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[236 likes - 6 comments]itsnotmilaa:norway we are in you @livviers 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴 #airplanehair_hermantommeraas:welcome to the best country in the world!!!💥hermantommeraas:also you look very cute username1:OMG HERMANlivviers:i think someone has a c...

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[236 likes - 6 comments]
norway we are in you @livviers 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴 #airplanehair
welcome to the best country in the world!!!💥
also you look very cute
i think someone has a crush on you mila ;)
back off my boys bitch

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hermantommeraas and thohay liked your photo

Tuesday 7:18 am

MILA AND LIV WERE CURRENTLY IN THE UBER. They were making their way to their new apartment which they would be sharing for the next year or so. They had travelled all night and were already starting to feel jet lagged. Mila thought about texting Herman a couple times since they had no idea how to move around Oslo. She discussed it with Liv, but they both thought it was a little weird that he volunteered to do it. Maybe he was just being nice, Mila thought.

They started to make their way into a more residential part of town. Mila noticed the car coming to a stop, signaling that they had arrived at their new home. It was a European style building with only five floors. They had decided that they would rent a fully furnished flat since they didn't want to deal with the whole moving thing. They thanked the Uber driver and got out of the car, ready to start their new life in Oslo.

Mila and Liv made their way up the stairs of the complex until they reached the fifth floor. Mila had already gotten the keys from the landlord from when her parents went to sort things out for them to move. Once inside, they started to look around the apartment. They had seen it, but only in pictures. It was not very big, but it was perfect for the both them. It was a fairly modern apartment with very simple furniture from Ikea. They both decided that they would be adding a few of their own things to make it feel a bit more like home. ''First day in Oslo! What should we do?'' asked Liv after they had finished unpacking. ''I'm starving actually, should we go find some McDonald's?'' Liv nodded excitedly agreeing with Mila's idea.

They each went into their rooms to change since they had been wearing the same clothes since yesterday. Mila wore the same black skinny jeans with rips at each knee that she was previously wearing and a red sweater with a white t-shirt under. She fixed her hair a bit and grabbed her purse and a light jacket just in case she got cold. It was eight am and Oslo was certainly not Southern California. Liv walked out of her room at the same time as Mila and they both made their way out the door. Mila was smart to bring a second jacket since it was really windy. They looked online for the nearest McDonald's and made their way to what they thought was the right way, hoping not to get lost in this foreign city.

After walking for what felt like ages, Liv spotted the restaurant and ran excitedly towards it. Mila followed behind her, yelling at her for running since it was still a block away. Mila began to run towards her when she bumped into someone. ''Oh, beklager!'' (sorry in Norwegian lol) said the guy she bumped into. Mila looked up to see a guy around 20 years old. He seemed familiar, and soon noticed it was Herman. She panicked and ran towards Liv, who was probably already ordering her food. She left Herman with a confused face standing in the middle of the street. ''Liv! Liv! I just bumped into Herman and I ran away!'' she said red-faced and running out of breath. ''What do you mean you bumped into Herman!?'' Liv said with a mouth full of fries. ''Yes I-I was trying to catch up with you after you left me in the middle of the street, a-and I bumped into someone and when I looked up it-it was him'' she said in between breaths.

''Why did you panic and runaway? He's hot as hell!!'' a confused expression grew on Liv's face. ''I don't know, should I go back and see if he's still there?'' Live shifted her sight from Mila to someone else behind her. ''I don't think there's a need for that,'' she said as she pointed behind Mila. Mila turned around to see what her friend was talking about, and there he was, Herman Tømmeraas, her Instagram stalker standing a few feet behind her. Mila's face went from a light pink to a bright red. She turned around quickly and sunk in her seat, hoping he hadn't spotted her, but also hoping he did.

And sure enough, Herman was slowly making his way towards their table. ''Mila, be cool be cool,'' said Liv as she fixed her hair and wiped her mouth with a napkin. Mila sat up as soon as Herman reached their table. He looked nervous and a bit flustered. Mila thought it was weird but maybe it was because of what she had done earlier, but yet again, she should be the one that was embarrassed. ''Mila? Are you Mila?'' asked Herman nervously, hoping he had not just made a fool of himself and gone up to the wrong person. ''Yes? This is me,'' said Mila, trying to act as if she didn't know who he was. They had only spoken once, and it was only texting. Why should she know who he was? ''Hi, I-I'm Herman, we chatted on Instagram a couple of days ago?''

''Ah, Herman, my Instagram stalker, of course,'' said Mila with a grin. ''Can I sit down?'' asked Herman, still a bit nervous. Mila nodded and slid over to the other side of the booth to make room for Herman. She wiped her palms on her jeans as she was starting to feel a bit more relaxed. Liv sat across from them and she had a slight smirk on her face. Mila made a face at her and Liv spoke up, breaking the silence ''You guys look hot together.'' Mila covered her face with her sweaty palms. "Oh my god Liv!" and Mila was once again red faced.

Mila ordered some fries to go and said, "So Herman, how about I accepted the offer you gave me and shows us around Oslo? If you're not busy or anything." "I would love to show you around, shall we get going?" Herman agreed to show them around Oslo, but he was just looking forward to spending time with Mila. They had barely met and he felt nervous around her, he felt bubbly inside; and so did she.


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met this cutie today 🍟
[tagged: itsnotmilaa]

i met a cutie today too☺️
flirts 🙄
BRO! text me!!!
slut leave herman alone
wtf she's so pretty
slut! bitch

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itsnotmilaa and thohay liked your photo


Hey! I hope you've been enjoying the story so far.
I have a lot of things planned for this story so stay tuned. I will try to be fast with updates but no promises lol
soooo yeah please vote and comment if you want!!

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