Chapter 1

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"Hurry up Blue we're going to be late and I don't want to have a terrible view. I want to be all the way in the front."

My two bestfriends Ashley and Lizzie had dragged me a concert to this so called "5 Seconds of Summer" band. This band is all my friends would talk about. Yeah I had listened to couple of their songs and I can't lie they were actually pretty good. I didn't know the names of the members or how they looked like because I had told my friends not to. I wanted to give my opinion on them based off of their talent rather than looks. I mean looks don't hurt, but that's not the point. The point is, I had listened to their songs and there was this one voice in particular that captured my attention. I kind of felt attracted to his voice if that's even possible. That's why I had agreed to come in the first place because I wanted to see this mysterious guy.

We had entered the venue and we were in the front row. We literally had to push people in order to get there. It was a fucken mission. Then I got the sudden urge to pee. I always had bad timing. I checked my phone and there was still twenty minutes before the concert started so I had time. I just told my friends Ashley and Lizzie to save my spot.

I kind of got lost because the venue was so big. After five minutes of looking around I found the restroom. I did my business and started running out when I slammed the door open and I felt that I had hit something/someone. I was so scared to see what it was. I looked outside and there was this guy lying on the ground. He was rubbing his forehead and had trouble getting up.

"Oh shit, are you okay? Of course you're not okay. Let me help you up." I extended my hand so I could help him up.

"It's okay, I don't think you did it on purpose." He had this accent that was so attractive that kind of through me off. I think I was staring at him because he gave me this weird look. I had to say something before things became more awkward.

"Yeah I didn't mean to do that. Hey I noticed you had an accent. I don't want to come off as rude, but you're not from around here are you?"

"Yeah, I'm not from around here. I'm actually from Australia."

"Woah that's so cool. Did you come all this way to see this band? Damn they must be pretty good then."

"Wait you don't know this band?"

"Well I know their songs, but I don't know anything about the band members. That's why I came here to meet the voice that caught my attention."

"Well I bet your going to be in for a surprise."

I didn't get what he meant. I then got a call from Meagan telling me that I had to go back before the band was going to play.

"I don't know what you mean by that, but I'm going to go because the concert is almost going to start and my friends will kill me if I miss any of it."

"Yeah I actually need to go too." I was about to leave the hallway when I heard him coming closer.

"Hey what's your name by the way?"



"Yes, Blue like the color."

"That's a cool name. I'm Calum by the way."

"Nice to meet you Calum, but I really need to go."

"Yeah I'll see you later. Bye."

And with that he left. Later? What the hell did he mean by later? Whatever.

I went back to the front row and found my friends and a lot of girls started screaming. That could only mean that the boys were on stage. I wanted to keep my eyes closed until I heard that voice. So the boys started introducing themselves and I couldn't hear any of them because these girls were screaming so loud I couldn't even listen.

They started playing their first song and I could distinctly remember what part I was waiting for. The part that would reveal the voice. I was kinda nervous to finally hear the voice and finally he started singing. I opened my eyes to see the guy and I couldn't believe my eyes. Holy shit it was the dude I had slammed the door on. Calum. Oh no I feel like a complete idiot. He must think that too. I was trying to not make eye contact because what if he looked back at me.

I couldn't take it. I looked at him and he saw me. I started to feel my face get all warm and he must of seen because he smiled and winked at me. Shit.

"Omg! Did you see that Blue. He was totally looking at you," Meagan said.

"No you must have seen wrong" I lied.

"I could have sworn he was looking at you, kind of like if he knew you already. Crazy right?"

"Yeah crazy" I kind of said that in a high pitched voice, so I knew she was going to suspect something.

"Are you hiding something from me that I should know of?"

I wanted to change the subject. They had finished the song and started another song, so it got loud again. I couldn't talk anymore because my voice was drowned with all those screaming girls. I chose not to answer her anymore and just ignored her.

For the rest of the concert I couldn't keep my eyes off of Calum. I could see that he would once in a while look at me and it would kind of make things awkward. Everytime we made eye contact he would look away fast and it was so noticible. I thought it was kind of cute though.

The concert was over and I was kind of bummed out, though I was glad that I would be returning tomorrow since my friends had bought me a ticket for each day they were going to be here.

I left with my friends and waited outside the venue because they wanted to see if they could meet any of the members. I didn't want to wait, but I wasn't going to miss the chance of seeing Calum again. I wasn't going to tell my friends about that though.

There was a huge circle of girls in the distance and my friends practically ran over there. I'm pretty sure most of the boys were there. I didn't want to go because I was probably going to be demolished by all those fangirls. I just saw girls running from every direction. It kind of looked we were in the middle of an apocalypse.

I decided to walk towards the opposite side and leave, but as I was turning at the corner of the building someone had pulled me behind the bush and I hit the back of my head against the wall.

Don't worry about me// Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now