t h i r t y - f i v e | part 2

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Excuse any mistakes

Seattle, Washington
Christmas morning

            "Mommy, wake up!" Nia hovered over Naomi, opening one of her eyelids. "It's Christmas." She whispered.

"What time is it?" Naomi mumbled.

      "Time to wake up." Nia blinked. Naomi slanted her eyes at her and Nia cheesed. "Happy birthday Mommy!"

Naomi smiled and slowly sat up. "Thank you sweetie." She looked to the right of her to see Zeke's side of bed empty.

        Nia leaned in, placing a kiss on Naomi's cheek. "I made this for you!" She exclaimed, removing a drawing from behind her back and handing it to Naomi.

Naomi looked at Nia, and smiled once she noticed what the drawing consisted of. It was a picture of Naomi wearing a some sort of costume, one that she didn't recognize.

      "Who is this sweetie?" Naomi asked.

"That's you." Nia stated the obvious.

     "No." Noami chuckled. "I meant what superhero am I?"

Nia shrugged her shoulders. "I made your own. You have superpowers! You make everybody happy!"

      Naomi smiled at her, grabbing her face and placing kisses all over her face. Nia giggles filled the room as she tried to pry Naomi away. "I love you!" Naomi cooed.

"I love you too Mommy!" Nia wrapped both arms around Naomi's neck and squeezed tightly. "Now, we gotta open my gifts and eat breakfast I cooked."

     Naomi pulled away and lifted her eyebrow as Nia pulled her out of the bed. "You cooked?"

"Yea!" Nia nodded her head excitedly. "Well, ZeeZee helped but I did the most work." She explained while tugging Naomi's arm. "Come on Mommy!"

     "Girl, you better wait. I have to brush my teeth, wash my face, find something to wear, do my makeup, do my ha—"

"Mommyyyy." Nia whined. "That's gonna take forever!" She looked at Naomi like she had lost her mind.

      Naomi giggled at her facial expression. "I'm kidding. Well, can I least brush my teeth? I don't think ZeeZee wants to smell my morning breath."

Nia turned up her nose, waving the perceived stank breath out of the air. "Do that."

     No she did not!

Naomi shook her head and got up to walk to her bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she smiled at herself. "Chapter 30." She mumbled to herself.

      Grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste, she began to perform her morning hygiene duties. She thought about Zeke and what he did last night for her. Glancing at the ring on her finger, she smirked to herself.

Gotta show my appreciation.

     After washing and cleaning her face, she walked out of the bathroom and out the bedroom. When the smell of breakfast entered her nostrils, her stomach began to growl. She was starving.

She appeared in the living room, noticing that Nia was transporting her gifts to the middle of the floor. Naomi laughed to herself because one box was so big that you couldn't see Nia's face. Cato sniffed the boxes, following behind her every move.

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