Prom? (part two)

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Lance looked at Keith, Keith looking at Lance, the two started to intertwine hands like they did the day Keith gave Lance the cookies and then there brief connection was rudely interrupted by Principle Zarkon or as the students called him, destroyer of lives. Cause man that dude would give you detention for anything, exspecialy physical contact. And even though it wasn't doing any harm Zarkon didn't really like Lance and he was hella homophobick so bam.

"You want to hold hands!? You two (end me I fucking hate this word) fags can do that in detention tomorrow after school. Now get the hell out of my school!"

"Hey, I'm sorry for that Lance" Keith had been called a fag several times cause it was no secret he was gay. Keith had been held against lockers and pushed into bathroom stalls and tripped into things, Keith was use to it. But Lance, lance seemed so hurt.
"It's okay, but.. is that what happens to you everyday?"
"Lance it doesn't matter, are you sure you want to do this. With me, go with me?"
"Yes" Lance needing an answer decided to see if Keith wanted to go tux shopping.
"Okay, so proms in Saturday so we probably have to order our tuxes today, do you want to get them?"
"Uh sure"
Hours later after Lance finally picked an all white tux with a blue bow tie, and Keith had picked an all black tux with a red bow tie. The two places there orders and decided to go to Keith's house.
They arrived to his house at exactly 6:23 and Shiro seemed pissed.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Keith rasing his eyebrow and telling Lance to hed upstairs to his bedroom. Shiro starting after he knew Lance was in Keith's room.
"Keith, Pidge told me she would watch over you for me, and see if you were getting made fun of again.. How long has this been going on?"
"Lance just a-"
"You know what I mean Keith!" Shiro standing up as Keith's​ eyes started to water.
"Shiro, it never stopped, okay. I've just gotten used to it."
"But you can't let people talk to you like that, and you shouldn't let Principal Zarkon call you a faggot for Christ sake Keith!"
"Shiro, may I be excused from from this conversation, I have a guest as you saw."
"Don't think I wont be coming talk to Zarkon tomorrow"
"Bu- okay"
"This has been fun but I promised I wouldn't miss tonight's potr-"
"Actually it's okay, I have a... photo shoot, yea.. a shoot."
Then Lance left as Keith transformed into ladybug and swung off into the night.

"wow, you a actually came" said cat who seemingly been there for awhile.
"Suppose so" Paris had been extremely queit sense Nyma but it didn't mean that there dudies were done.
"So..." Cat spoke softly "let's play a game, Truth or Dare sound okay?"
"Sure I guess"
"I'll always you a question first okay?"
"Truth or Dare"
"What's the first letter of your real name?"
"Ca-fuck it K" ladybug looked away and then back at Cat "truth it dare"
"What school do you go to"
"Voltron high school" Cat spoke softly and that's when Ladybug finnaly decided he was ready.
"Who's under the mask.. just ki-" Ladybug stoped Cat before he could finish saying kidding.
"Under the mask? Well under the mask is someone you probably know but never noticed."
"You don't have to"
"I want to, under the mask is me you see, under the mask is a nobody. I think that's why I never wanted you to know. But this is long overdue and I already know who you are under all that black leather." Cat rasing his eyebrow.
"How, what"
"Lance, I know it's you. And I told myself you would never love me. Because I thought you fell in love with who I was out here, you fell in love with ladybug​. And I thought that's all you wanted. But if you don't want to be with me after you find out who I am then it's okay."
"Are you sure"
"Cat Noir, I said no to you cause I was in love with someone else. But I didn't realize that you were someone else too. Lance McClain I love you. And I hope to god that we can still go to prom together."
"Keith.. I knew it was you. Hunk figured it out and I made him promise not to tell anyone."
"I can't believe I'm saying this. But has to be said I think. Lance, you asked me to prom. And now, I ask you. Will you go out with me?
(warning for some rude ass language)

The next day went by perfectly untill the two remembered they had detention. It's was almost the end of the day when Nyma and a group of 4 guys came up behind Keith. They pushed him against a locker and that's where it started getting bad.
"Why the hell are you trying to turn Lance into a fag like you!"
"Your an abomination!"
"You need to leave Lance alone, he's mine and he's not gay, you can't have him!" Nyma and everyone yelling at Keith.
"Yea, that's why we're going​ to prom together?"
"WHAT!?" In rage Nyma slapped Keith across the face. Then a figure he didnt quite recognize but could tell that he was bigger than him, and he knew it wasnt going to end well for him. All he heard was laughing, and then he awoke in the hospital.
Shiro and Allura where sitting watching the news when they got the call from the hospital saying that there son had kidney damage and was in critical condition. The two raced to the hospital to find Lance by his Keith's side refusing to leave the room.
"How long have you been here Lance?" Allura said bitting back tears.
"I'm the one that found him."
That's when she let loose.
"Than- thank you Lance" the doctor came in and interrupted there conversation.
"Okay so seems as though this young man won't leave do you want me to get security?"
"No, he Keith's boyfriend he can stay." 'boyfriend' Lance felt the butterflies in his stomach start to flutter at the word.
"Well okay. So we ran some tests and we have a few diagnostics. He's going to need a transplant for his kidney, or he can try and repair him but that might not be 100% guaranteed plus he only has the one so it may be hard. But if he does have a transplant it might take weeks even months. Lance didn't hesitate.
"He can have one of mine!" He said with all seriousness and Everyone in the room looked at him.
"We couldn't let you do that." Shiro said.
"I want to, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Wanna know why this happened? Because Keith and i were being too friendly for people. Im giving him my kidney and that's all there is to it."
"We can't stop you can we?"
"Already made up my mind"
The surgery went successful and Keith had a knew kidney at approximately 1:34 am on Friday. And Lance lost a kidney at approximately 1:24 am on Friday. The doctors thought it was romantic. But they weren't sure if they could let the two love birds out for prom the next night. So the two lay next each other yet so far away. Same room different beds and a curtain separating them.
The doctor rushed in hours later.
"I bring good news" she opened the curtain between them and smiled.
"I convinced the man to let you go home tomorrow morning."
Lance and Keith looked at each other almost simultaneously and smiled.
Today was the day. Prom, anticipated, overanalyzed, and it destroys people.  Breaks peoples hearst and opens flood gates. Its the the one night if the year where you finnaly find out who's going to say with you all night. It brings people together, and tears them apart.

"After you" Lance said while opening the door for Keith.
"Why thank you" when they walked in, the room stoped everyone looking at the two who seemed to be a couple. That's when they were approached.
"Oh my fuck thank God your okay Keith" Pidge said while looking up.
"I thought you where a goner, who gave you a kidney?" Kieth slowly looking at Lance.
"It's happening!"
"Pidge calm down, give them some space" Hunk said grinning.
"No Hunk you don't understand, Keith only had one kidney and he would've died not for Lance" Pidge said while walking always barely load enough for Lance to hear.
"Shall we dance?" Lance said while swaying his hands in the direction of the dance floor.
"We shall" and the two danced to every song slow or fast and they both sucked but neither of them cared cause they were together. And then the song came on it was perfect but remind Lance of his mom who had died, and reminded Keith of the family he could just harshly remember. The two looked at each other and could tell the song was special but meant something different to the other. And then they just slow danced to that song and at the end of the night Lance said something that made keith smile.
"Keith" he whispered "yesterday morning at 1:34 am you received a part of me to live, tonight, at 10:50 pm I received a part of you, to cherish as long as I live.. I love you Keith Kogane."
"I love you too Lance McClain."
The light went out. The music stoped. And outside was pitch black the only thing allowing anyone to see was the little light that the moon provided.

Tempted to kill everyone.
Part 3 tomorrow probably. Enjoy.
Im_adding_words_so_this_can_be_1666 so yea it's 1665 and_done


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