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Monday 3:45 pm

They say the feeling of being on Cloud 9 is a state of blissful happiness. That was exactly what I was aiming for; a state of blissful happiness. Sure, I was getting there, but the only thing on my mind was what got me out of LA in the first place. His words replaying on my mind like a broken record player. (refer to the last comment on Mila's picture on chapter 11)

The words that made me scared once again. The fear that never left but I had tried so hard to push back was resurfacing. What I once considered the unthinkable was eating my mind. A sudden voice broke me from my thoughts, "Babe, you okay? You sorta zoned out." Herman took a hold of my waist and pulled me closer to him on the couch. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I lied. I wasn't fine, I was far from fine...but I couldn't tell him. At least not yet.

I snuggled closer to Herman, I knew he knew I wasn't fine, but he didn't insist. I heard the front door of my apartment open and looked up to see Liv walking in. I hadn't seen her in the past couple of days but she knew something was up. "Hey Mila, come to my room please?" I sighed and nodded, getting up from my current position on the couch, giving Herman a quick peck on the lips, "I'll be right back."

I closed the door to Liv's room and sat down on her bed. I knew what this was about. "So, the comment?" Liv was the only one that knew what happened, not even my parents knew. "I know Liv, I know...I feel just how I felt before. I thought I was finally going to be happy and left alone. That's why we left LA; to get away from all that shit that broke me. And now it's followed me all the way to fucking Norway." I ran my hands through my hair, releasing an exasperated sigh.

"He can't hurt you here Mila, not anymore. And especially not with Herman around." Liv was right, he wasn't going to come all the way to Norway just to fuck my life over again. Or at least he didn't need to, because he already found a way to do so via the internet. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, "I need to tell him don't I?" Liv nodded and pulled me into an embrace. "Yes you do, but not until you're ready to talk about it. And just remember that sometimes talking about it helps."

"I love you so much you know that?" Liv smiled and said, "And I love you too, now go back to your hot boyfriend, it's going to be okay." I smiled and wiped the tears from my cheeks, making my way out of Liv's room. I saw Herman on the couch playing with his phone.

"Hey princess, everything okay?" I sat down next to him and he kissed the top of my head. I looked up to face him and took in a deep breath, "There are some things that I need to tell you, but I can't do it now. I promise I will tell you, I just don't know when." Herman pulled me closer to him and said, "That's okay, take your time and tell me when you're ready, just know that whatever you need, I'm here. Always."

I leaned up to kiss him. And in that kiss I felt the feeling of being on Cloud 9 resurface, and the unthinkable was slowly fading away. With that kiss I felt like I was falling. Falling into a place I've never been before and somewhere I wanted to go. Falling in love.


[57,297 likes - 128 comments]itsnotmilaa:thank you for being the best friend i could ever ask for

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[57,297 likes - 128 comments]
thank you for being the best friend i could ever ask for. Te amo ❤
(i love you in Spanish)
[tagged: livviers]
i'm always here 😘
the most beautiful best friends ever
i agree ^^
miss my sisters💔

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hermantommeraas and thohay liked your post


this chapter is short but I'm really proud of it. I wrote this at 2am lol, but you get to learn a bit more about Mila's past
Thank you so much for all the love towards the story. I appreciate all of your votes and comments!
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