Complications With Plan A

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A sighing bi: wake upppp
An angry gay: up
A sighing bi: I don't want to go to school.
An angry gay: I'm at school
A sighing bi: Im on my way.

Excuse me Keith, it would be great if you were to put your phone down and pay attention.

An angry gay: gtg!
A sighing bi:I just got here, and bai

Keith delighted to see lance put his phone in his bag and started to stare remembering he had brought cookies.
"Hey, who wants cookies?" Hunk immediately turning around and staring Keith right in the eyes.
"I want cookies... What type?"
Keith sitting there frightened.
"Uhh.. Mint chocolate chip. I assume you want some"
Hunk happily shaking his head.
" Yes please." Lance now truned around cunfezzled.
"Where did you get those from." Keith suprised that Lance had even notice him.
"Uh, my parents shop.. want one?" Lance smiling for reassurance.
"Are you trying to kill me, or are they okay ot eat." Hunk rasing his eyebrow in disgust.
"No, no, there not poisoned, I  wouldn't do that to Hunk, or Pidge"
Lance taking the cookie out of Keiths hand gently rubbing there fingers together before Keith pulled away.

After that Keith felt like crying, the love of his life was giving him attention and Keith was completely oblivious.

School flew by and before Kieth realized it, he was in his parents bakery making cookies for class tomorrow. But he decided that tonight's batch would be different. He took the star cookie cutter and firmly cut out exactly 24 cookies, then proceeding to frost them in light and dark blue frosting. Keith finally satisfied with his work placed the cookies into a bag.
Hours later Cat and lady found themselves atop the usual building, things were still quiet, and the two decided to talk like they had the night before.

"I have something to tell you, and I-I don't want this to change things, but I need to get this off my chest." Cat Noir said firmly while at first looking at ladybug now adjusted his eyes to the beautiful stars.
"Yes?" Lady said ready for an answer.
"Ladybug, im-im in love with you.." the cheeks under Cats mask where getting hot, and if it weren't for the way the night was just dark enough that lady couldn't see his face, Cat would have exploded.
"See Cat, there's this guy in my class, an I really really like him.. I'm sorry." Cat on the verge of crying decided to inspect and see if this crush was a good fit, cause he wasn't.
"Does he know?" Ladybug started.
"No, Ive sat behind him for a while, but, he's him, and I'm me.." lady felt his heart dropping to the realization that Lance McClain was never going to love him.
"You should tell him, things aren't as they seem bugaboo."
Lance starting to smile under the mask thinking he gave great advice.
Keith had thought about what Cat had said to him, and he decided to tell Lance, he would give him the cookies, and at the right time of the day, Keith would come clean, and finally try and get the guy, the guy of his dreams. Couldn't be that hard.. right?

Something inside Lance had shifted, but he wasn't ready to give up on his bugaboo yet.
Lance sitting there in the dark wondering who this mystery guy could be that had lady wrapped around his finger. Little did he know, it was him. And God how he messed up.
The next day Keith walked into class head held high. He was finally going to get his love for Lance out there. Lance walking in almost late like usual plopped down in his chair ready for nothing that was about to happen.

Keith tapped on Lance's shoulder and that's how the day began. Turning around slowly Lance looked back.
"Uh, yes Keith?" Lance confused as to why Keith would interrupt him
"Umm.. I know how you always complain that I don't bring you cookies, so uh, here." Lance talking the bag slowly out of Keith's hands.
"What is this?"
"Just look inside the shady paper bag" Keith said hesitantly with a smirk. Lance opening the bag to find the goods that Keith had so kindly made for him.
"Oh ma gosh, dude thanks" Lance said while smiling.
Keith with exhilaration running through his blood couldn't help but smile for the rest of the two classes till lunch.

At lunch Lance waved to Keith still eating those treats, and that gave Keith hope, that maybe he had a chance. Keith shoveled food into his mouth slowly taking forever to chew a single bite almost drooling.
"KEITH!" Pidge said anger waiting for his eyes to adjust in hers.
"Take your phone out."
"What the hell ki-"
"Just do it" Pidge slowly taking her phone out not taking her eyes off of Keith's.

Kieth: I'm going to tell him
Pidge: tell who, what?
Kieth: I'm going to tell Lance how I feel.
Pidge: Oh my fucking finally. When??
Keith: I think at the end of the day.
Pidge: thats stupid to wait so long, but I'm just happy your going to tell him.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, Keith taking notes and doing as he was supposed to, while his friends were doing god only knows what. And the last bell rang, and he had mentally prepared himself to tell Lance. That's when he heard it, the similar voice that could only belong to his love. He pushed open the chem lab doors to see lance and Nyma eating each others faces. Lance looked over at Keith just as he turned and ran out of the door. Just as he turned the corner he tripped over and almost into the trashcan seeing the paper bag from the Altea that he had written Lance in with pretty writing, all crumbled up and tossed aside. Kieth knowing how stupid he was ran hearing Hunk and Pidge behind him telling him to calm his fucking shit. But he never looked back, even after he got home, he went to his room and just cried, because even though he knew it wasn't possible, it still would of been nice to of had some sort of closure that hadn't involved his worst enemy mopping the inside of Lance's mouth with her tongue

A sighing bi: hey where are you?
An angry gay: sorry, but I can't come out tonight.
A sighing bi: I suppose it's okay there's not much going on tonight, are you okay?
And angry gay: ya, whatever, I'm fine.
A sighing bi: are you sure
An angry gay: I'll talk to you in the morning, I have to go.. goodnight Cat.
A sighing bi: goodnight bugaboo.

As Cat Noir changed back into ordinary lance while laying on his bed, and Keith hadn't actually moved sense he got home. They both just looked up, Lance to all the plastic glowing stars, and Keith to his selling fan moving as fast as the train that had hit him with the realization that Lance, was just Lance. While Lance looked up thinking that lady was mad, mad at him for something he wasn't sure he did.
They where both hurt cause of each other, and they where both so fucking oblivious to that fact.

I think I'm going to try an post a chapter everyday.
This one is shorter than yesterdays, so ya... Have fun and comment Ideas cause I'm a loser, or tell me if there's anything I can change/ and or fix.

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