Prom? (part one)

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Thee anticipated week that only happens once a year. Prom was around the corner and shit was going down. Nyma diving in for Lance, while Keith kept himself stable enough to not vomit while looking at Lance. Pidge decided to ask Hunk as friends which made things even more awkward for the two. Keith was still confused about his dream, or at least confused as to how much of it was a dream. And Lance still waiting for the right time to apologise to Keith.

The day went on as usual, learning and all the goods that come along with a highschool education. Keith walked home, while Lance in his limo on his way to his own personal prison. That's when he had the slightest of ideas flash through his mind. He would ask Keith to prom, that's how he would apologie. They would go as friends cause of course Lance was still trying to get with the hero in red, but for now, that's what he would do. He then proceeded to call Hunk to help him out.
"So who's the lucky girl your asking to prom?" Hunk asked with curiosity. "Sorry, or boy?"
"What, were would you get that from!?"Lance said fast trying to sound angry.
"Dude, we've been best buds for a year now, I think I would know if my best friend was bi. Like you talk about ladybugs ass all the time." Hunk said while smiling.
"Well- I" *speechless*
"Dude, it's okay no big surprise" Hunk looking at Lance.
"So who is it, if your going to ask them, it has to be perfect, even though anyone would say yes to you" Lance now looking nervous and playing with his fingers.
"Uhhh-Ke umm, Keith, you know, Keith Kogane" Hunk surprised started to raise his eyebrow.
"Why Keith, you know he's pissed at you"
"I know, i need to tell him I'm sorry, and this is how."
"So your asking him because your pittying him?"
"No! I'm asking him cause I also don't want to go with Nyma, and Keith's really nice, and Keith has a crush on me... Well at least he use to"
"Lance, your totally oblivious, aren't you?" Lance was slightly confused at this point.
"My god Lance, you don't even know why he's so mad, and sad?"
"No.. I thought it was just cause he liked me and Nyma kissed me" Hunk starting to look away but then meeting his eyes with Lance's.
"Okay, so the day that you kissed her-"
"She kissed me!"
"Okay, the day she kissed you, Keith gave you those cookies, correct?"
"Okay, he made those for you, and he was also going to tell you that he loved you, but when he found you.. yea, and then you threw his cookies in the trash. I don't know why that hurt him so much, but.. I don't know if he wants to talk to you"
"Oh, uh... Hunk please what do I do?!" In a split second something came to him.
"I have an idea"
That night Cat skipped patrol not much going on anyway but he needed to make sure Keith wasn't home.

Lance: are you home
Keith: at library.. why?
Lance: I was gonna ask if I could barrow your lab notes but it's fine
Keith: okay bye
Lance: bye

Then Lance when to the Altea, Keith's parents shop and asked his parents to make 24 exact star shaped cookies that where all different shades of red. Keith's parents looked too young to be his parents though. Keith's dad was tall with black hair, and a random patch of thick hair ran out in between his eyebrows that was white. His eyes where greyish and he had a scar across his nose, and his arm seemed to be fake, like maybe it was damaged really bad in a car accident and the doctors didn't make it in time to try and get it fixed. And his mom was gorgeous, with long white hair that ran down her back, her skin was tanned like Lance's and she didn't look a day over 25 at most.

"Hey, your Keith's parents, right" the two beautiful un named humans looked at each other and then spoke.
"I'm Allura"
"And I'm Shiro, and ya, he's our son, we adopted him when he was 14, do you know him?"
"Umm, actually I need to tell you something."
"We're listing"
"Well my names Lance, and uh, I want to ask Keith to prom.." both Shiro and Allura looked at each other then smiled.
"First if all, we know who you are, and second off, he's going to say yes"
"Actually I'm not sure, but I hope so." Shiro handing the brown paper bag to Lance.
" Uh I have to go, thank you" Lance gave Shiro his money and then walked out the front door, driving past the library and deciding to go in. But Keith wasn't there.

A sighing bi: umm, is there any activity going on?
An angry gay: no why
A sighing bi: are you sure my friend is missing, they said that they were at the library but there not.
An angry gay: I'm sure there fine go home it's late, you better be at portal tomorrow.
A sighing bi: okay goodnight.
The next day Lance set Hunk and his plan in motion.
"Hey Keith, I know I always complain about you not bringing me cookies, but you did bring me some, so I decided to return the favor." Lance then proceeding to take the brown paper bag out of his bag and then placing it on Keith's desk. "Here"
"U-umm-uhh thanks are these from the Altea?"
"Well thanks, ya, thanks"

The day went on as normal, he wasn't in class with Keith untill lunch, but in the halls Keith seemed to still be eating the cookies.

Then came lunch, and he was still eating them. There was a glimmer of hope, maybe Keith could forgive lance, maybe they could go to prom and have fun together, maybe Lance could forget about ladybug and fall in love with Keith.

"Hey Lance I think you might want to see this"
" What is it"
"Okay so it's obvious you have a major crush on ladybug, and I did some digging and staring and some stalking, an I went through alot of photos. And I think Keith could be, could be Ladybug."
"What no.. could he-"
"Just look at the side by side comparison" Hunk held two photos by each other, and Lance saw something he never had before. Ladybugs perfect black hair that swooped perfectly over his eyes, seemed to look a lot like Keith's ugly mullet, and now Keith's mullet didn't seem so ugly. Or ladybugs beautiful purple eyes that seemed so secret an mysterious started to look alot like Keith's eyes that seemed so damaged and misunderstood.
"Oh my God, Hunk, promise you won't tell anyone about this?!" Lance said so quietly that he almost scared Hunk
"Promise bro"
And then it was time, and Lance had mentally prepared himself for this. He was going to ask Keith Kogane to prom, and confront him about being ladybug. Lance went to Keith's locker but he wasn't there.

"Hey Pidge have you seen Keith?"
"Ya he just went to the bathroom, why?"
" I need to ask him something, thanks" he said while walking away.
"Your welcome" Pidge yelled down the hallway load enough for Lance to hear.

"Keith?" Something was off.
" Keith you in there dude"
"Uhh yea one sec I'll be out in a sec" Lance could hear things being shifted and maybe moved inside the stall.
"Yes Lance?"
"Keith are you okay?"
"Yea, I just thought I lost something but i found it.. wassup?"
"What did you think you lost?"
"Uh, a picture.. umm of my parents."
"Your real one's?"
"How di-"
"Its okay Shiro and Allura told me that they adopted you when you were 14"
"But now I'm off topic we can talk about all that laiter, but uh.. I need to ask you something very important."
"Will you go to prom with me, Keith Kogane?"

Fuck you Landon.
Enjoy peeps.
There will be a part two.


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