Prom? (part three)

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The light went out. The music stoped. And outside was pitch black the only thing allowing anyone to see was the little light that the moon provided.

"Let's go"

The two racing off the dance floor into the distance tripping over almost everyone and everything. Then both of them transforming into the heros.
Ladybug and Cat Noir coming from the hallway back onto the dance floor.

"Heyo" Cat said extremely loud to make himself present.

"Everyone just needs to calm down and everything-" all of a sudden all the glass broke from a screeching sound coming out of the distance.
"What the hell!?" Cat said softly under his breath.
"I-I don't even know"

The two walked the halls untill they came upon something odd. There was one door and it was open. The glass window wasn't broken and that was suspicious. They walked in and saw some scary stuff. The room had been torn apart and the walls were seemingly gone​. Then someone emerged from the ceiling. It was someone with very short orangie brown hair, they seemed pretty short even though they were floating in mid fucking air. And that's when lady noticed it. Noticed her. Pidge. What the hell happened to Pidge.

"Wait" lady said starting off in the detection of Pidge.
"What no" Cat said sternly.
"Just let me, it's okay" lady turning around then back looking into Pidges eyes. Why was she like this he thought. But then something came to him. Hunk.
"Pidge" he spoke with little expression.
"Why did this happen" but he already knew the answer.
There wasnt much talking and there wasn't much fighting. It was more so lady didn't even get an answer before Cat nocked Pidge upside the head with a chair. Keith and Lance transformed back into there normal selves and to there suprise prom was still going on.

And it was like 1:23 am they were hella confused and decided to head back to Keith's house.
They got there to find Keith's parents on the coach.
"Sorry we're so late, Lance is sleeping over hope you don't mind" Keith said all that while already half asleep.
"It's okay, don't do anything bad and Keith theres a surprise up there for you. We need to talk in the morning too." Shiro said well slightly looking at the ground.
"Ya, ya. Okay. Love you guys night" the two walked slowly up the stairs to Keith's room only to find Pidge and hunk had already some how beat them to the bed.
"Ho- whe- what?!" Keith said while looking at his bed. His comfortable bed that he was so looking forward to.
"Why did you not tell me about this Keith!!" Pidge said while reading what seemed to be his journal
"What the hell. How did you get thatttttt!!"
"Dude, it's me"
"True.. but why did you randomly come into my house to read that?!"
"Well actually the two of us came just to hang out. But then Hunk grabbed your journal or sorta, the really cool box you made snapped on his wrist. But luckily I have ma skills. And then we thought you must have some pretty big secrets to hide so we decided not to read it... But then we did anyways."
"We shall not talk about what that says while Lance is presant.!."
"What no I want to see!" Lance jumping on to the bed.
"Oh fucking god... I'm going to go get some food."
"I'll come too" Hunk said
"There's something I need to talk to you about"
"Let's go"
Keith lay awake. The words Hunk had said left him trembling. He couldn't even bare what he had heard. Keith didn't want to think about it yet that was the only thing on his mind.

"Keith, why are you still awake! Go to sleep" Lance said breathing his words.
"I just woke up" Keith rolled over and closed his eyes.
"Goodnight Lance."
"Night my love"
Keith had a dream that night, something he didn't do often. He dreamed about something he wasn't sure happened, but something that was definitely not fake.

When his eyes fluttered shut the appearance of a tall man started to show up. He seemed pretty well built and tan, but not to tan.
There was something fimilar about this guy but Keith couldn't put a finger on it. It seemed they were in a small house in the middle of the dessert. Something inside of Keith felt wrong. Lance. He was outside the window laying in the sand blood everywhere. When he looked back the man lay the same way. And Keith looked down at his hands to discover his hands to be red. Keith. He had killed them. That when it hit, the realization that he had just killed his father. The man in the picture he thought he had lost. Next to a beautiful woman with dark purple hair and several pircings. The two looked so perfect. He closed his eyes. Opening them to find both Lance and his dad in front​ of him mumbling a lot of stuff.
All he could say. The only thing he could bring him self to say.
"Stop"  he said it again but this time more serious. Then Lance and his father started to speak together.
"You killed us. You killed us. You killed​ us." They said it over and over till the tears Keith were holding back had spilled out rushing down his face like a river after a storm. He couldn't stop crying.
"Keith" he started to close his eyes he couldn't deal with it
"Keith!" Him still refusing to open his eyes.
"KEITH!" he finnaly opened his eyes to Hunk and Pidge both standing at the side of the bed and Lance sitting up staring at Keith.
"What the hell?" Pidge finnaly said after Keith had calmed down.
"I'm sorry. It was just a bad dream."
"Ya so we heard. All we could hear was you saying 'i didn't kill them' who were you talking about Keith?"
"Umm. It doesn't matter I-i think I'm just going to go back to bed" him slowly resting his head on a red and blue tie die pillow.
"Okay" Lance said "I'm going to the bathroom. Keith not paying attention to Lance slowly mouthing to everyone to go into the bathroom.

"Who was he talking about?" Hunk said seemingly​ scared.
"I don't know."

Enjoy mofos.
Lol I also had 4 cups of coffee and now I'm dieing cause my stomach hurts so bad. Skinny jeans you where right, I should have stopped at 2.


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