I had a bloody nose this morning.."
"Okay, truth please?"
"Twas the truth."
"Well I need to change so you can wait in here or out there."
"I'll wait out there."
"Okay I have to get some clothes first so let's go."
Keith got a black shirt with black ripped up skinny jeans. Then proceeding to go into the bathroom to change. But Lance was persistent. He slowly pushed open the bathroom door as Keith was pulling his shirt over his head. Red. Blood staind the once white wrap that had been so tight Keith didn't even know how he was breathing. Lance was about to barge in when Kieth stated to unwrap the bloody mess. Lance didn't know what to do so he stayed back watching Keith grimice in the pain. Thats when Lance came in.

"What the hell Keith!" Lance wasn't sure what he was supposed to feel so he kinda just had a face of mixed emotions.
"I'm, l-lance it's okay." Keith said trying to hide the sadness he was feeling with a small smile.
"You don't look fine. The blood running down your side dosent look fine! When did this happen?"
"When... I walked home this morning.."
"Why didn't you just stay at Pidges."
"My stomach hurt.."
"You know Keith, I'm starting to not believe that, that isn't why you left."
"Know what, your right. I couldn't sleep cause I've been having the same damn nightmare and it hurts. Okay, I don't know where my father is but what if I actually did kill him? Or what if I cant save him or you or anyone, when I'm ladybug? What if my dream is going to be reality? What if I kill you guys!?"
"Keith-" right then he fell to the floor, eyes flickering with a sence that seemed he was holding on for dear life.
"SHIRO!" Lance cried untill he could hear the man running up the stairs.
"Lance what do you-" Shiro stoped as he opened the bathroom door to find his beloved son laying there unconscious.
"What happened?!" Shiro said strong but as Lance looked up he could tell Shiro was holding back tears.
"I don't know.. he was changing and I walked in, he told me about a dream he was having and then fell to the ground."
"We have to get him to a hospital." Shiro spoke soft, he started to pick Keith's limp body from the floor.
Allura, Shiro, and Lance all sitting around Keith when the door swung open, but it was no doctor.
"What the hell! Who you are you?!" Lance said with an angry expression. "I think you have the wrong room!"
"Well I think not. This is where Kieth Kogane is, right?"
"Yes.." Shiro finnaly tuned in. "An you are?"
"Oh sorry, my name's Landon. I hate for us to meet like this, but this morning around 5 ish a group of 6 people where ganging up on Keith. I helped him home but I left cause I had to help my mom. I was gonna come back but there was no one when I got there so I figured.."
"Oh my-" Allura started to stand and give Landon a hug when he backed away. "Well thanks so much."
"Your welcome, I came to make sure he was alive now that he is I can die a glorious death."
"Oh" Lance said while looking up. "You seem a little odd to have saved Keith. How do we know your not the one to do this?"
"La-" Shiro begun but was interrupted
"It's okay. Because, does 'Nyma' ring a bell?"
"Oh . My . Fuck . "
"Language" Shiro said while looking at Lance rasing his eyebrow.
"Yes, Nyma does ring a bell and that bi- the cun- that name I can't use did this to Keith?!"
"I believe so, with 3 kids with black ish hair, a kid with red, and another with blue."
"Well I don't know who the ones with black hair are, I do know the other two. Blake and Sam are gonna get it-" Lance moved his lips but after he heard Blake and Sam he lost it. Everything after that was just words, Landon had a plan and he would fix the issue.
"I have to go home now, it's was neat meeting you peeps, I'll be back in a few hours but for now, peace out."
They all said bye but where confused by the young man they had just met. He was weird but seemed like a generally good person.
Landon saw them, the two boys at a hotopic, he saw an opportunity and he took it. He knew the one with blue hair had been the one to stab Keith but Landon wanted to do something worse than stab him, Landon approached the two.
"Hey did you hear about Keith?"
"Isn't that the gay guy? What about him?" Sam said while trying not to seem suspicious.
"He died this morning, everyone thinks he tried to kill himself, his parents found him in his bathroom earlier today.."
"Omg Blake! What did i-"
"Calm down it probably wasn't your fault you seem nice."
"Seem" Sam said while walking away.
Landon figured that would be enough as to Sam was Blake's only friend besides this one girl that never shuts the hell up. Landon​ figured that was torture enough.
Landon went back to the hospital to find Keith's parents still sitting there waiting for a sigh that there little boy would be okay.
"Your back" Lance scared the shit out of Landon. He hadn't even noticed the boy siting behind him.
"I am"
"Where did you go"
"Had to take care if a few things, anything interesting?"
"Other than a few turns, no" Shiro said with slight disappointment in his voice.
But Sam didn't die, and his parents didn't find him in the bathroom. And nobody got phone calls.
Blake was guilty, but he called up his horrible friend, and talked to her. She made Blake feel better about things.
"Landon, what the hell, why would you do that to Blake."
"I know, I feel really bad about it.. but are they okay.?"
"Well Blake is, I need to talk to sam. And really, so do you!"
The call ended. And Landon felt something he wasn't sure was possible.
"Sorry I had to take a phonecall from my... Sister"
"Didn't know you had one?"
"Oh, he's like a sister, we're really close."
"Well goodnight guys"
"Goodnight." They all said as Landon stepped out of the room, he felt accomplished, but sad, and he wasn't sure why. But they we're alive, and he needed to apologise.
The very next day, Landon admitted to it. Sam was angry, but decided that it wasn't worth it and forgave him, but was still pretty mad. Blake already had a thing for him and they decided that maybe they  try things out. And as for Landons sister, well, she just ate some food and watched from a distance.

Are you happy skinny jeans, you almost killed two peeps.
Suggestions​ are cool
I edited this cheaper, cause it was really shady, and rude. It's better now though so whatevva.


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