n i n e t e e n | part 2

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I've entered this book and the Malia&Khari series in the #Wattys17. Wish me luck!

Excuse any mistakes


"Mimi, everything ok?"

          Naomi's eyes were locked in with Zeke's. His eyes are so different in moments like these, more soft than she knew eyes could be. The professional man is gone and instead it is the eyes of one who loves deeply. If it were anyone else, she would drop her gaze, but with him she's drawn in closer, always wanting more.

"I'm fine, Amir." After an eternity of silence, she finally mustered up the voice to respond back to him.

     "Aight, well come out here. I got a surprise for you."

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." She responded, keeping her eyes on Zeke.

"Cool." Amir walked away from the door and Naomi pushed Zeke away from her. Pulling the hem of her dress down, she fixed her hair and sighed heavily. She closed her eyes, resting the back of her head on the wall. The deep rumble of his low chuckles caused her to flicker her eyelids open. She'd just opened them just in time to see him place the same two fingers that rocked her world into his mouth.

Oh my...

"Tasty." Zeke looked at her with playful eyes.

"Ugh, oh my God." She groaned, pushing past him to walk out of the room. He laughed a little harder, not making it any better.

"Wait, Naomi.." She ignored him as she continued walking out of the room. He picked up his suit jacket off of the desk, wondering when did he get out of it. He followed behind her, trying to put his jacket on.

"Mommy!" Nia ran up to her mom, and Naomi immediately scooped her up. "Where have you been?" She pouted. Before Naomi could answer, Nia looked behind her and her eyes widened in excitement. "Zeke!"

Zeke smiled as he appeared from behind Naomi. "Hey princess. What's that?" He pointed at the toy that was in her hand.

"A doll, Zeke." She said in a duh tone.

Zeke chuckled in amusement, and Naomi did the same. "I don't recognize that one, baby. Where'd you get that one?" Naomi asked curiously. She usually remembers the toys she buys Naomi and would've remembered Nia bringing it with her.

"Uncle Sam gave it to me!" Nia exclaimed, turning to point at the large man across the room.

Naomi's eyes darted in that direction, seeing the monster talking with her brother. A lump formed in her throat, and it seemed as if the walls were closing in on her. "Mommy? You ok?" Nia asked.

"Naomi?" Zeke called out in a concerned tone.

"Can you hold her?" She handed Nia to him, and he did as he was asked. Naomi headed into the direction of her mother, who was oblivious to it all. Her eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, and hard.

Caty turned around to see Naomi walking towards her in a state of anger. "You bitch," Naomi said it much louder than she would have liked. But, anything was liable to come out of her mouth and if the entire world heard it, then so be it. Naomi's aunts, uncles, and cousins looked at her as if she had lost her mind. Everyone except Rhonda because she knew.

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