Chapter 5

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Jesy was lying in her bunk, playing with the doll in her hands. Luckily for her, Jesy’s fingers were nimble, so she would move the poppet around with ease. So far, everything had been going Jesy’s way. Jade was noticing her a lot more, and Jesy could make Jade fall in love with her simply with the turn of her hand. Everything was going swell.

What Jesy didn’t know is that she was slowly hurting Jade.

“JESYYYYYY!” Jade yelled. She came running towards the older girl, and collapsed in Jesy’s arms. Jesy tried everything in her power not to blush—it’s not like holding the love of your life in your arms will not cause you to blush.

“Leigh-Anne’s trying to kill me!” Jade giggled. “Jesy, save me!”

Jesy looked up at the curly-haired girl with confusion, and Leigh-Anne only shrugged. “In my defense,” Leigh said, “it’s not my fault that Jade decided to steal my eyeliner.”

“I can’t find my eyeliner!” Jade exclaimed.

“Guys!” Perrie yelled from the bathroom. “Where’s my eyeliner?!”

Leigh-Anne groaned, smacking her forehead with the palm of her hand. “Not this again,” she muttered. Jesy and Jade suddenly glanced at each other, remembering the time that Perrie went crazy finding her eyeliner. They both laughed, and Jade snuggled her head in the crook of Jesy’s neck, giggling slightly to herself.

Jesy looked at Jade, still not being able to believe that there was a beautiful girl in her arms. Jade had stopped giggling, and she just rested her head on Jesy’s shoulder like it was the most normal thing in the world. Jesy smiled. I could get used to this, she thought.

Jade was certainly used to it. She never realized how comfortable Jesy was. Sure, she’s cuddled with Jesy before, but it was at that very moment that Jade realized that she could stay in Jesy’s arms forever.

“I’VE FOUND IT!” Perrie shouted.

“Ahem!” Leigh-Anne scolded. “I helped!”

“Let’s go, guys!” Perrie said, ignoring Leigh completely.

“But I don’t wanna,” Jade pouted. She snuggled into Jesy’s neck, and the only thing Jesy could muster was a nervous chuckle. (Which really meant only one thing: Jesy was going crazy on the inside.)

“But we have to!” Leigh-Anne said.

“Ugh. Fine,” Jade said. She got up from Jesy’s lap, and they both felt the never-ending feeling of emptiness.




The next morning, Jesy was doing the exact same thing again. She thought about Jade, she played with the voodoo doll, she thought about Jade some more, and she played with the voodoo doll once again.

“Oh, Jesy!” Perrie sang, opening the door abruptly. Jesy quickly hid the doll under the pillow, and she pretended that she had just woken up.

“Yes, Perrie?” Jesy croaked.

“Let’s go get food!”

“Why can’t you get Leigh-Anne to go with you?”

“Leigh’s sleeping!”

“And you think I wasn’t just now? I’ve barely woken up,” Jesy lied.

“Well, you’re awake now! So let’s go!”

“You’re paying,” Jesy muttered.

Jesy and Perrie walked together to Jack in the Box, since that was what Perrie wanted. Jesy didn’t understand how Perrie was up so early, but she didn’t question it. Food probably would’ve been the only thing that could wake up the blonde.

“Does Jack in the Box even serve breakfast?” Jesy asked.

“To be honest, I’m not sure,” Perrie shrugged. “We can find out!”

The two walked into the building, the morning sun giving them warmth. Of course, it was hotter than usual, as the girls were in Los Angeles, but neither of them complained. They were never used to the sun.

“Jess, they have little hash brown sticks!” Perrie exclaimed.

Jesy chuckled, and she told Perrie to order. Perrie did, and they ate together. It was one of those daily conversations that they had. Except this time, Perrie did all the talking, and Jesy never paid attention—she was thinking about Jade.

They walked back to the hotel, where Leigh-Anne and Jade were preparing to leave. They were heading to Anaheim for their concert, and the girls were packing their bags. Jesy and Perrie walked in while Leigh was packing her bag.

“Thanks for having breakfast without us,” Leigh said with a smile.

“No problem!” Perrie replied happily. “You’re packing?”

“We sure are,” Leigh-Anne said.

Jesy then thought of her doll, and she rushed towards her room. Jade was in there, packing Jesy’s bags, and then she noticed that Jesy was in the room. Jade stopped, and she ran towards Jesy, engulfing her in a big hug. “How was breakfast?” Jade asked.

“Okay, I guess,” Jesy said with a smile.

“You guess?” Jade asked.

“Yeah,” Jesy chuckled.

“I was just finishing with packing your bags.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Jesy said. As much as she cared about Jade, Jesy was just worried about the voodoo doll.

“All right, see you when you’re ready!”

Jesy bid goodbye to Jade, and she packed her bags. The thought came onto Jesy’s mind: why was Jade acting to affectionate? Jesy shrugged it off; it only meant that the voodoo doll was working.

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