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Jesy didn’t know how long she was staring at her. All Jesy knew was that she could stare at her forever. It didn’t take long for Jesy to develop feelings for Jade. Ever since they first met, Jade had always captured Jesy’s eyes. Soon after, Jesy realized what she felt for Jade was a lot more than a simple crush.

As cruel as it sounded, Jesy loved that Jade wasn’t exactly confident. Jade always thought her body was too small, that her smile was crooked, her eyes were ugly, and her hair was hideous. It was quite the contrary, actually. Jade had a beautiful body—one that Jesy always wished she had. Jesy also thought Jade had the most beautiful smile and eyes Jesy had ever seen. Jesy could stare into Jade’s eyes forever. Jesy always loved playing with Jade’s hair, mostly because it was so thin and soft. Sometimes Jade would leave her hair natural, which was when Jesy most liked it. Jesy loved when Jade was completely natural. It gave Jesy more of a chance to compliment Jade, even though Jade always looked flawless.

Jesy was scared any of the girls would find out. Jesy loves the girls to death—especially Jade—but Jesy would be absolutely mortified if they found out Jesy was in love with Jade. Jesy could never look at them or herself again. It was too much of a secret, and Jesy had to keep it hidden. Probably for the rest of her life.

It was a habit of Jesy’s to go on the Internet to see what their fans were up to. One particular place Jesy went to was Tumblr. There was a lot of “Jadesy”—the couple name for Jade and Jesy—on Tumblr, which made Jesy smile. Their fans make scenes when Jade and Jesy are being playful against one another. It made Jesy proud that their fans “shipped” her and Jade together.

It wasn’t until Jesy saw Jade with Sam Craske, a boy Jesy immediately saw as competition. Jesy hated to admit it, but Sam was extremely attractive and he and Jade hung out a lot. Jesy had read online and in magazines that Sam’s favorite in the girl band was Jade, and that wasn’t a good sign. What made Jesy even more upset was that the fans went crazier about Jade and Sam. They “shipped” Jade and Sam together more than they “ship” Jade and Jesy. Now that Sam’s close friends with Jade, what if he tries to sweep Jade off her feet? Jesy couldn’t let that happen. Jesy knew she had to confess her feelings to Jade before Sam could do anything.

Jade was currently looking out the window of their gigantic tour bus, taking in the American sunlight. Just looking at the Geordie, Jesy’s breath caught in her throat. The wind blowing through Jade’s hair, Jade smiling brightly, her hazel eyes sparkling… how does she manage to make Jesy go crazy without even trying? Jade was just that gorgeous, Jesy supposes.

But seeing how beautiful Jade is right now, Sam might think so as well. Sam might make a move,—or maybe he already had,—because who wouldn’t want to try something on a beautiful girl like Jade? Jesy had to tell Jade how she felt, and she had to tell her soon.




The girls have finally gotten to their hotel for the night. Perrie had immediately fallen asleep—very typical for the young girl—and Leigh-Anne fell asleep soon after. Jade was up tweeting some fans on Twitter. Jesy was watching her, not that Jade noticed.

Jesy had to tell her. She had to tell her now.

“Jade?” Jesy asked softly, not wanting to wake up Perrie and Leigh-Anne.

Jade looked up from her phone. She gave Jesy a sweet smile that made Jesy’s heart flutter. Did she really have to do this now? Jesy thought. “Can I talk to you?” Jesy asked, a little strained because she wasn’t over the smile she was given.

“Of course!” Jade said happily. “Jesy, you don’t need to ask.”

Jesy nodded, swiftly walking out the door of the hotel room. Jade, though confused as why Jesy would leave the hotel room, followed the older girl out the door. Jesy was nervously waiting in the corridor. Jade wondered why Jesy was nervous, but Jesy had every reason to. Jesy was about to confess her love to the girl she loved most. Of course Jesy was nervous!

“I—have to tell you something…” Jesy said in a soft voice.

“What is it?” Jade asked.

Jesy took in a deep, shaky breath. She let out a just as shaky exhale, and she started to speak.

“Jade… Where do I start? Ever since the first time I saw you, you just caught my eye. You were just so beautiful. To think that I was going to be in a band with you, well, I was really lucky. Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, too. That’s when I knew I had a crush on you. And over these past few years, I got to know you better. We know everything about each other, but there’s one thing I haven’t told you…”

Jade simply stared at the older girl. What could she be saying?

“Jade Thirlwall, I love you. I love you so, so, so much. And yeah, we say that a lot to each other. Of course we would, ’cause we’re best friends and we love each other like best friends. But Jade, my love for you is so much stronger than that. I love you like Perrie loves Zayn. I love you like Leigh-Anne loves Jordan. I couldn’t help but fall in love with you, but I’m not complaining. I love you, Jade.”

Jade just stared at her with wide eyes.

“I’ve been waiting for so long to say it—” Jesy continued.

“Jesy,” Jade drawled at slowly. But Jesy kept on ranting.

“—you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting—”

“Jesy,” Jade said.

“—I’ve finally let it out and confessed my feelings towards you—”


“—I just really love you and I couldn’t hold it in much longer—”

“Jesy!” Jade exclaimed. Jesy stopped, and she stared into Jade’s brown eyes. In all the romance movies and chick flicks Jesy has seen, they always interrupt the one confessing when the other is saying they love them back. Could Jade be doing that? Could Jade really love her back? They may have been the best day of Jesy’s life.

“Jesy… I don’t even like you like that. I’m sorry.”


And that’s when Jesy’s world came crashing down.

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