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Wednesday 1:18 pm

I was sat on the couch of my living room listening to the muffled sounds of the conversation Mila was having on her phone in the other room. She was speaking in Spanish, so I assumed it was her mother on the phone. I scrolled through my Instagram feed as Mila walked in the living room sitting down next to me. 

''That was my mom on the phone,'' I hummed in response, ''I told her about you, and she wants to meet you.''

''Oh, is she coming to Norway or...?'' Mila looked at me as I saw a smirk appear on her face. ''Actually... she - uh - she wants us to go to Mexico.'' Mila's eyes lit up as she mentioned it, I could tell she was excited, but she was also a bit nervous. The thing about Mila was that you could tell exactly what she was feeling just by looking at her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes that drove me fucking crazy.

''Are you serious?! Can we do that? I - I mean...that would be amazing!'' Mila leaned closer to me and pressed her lips to mine. The feelings that I got while kissing this girl were indescribable. I grabbed her by the hips, pulling her closer to me as she moved to straddle me. She tangled her hands in my hair, slightly pulling it making me release a soft grunt. 

We parted from the kiss, both in need of air, as we pressed our foreheads together. Looking at her swollen lips and messy hair, knowing I was the cause of that drove me crazy. ''We're going to Mexico babe.'' I smiled at her words, giving her a small peck on the lips. ''We're going to Mexico.'' 


Small chapter and Herman's first POV! Also, make sure to check out my new P-Chris story, ''ONLY YOU'' check my profile for that if you want to read it.

Again, thank you for all the love. Make sure to vote and leave a comment if you're enjoying the story thus far! I'm excited to include my beautiful country in this story and I hope you are too!


Discontinued - AMERICAN TEEN | Herman Tømmeraas Where stories live. Discover now