Savior in Skinny Jeans

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Keith lay there awake before he decided that sleep wasn't worth the nightmares, at least not while in front of his friends. He went to Pidges room and on the way saw that the clock read 4:26 am, he then found a sticky note and wrote. 'stomach hurt, went home'
But keith didn't go straight home and that might have been his first mistake.

Somehow and he wasn't sure how, he knew someone had been following him. When he got the feeling he decided to head home when two guys came out in front of him. He knew the only way to get out of this was turn around and go the other way but, lucky him 3 boys and girl with long blond hair were standing just five steps behind him. The only way left was up and that was very unlikely. So Keith tried to jump up onto the ledge of an apartment building only to get pulled by the ankles and hit his head on the pavement, Only then did he realize who was doing this to him.

"What's the surprise?" She said in an odd voice, like sassy with a hint of I'm going to fucking kill you.
"What the hell let me go!"
"Now why would we do that when we've only just begun?" All five of of them sourrounding Keith as he scrambled to his feet. He wasn't sure what time it was but it was very weird, he saw a guy, with dirty blond hair. This guy was wearing what seemed to be a gray sweatshirt and black skinny jeans. He stared at Keith before yelling something and running off.

Keith was trying to stand up but Nyma and her man posse wouldn't back the hell away. At this point he had more cuts and bruises than he cared to count. But that's when a tall guy came up and stabbed Keith before all of them ran off.

Keith lay there bleeding out he closed his eyes, and in the haze of it all he saw the guy wearing skinny jeans walking towards him.
"Who-" Keith started to utter but couldn't finish before the guy interrupted him.
"If you move your probably gonna bleed out dude. Stay here and I'll be back in a minute." Keith unable to move anyway slowly fell asleep.
"Wake up" the kid in skinny jeans said.
"I'm up" Keith said quietly while trying to move.
"Okay so where do you live?"
"Do- do you know where the Altea is?"
"Ya. What does dessert have to do with this. Your fucking gonna die and you want cake? Well... That would probably be my dieing wish too soo.."
"No, my parents own it, and I live in the apartments above it."
"Ohh, that makes a lot more sense."
"W-whats your name?"
"I know who you are but right now just hold this on your stomach and I'll help you walk home" he threw an old t-shirt at Keith and he was confused as to where landon got it from, and how fast he had gotten it.
The two arrived to Keith's apartment in which he lived with his parents. He walked in while letting Landon trail behind him.
"Do you want some water?" Keith said trying to be friendly.
"Dude your bleeding out and your offering to go and get me water?"
"I suppose I am, problem?"
"Go to your room, wheres the kitchen, and give me detections to your room."
"So bossy"
"Okay. My room is up those stairs first turn on your left. And the kitchen is just around the corner."
"Okay, can you make it up the stairs?"
Keith walked up the stairs slowly almost tripping at the top. He lost his vision and bumped into a wall and ran into his door.
He opened the door after reganing balance and sight. Slowly opening the it and walking in. He walked and started to sit on his bed when Landon came barging in.
"Why are you so mad?"
"Not mad. I'm just trying to make sure you dont die."
"Okay, but.. one question"
"How do you know who I am?"
"Well I'm a freshman, and I don't exactly know you, more like heard those guys talking about you.. well and I see you in the halls everyday."
"Am I blind?"
"Well, landon, you can sleep here if you need, I'll gonna go to the bathroom." Keith got up off the bed when Landon stood up.
"Need help?"
"No, it's good. I got this one."
It had been an hour and Keith was still in the bathroom.
"Did you fall asleep in the bathroom" landon​ thought he said to him self but actually said pretty load.
"Uh-no it's just a lot of blood and I feel really nauseous."
"I'm coming in" landon​ opening the door to see a pool of blood on the floor.
"Keith what the fuck! Why didn't you say something instead of letting yourself die in a pool of your own fucking blood!"
"Calm down, it's okay."
"Keith, this is not okay, so do you have a first aid, or like wrap?"
"I have a first aid that has wrap inside it?
"Where is it" Landon said while looking over Keith's bathroom.
"Under the sink, I'll get-"
"Sit your ass back or your really gonna die."

Landon sat Keith up against the bath tub and wrapped his side and Keith started to fall asleep afterwords.
"Keith you should go lay in your bed and I'll clean this up"
"Your weird, why do you want to clean up my blood?"
"Do you want your parents to?"
"Okay thank you. Umm, talk later in the morning, he can hang out this week. And uh landon."
"Thank your for saving my life."
When Keith awoke Landon was no where to be seen. But Lance was sitting right at the foot of his bed.
"Keith! Are you okay" he was aching in pain.
"Ya I'm okay"
"Well you look like shit what happened?"
"Not really sure, I started to walk home and the rest it a blur." That was a lie, he remembered all of it.
" I love you Lance, but when did you get here?"
"About an hour ago"
"What time is it now?"
"10:46 why?"
"I was just wondering."
Keith went to his bathroom and a letter lay nicely folded on the counter.

Honestly don't know where I'm going with Landon
And suggestions bare cool so ya
Enjoy peeps.


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