n i n e

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The winner.

Monday morning


JESSICA WALKED INTO Zeke's office with her dark, brunette colored hair tousling over her tanned, white skin. His dress shirt was just barely on both of her shoulders and she hadn't even attempted to button it up, revealing a view of her torso.

        She was a supermodel, and looked it as well. Everything about Jessica was perfect, sometimes Zeke felt she was too perfect. Although she was gorgeous, she didn't possess a noticeable flaw. Quite frankly, he never saw her have a bad day. She was American, but for the entirety of her life, she lived in Switzerland. Her father was a rich, racist billionaire whom Zeke has yet to meet for obvious reasons. Zeke claimed it didn't bother him when they dated, but his sister believed otherwise.

Jessica watched as Zeke tied his tie while looking at the screen of his laptop. He briefly looked at her, but didn't even acknowledge her. He simply fixed his tie to his liking, and slid on his navy blue suit coat over his navy blue pinstriped, white buttoned down shirt.

       She seductively walked to him, kissing his neck and cheek. Zeke was slightly annoyed because he was trying to get dressed so he could make a seven o'clock meeting. He gently pushed her back, and she pouted a little. "Stop treating me like this."

With an irritated expression, he looked at her as if he didn't understand what she was talking about. "Like what?" He put on one of his many rolexes before moving past her to walk out of the office.

            "Like you're just dealing with me." Jessica responded as she followed him into the kitchen.

I am, he thought to himself.

        He sighed to himself as he walked into the kitchen, not smelling breakfast or anything. Zeke had to admit that whatever he was doing was kind of getting old. For some reason, he wanted a wife and little kids running around the house. For a moment, Naomi appeared in his mind and he quickly brushed off the thought.

Opening the refrigerator, he glanced for some type of breakfast to hold him until lunch. "So, you're going to ignore me?"

       "Why are you nagging me?" He blurted out, closing the frig when he didn't see anything worth grabbing. He figured that he'd just have to do without breakfast until lunch time.

"Excuse me?" Jessica folded her arms across her chest.

       "Listen, I really don't get why you got an attitude all of a sudden." He turned around to look at her. "We're not together. However I'm treating you, that's how I'm treating you. You're a smart girl, figure it out."

Jessica closed her mouth, seemingly hurt from his statement. Nonetheless, she didn't say anything else. Zeke moved towards the door, leaving her to stand in the middle of the kitchen floor. He walked out of the penthouse condo, and walked down the hall to the elevator.

        His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he took it out seeing an unfamiliar number on the screen. For some reason, he answered it. "Zeke Ingram." He greeted.

"Hey man, it's Jeff."

        Zeke's face contorted into confusion as he stepped on the elevator. "Jeff, why are you calling me from an unknown number?" He asked, pressing the button that lead to the garage.

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