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Tuesday 11:21 am

HERMAN SHOWED THE GIRLS ALL AROUND OSLO. They were having an amazing time exploring the city. Mila was falling more and more in love with the city; it was one of the reasons she moved here. Mila never thought that she would be spending her first day in Oslo with her Instagram stalker, which to be fair was really hot so she didn't complain. They were currently walking through Downtown Oslo when she heard someone's phone ring, it was Herman's. Herman took his phone out and saw the caller id, it said ''Thomas'' on the screen.

''Sorry, I have to take this,'' said Herman and the girls both nodded. ''BROOOO!!'' said Thomas as Herman answered the phone and laughed. ''Why didn't you tell me you were showing Mila around Oslo? Is her friend there? She's so hot!'' Thomas was as surprised as Herman was that he had ran into the girls. ''Trust me, I wasn't planning on it but she ran into me in the street so I introduced myself, and yes her friend is here,'' Herman chuckled as he tried to speak in hushed tones since he didn't want Mila and Liv to know they were talking about them, but still, they couldn't understand since they were speaking in Norwegian. ''Where are you right now? I'm joining you guys!'' ''Um, we're in downtown right now, near that café you like.'' Thomas told Herman he was meeting them at the coffee shop and for them not to go anywhere, and ended the call.

''Hey, so that was my friend Thomas, and I think he's coming to meet us, so do you mind waiting a bit? We can get some coffee.'' Mila and Liv both smiled at each other, knowing Instagram stalker number two was on his way. ''So, does that friend of yours happen to be Instagram stalker number two?'' asked Mila, while Liv tried to hide her laugh. These guys were seriously obsessed. ''Yeah, yeah that's him,'' Herman laughed. They made their way to the coffee shop and ordered drinks while they waited for Thomas. Mila and Herman were staring at each other awkwardly, both looking away when they noticed they were staring. Herman broke the silence and said, '' So, why did you decide to move to Oslo, it's so different from America, I mean I've never been, I'm just assuming.'' Mila thought for a while, looking for the perfect answer, but then realized that she didn't have the perfect answer, and she didn't feel the need to try and be perfect around Herman. She could just be completely herself.

''I guess we just wanted to get out of the states. It was starting to feel like everyone knew everything about you, and you couldn't have that little secret of yours that will only always be yours. I needed a fresh start, and well you're right, Oslo is nothing like America. Just what I needed.'' Herman looked at Mila with a sense of fascination. She had this mysterious aura about her that only made Herman want to know more and more about her. Mila hid her true self under many layers she had developed during her lifetime, and hoped that Oslo might help her remove those layers one at a time. Or maybe finding love would help her.

Herman stood up as he notice Thomas walking through the door of the café. The greeted each other with a 'bro' hug and turned to the girls. Thomas introduced himself as he reached to give Mila a hug. When he turned to Liv, he stopped. He was paralyzed by her beauty. He had only seen her in pictures obviously, but her natural beauty was radiating. Liv noticed Thomas' reaction and proceeded to give him a friendly hug. ''I'm Liv, nice to meet you,'' said Liv with a smile on her face. Thomas had a thick accent, way thicker than Herman's. Herman's english was pretty good, almost perfect.

They made their way out of the cafe and towards the city again. Mila noticed Thomas flirting with Liv occasionally which she thought was hilarious considering Liv always played hard to get. They made their way down the crowded streets of Oslo enjoying themselves, Herman getting closer to Mila whenever he got the chance.

Mila was enjoying every moment. Taking pictures of everything she thought was cool; including her best friends and her new friends. She never thought she would make friends so quickly but she felt a really strong connection with these boys even though they had only just met. "Do you think it was coincidence that you bumped into me? Like it means something?" asked Herman catching Mila a bit off guard. Mila looked down at her feet, thinking about the question he has just asked her. "You know I've been thinking about that too. I was actually considering your offer you had made on Insta when we arrived."

Herman has a surprised look on his face with a a hint of red appearing on his cheeks causing Mila to giggle at the sight. "So maybe it was fate?" said Herman with a smirk on his face while Mila chuckled at his cheap attempts at flirting. Herman got closer to Thomas whispering something in his ear. Thomas nodded with a smile on his face agreeing with whatever Herman had just said. Herman turned around and looked at both girls.

Without saying anything, both of the boys took off running towards an empty alley. The girls quickly followed not wanting to get lost in Oslo. "Guys!! Where are you going? Wait up!" Liv yelled behind them. The boys stopped to let them catch up, and when they did Mila snapped a quick photo of Herman.


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falling in love with Oslo thanks to this guy ⚡️
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hermantommeraas, livviers and thohay liked your post

sorry it took long for an update. i had final exams but i'm finally in summer break so expect more updates! thanks for 300 reads! xx

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