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Wednesday 6:45 pm

"LIV! LIV! COME HERE!" I called Liv, who was probably sleeping like she always does at this hour. I look up to my door and see a very sleepy and messy Liv come in.

"Why do you always have to wake me up from my naps? I hate you so much." Liv threw herself on my bed and cuddled the blanket that was next to her. "I called my mom yesterday, and she invited me and Herman to visit her in Mexico next week."

"Oh my god! I miss Cecilia!" said Liv as she sat up. "I know you do, that's why you're coming with us." Her eyes widened. "Are you serious?! Are you playing with me?!" I laughed loudly at my best friend and said, "I'm being totally serious."

"Are you sure you want me to come? I mean, I don't want to intrude on your time with Herman-" I cut her off.

"No Liv, seriously it's totally fine. Besides, I kinda need you there for support. You know how crazy my mom can get." "Latinas, man." Liv and I broke into fits of laughter due to her last comment.

"So, you and Thomas... how's it going?" I asked with a smug smile, and her cheeks reddened. "I really like him, he just hasn't made the first move yet." She looked down at her hands. "Have you showed him you like him?" I asked.

"I think I have given him plenty of signals, but I don't think he gets them. Maybe he doesn't feel the same way," said Liv, her eyes shifted down and I took a hold of her hand. "I'm sure he does, maybe you just need to be the first to say it." I knew that Thomas did feel the same as she did for a fact, Herman might have mentioned it a couple of times. Our trance was broken by a sudden knock on the door. "I think that's your boy outside," said Liv as she winked at me and I went to see who was outside the door. 


Hey! I know you probably hate me for not updating, so here's a lil chapter for you. These past couple weeks have been very hard for me and my family due to the earthquake in Mexico. We have been affected directly by it and some of our family members homes were destroyed. It would mean a lot if you guys could take a little bit of your time to find a way to donate and help those affected. It hurts to see my country in pain, but it is also comforting to see the love we have received from the rest of the world. 

As always, thank you for reading and thank you for 15k reads, holy shit. Don't forget to vote and comment! much love x  

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