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holy shit 3k reads!!!! this is unreal thank you. also that Skam ending though. I love all of you and my heart is broken now that it ended.


Friday 6:45 pm

I had fifteen minutes before Herman arrived to go on our date. I'm not gonna lie, I am pretty nervous. I haven't been on a date since the unthinkable happened. But that's a story for another time. Right now I was focused on getting ready to meet the guy that hadn't left my mind since the first day I arrived here.

I was adding the finish touches to my look that consisted of a black fitted sweater and black pants that stopped at my ankles. Since Herman said to keep it comfy, I grabbed my black slip on sneakers and put them on. I kept my makeup to a minimum, only adding a bit of mascara and red lipstick to give my look a little more pop.

As I was finishing up, Liv walked into my room and gave me a confused look as to why I was getting ready. "Mila, what are you doing?"
guess the nerves got to me and I forgot to tell her. "Umm...Herman called earlier and we're going on a date, actually he should be here any minute now." Liv's face completely changed and she started jumping up and down in my room. "Wait...so you actually like him!?" I released a big sigh and I felt butterflies start to flutter in my stomach. I hadn't actually told myself that I had feelings for Herman, but I guess I did.

"Yeah, I think I do," I said as I felt my face heat up with embarrassment. "Oh my god you're blushing you totally do like him!" I rolled my eyes at Liv  who was totally freaking out. "You know I haven't been on a date since...you know..." Liv looked down at the floor after what I said, knowing how hard it was for me to talk about. "Hey, Herman is nothing like that okay. He's not like him." My best friend grabbed my wrist and took me in a long embrace.

Our hug was soon cut off by the sound knocking coming from the front door. Liv and I separated as she let out an excited squeal. I made my way to the front door and made sure I looked nice. I opened the door to find a very good looking Herman standing in the hallway. As soon as he saw me his face lit up and connected his eyes with mine. "Hei, are you ready to go?" He asked, slightly fidgeting with the ring on his left pinky. "Yeah, I'm all set!"
I walked out of my apartment and closed the door behind me. Herman moved to the side, letting me walk first.

Once we were out of the apartment, Herman opened the passenger door of his all black Mercedes for me to get in. "I can do that myself you know?" I chuckled as Herman gave me a big smile that made my stomach do backflips. "I'm trying to impress you," he whispered as he walked to the other side of the car. Herman stared the car and turned on the radio. I realized that the song Despacito, was playing. "Do you mind if I turn it up?" I asked him, he nodded his head and said, "No, go ahead."

I went ahead and turned up the volume and instantly started singing in Spanish. "Des-pa-citó, quiero respirar tu cuello despacito, deja que te diga cosas al oído, para que te acuerdes si no estas conmigooo!" I turned to look at Herman and he was looking at me with a shocked expression. I giggled and felt my cheeks heat up in realization of what I had just done. I had bursted into song, in front of Herman, on our first date, IN SPANISH!

"Okay so you either speak Spanish or you're just really good at learning song lyrics on foreign languages," said Herman while turning down the radio. "I speak Spanish, my mom is Mexican, my dad is American." Herman shook his head in understanding and shifted his gaze back to the road. I looked out the window and started to notice that we were driving away from the city and were entering a more nature filled, scenic road.

After a few more minutes of driving in comfortable silence, the car was coming to a stop. I looked around and saw a bike rental shop. "So this is why you told me to wear comfy clothes huh?" Herman looked at me with his signature smirk and took my hand, leading me to the bike shop. We reached the counter and he asked for two bikes. I noticed myself getting nervous since it had been so long since I've ridden a bike. We waited a bit until the worker came back with the bikes and told us we had two hours before we had to return them.

Discontinued - AMERICAN TEEN | Herman Tømmeraas Where stories live. Discover now