To The End, Or New Beginnings?

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He lay down in the bath, he was completely ready for everything to unfold. Lance couldn't deal and he knew that, the only thing keeping him from going was the knock on the door. And then the shake of the nob. And after all that, the falling of the door, well more like kicking the door in type of thing.

Keith saw Lance, he looked so, so vulnerable, so alone, so afraid. But Keith was determined to help Lance, he stood him up in the bath. And then Keith picked him up, out of the tub and carried Lance to his bed.

"Yes?" Keith whispered just loud enough for Lance to hear.
"Why did you save me?" The tears started slowly, and then all running down his cheeks.
"Because Lance, I have a story to tell you." Lance rased his eyebrow, but nodded to let Keith know that he was ready for the story.

"At the beginning of my freshman year I accidentally tripped a new kid, he was tan with brown hair, he had the most beautiful ocean eyes. I felt horrible so I helped him up. A few days later I saw him once again but this time it was in the park, he was getting his picture taken, I didn't really recognize him untill then. Mr. McClain's son. And he saw me, he smiled but was I was soon brushed over by a whole bunch of other people who wanted to meet this guy."

Lance could see the agony in Keith's eyes, but he continued.

"The next day I was going to go and talk to him, but he was him, and he already made more friends within a number of days then I had my whole life. I saw him alot, in the halls not something special, but, I guess it was to me. I always was so nervous around him, and I wasn't sure why exactly. Now this is almost through have the year, and we both joined a skate contest, I won, and he hated me. We didn't really talk much after that. Now it's the last day of school. He and I had finnaly sorta gotten over the past, and he was being nice. He asked me to join a contest with him, and I refused. He finnaly convinced me, but neither of us showed up. I was granted a the gifts of ladybug​, and I guess he was granted Cat Noir. But I never really thought it could be this guy. My guy that I was so helplessly in love with. Cat always flirted with me, and I was always trying to flirt with my man. But I never liked cat like that, and my guy, never liked me like that. It was now the first day of my Junior year, and me and my good friend Pidge we're talking, about me telling this guy how I felt. A week or so later I finnaly was ready. But when I was I saw him kissing the girl i dispize most in the world. He didn't seem to notice me so I ran as fast as I could away."

The tears on both of there faces where now streaming down​.

"I finnaly decided to give cat a try, before I realized that he was Lance McClain. We got together, and I got beat up pretty bad. He gave me his kidney and we went to prom together. Pidge and Hunk both of our best friends went with each other, and we all crashed at my place. I couldn't sleep, I was having horrible dreams about killing the guy I was in love with and my father. Lance see, he was the only person other than Shiro and Allura that knew about me being adopted. And I wasn't going to let a bad dream change that. A week or so later we agian all stayed but this time at Pidges house. I could sleep, so I decided to walk home and clear my mind. I got beat almost to death, when a good guy, in skinny jeans saved me. It wasn't anything special other than I owed him one. He Lance and my parents all stayed with me. I was getting much better, but my boyfriend, he was getting much, much worse."

Lance started but Keith shushed him.

"And when I came home today, I saw a letter, and reading it broke my heart. I got to his house as fast as I could to tell him not to leave, to tell him like love him."

There was a second of silence.

"I love you Lance.. and when no one else needs you, I will! Please I'll help you but never think about doing this again..!"

"Keith.. I love you too."
They woke up in each others embrace Keith kissed Lance's forehead, his lips soft.

Lance ran his fingers through Keith's hair and he couldn't helo but think one thing, so he said it out loud on accident.

"Your hair, ist so.... smooth, it reminds me of the ocean, cause it's​ there, but it's not. And because the ocean is a disaster and your mullet looks like hell"

They both laughed and it was genuine.

(Time skip)
Everyone was there, even Lance's sister, she was taking about how proud she was. And all that great stuff. Shiro and Allura where both there too.
"Oh yes, you guys have vows, so I heard?" (I forgot the dude's name that marries peeps so I'ma call him Mark) Mark said smiling.
"We do, and I'll go first." Lance said eyes wide and a huge smile.

"On the first day of my freshman year a guy tripped me on accident. He had purple eyes and a horrible black mullet and he was super pale, he helped me up and apologized. I saw him again at the park, we caught glances and I smiled. I turned and posed for a picture but when I looked for mullet head agian all I saw was his back walking away. I was going to go talk to him the next day but I was getting surrounded by a group of people. I saved him a spot at my lunch table, but he never came. We saw each other in the halls, but I started to feel something​. And I wasn't sure why. A month before school ended we both entered a skate contest he won, and I was kinda mad, we didn't talk unless we had to. On the last day I realized it wasn't worth it and we stared talking. I asked him to join a contest with me and he said yes after almost 10 minutes of me asking. But it was funny, neither​ if us ended up going. I was getting close to... And internet friend, his name was 'an angry gay' and mine was 'a sighing bi' we found out who we were behind out phones. It was the being of Junior year, we stared dating he asked me out only after he saw me make out with a girl. He got beat up really bad, I gave him my kidney. We went to prom together finally, and we all crashed at his house, Me, Pidge and Hunk. This guy couldn't sleep he was having nightmares. A week or so later he all stayed at Pidges. He walked home, and got beat pretty bad. A guy helped him and I felt horrible. He was getting better and I felt like I was holding him back. I- well I was going to kill myself. And he saved me. He told me loved me. That was 6 years ago."

Keith smiled wide, and instead of saying his vows, he yelled I do and kissed Lance.
Shiro, Allura, Pidge, Hunk, And Landon all sitting out in the stands. All holding back tears of joy.

(Lol another time skip)
Lance and Keith awoke to to most horrible and best sound ever. A cry.

"Your changing her this time Keith!"
"Lance, whyyyy!"
"Now or she's never gonna stop"

"Dad just change her"
"Go to bed son."

Lol this is lit.
Have fun peeps.

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