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Thursday 8:03 AM

Mexico City

"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE FINALLY HERE!" I was so excited to be back home. Well, not home home, since I lived in LA. But Mexico will always be like a home to me. We entered the baggage claim and waited for our luggage.

Once we had all of our luggage we headed towards the exit of the airport. I had told my mom that we would Uber home so she wouldn't have to deal with the city's horrible traffic. The exit of the airport was very busy and crowded. People were rushing everywhere looking for places to go and people to see. I took out my phone ready to call an Uber with Herman and Liv next to me when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Mamá, oh my God! What are you doing here? I thought-"

"Mi amor, Liv called me to surprise you. Welcome home, honey." I gave my mother a hug and then turned to Liv, "You're so sneaky." With that, I remembered that my mom and Herman hadn't been introduced yet. "I believe introductions are in order, Mom this is Herman, my boyfriend. Herman, this is my mom." My mom had a huge grin on her face and I could see Herman a little nervous, but still smiled with that smile that made his eyes crinkle in the corners and my heart swoon. "It so nice to meet you Mrs. Sage." Herman extended his hand to shake my mother's but my mom being the Mexican that she is pulled his hand into an embrace. "It so nice to meet the boy that makes my daughter so happy! And please, call me Cecilia." My mom's thick accent filled the room.

My cheeks turned a light crimson color, "Que guapo está! Si hay más como él en Noruega, me voy yo contigo." (He's so handsome! If there is more like him in Norway, I'll move with you.) "Mamá por favor! Podrías ser su madre." (Mom please! You could be his mother.) My mom and I joked as we made our way out the airport and into the car park.

"I want you guys to experience Mexico the right way, so I have a surprise waiting for you at home." I furrowed my brows at my mom's comment and let my mind wander what she could have possibly planned for us. "Is it a mariachi band?!" exclaimed Liv from the backseat. The rest of us burst out in laughter at her sudden enthusiasm. I let my head rest on the window taking in the beauty of my country being extremely happy to be back with the people I love the most.

We soon approached an all too familiar neighborhood and I filled with joy. I was home, and I was happy. Finally.


Hello. Yeah this is still a thing. I'm back now and I'm sorry for being MIA since October, I lost inspiration. I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment if you did! Also, 30K reads??!!?"?!?! That is super amazing thanks a lot!!!!!


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