f o u r t e e n

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5:50 p.m.

Seattle, Washington


Remy walked into her apartment, sitting her bags on the floor as she flickered on the lights. She sighed contently, enjoying the fact she was in her own home. Being in Portland for two weeks meant that she was living in a hotel. While the FBI did make sure they were accommodated adequately, Remy just believed that it was nothing like your own.

The case was still active, but they were going to work from their own offices here. She was thankful because she had to mend her relationship with Aaliyah. They hadn't communicated as often as they usually do, and she knew that Aaliyah was still upset. Looking at the clock, she knew that Aaliyah would be finished with her shift at seven.

She decided to cook dinner and having a bath waiting on Aaliyah. It was the least she could do. Picking up her bags, she walked down the short hallway to the master bedroom. She sat her bags by the bed and began to change into something more comfortable. After changing into some tights and a t-shirt, she headed into the kitchen.

Looking in the refrigerator, she noticed that Aaliyah had been grocery shopping. Tapping the top of the refrigerator door, she contemplated on the meal she wanted to prepare. She decided to keep it simple and make Mexican rice and chicken since it was Aaliyah's favorite.

For about an hour, she cooked and continued working on the case. The suspects went ghost which wasn't good for the investigation. Something was nagging at Remy, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Cutting off the stove, she shut the folder and placed it back in her briefcase.

        Remy heard the door open and close, signaling that Aaliyah had made it home. Aaliyah walked into the kitchen as Remy sipped a glass of wine. Aaliyah looked at her, shocked that she was home. Remy hadn't told her that she would be. "What a surprise."

Sitting her purse on the counter, she looked through the mail that was laying around. "We're finishing the case here in Seattle. Well, unless they kill somewhere else."

        "Cool." Aaliyah mumbled, looking up and glanced at the stove. "I'm glad you cooked because I am starving." She said honestly, going over to the sink to wash her hands.

      "No hug?" Remy blinked. "No kiss? Or anything? Not even an 'I missed you.'"

"Sorry, forgot I was in a relationship." Aaliyah responded sarcastically. She used the rag to dry off her hands before walking to where Remy was standing. She placed a kiss on Remy's lips and smiled. "I missed you."

Remy watched as she walked over to the cabinets, grabbing a plate from the top. She fixed her plate, enjoying the Mexican cuisine for dinner. She loved the different sides of Remy, being African American and Mexican. It had its pros and cons. Especially since Remy's mother, who's Mexican, really didn't like her for obvious reasons.

       Remy shook her head. "That was fake. But, I missed you too. You should know that, though. I tried many times to get in touch with you, but to no avail." Aaliyah didn't say anything as she piled her plate with rice and chicken. "I wanna talk, Liyah." Remy pursued, sitting her wine glass on the island.

          Aaliyah shrugged. "There's nothing to talk about, Remy."

Remy touched the bridge of her nose, and sighed. She hated the fact that Aaliyah always had a problem over the phone, but never wanted to discuss it whenever Remy brought it up. "We really can't solve anything if we don't talk about it."

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