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Saturday 12:30 pm

I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face. Yesterday's events replaying in my head. It still didn't seem real today. I was expecting to wake up today and find out that it was all a dream. After the kiss we lied down on the grass, looking at the stars that had started to appear. We realized our two hour bike rental was almost over so we made hour way back.

After Herman dropped me off at home, I contemplated on asking him to stay over but I decided to take it one step at a time. I also had no idea where we stood after that kiss.

I swung my legs off the bed, my feet touching the cold floor. I reached for my bedside table and grabbed my eye glasses and my phone, removing it from the charger. I went through the notification that appeared on the screen until I reached the one I was looking for.

Message from:

I smiled as soon as I saw his name on the screen and my stomach instantly filled with butterflies. We've only had one date but I had never felt like this before. I unlocked my phone to look at Herman's text.

Hey i miss you

i miss you too
i had a great time yesterday
again thank you

no prob
anything for you❤


i actually texted you because i was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?
just have a chill day at my house, watch movies and stuff

that sounds amazing... i'll be there in about an hour?

sounds goooodd
see you later then

I got up from my current position on my bed and headed straight for the shower. Once I got out I went to pick out my outfit. Since we were having a chill day, I opted for black yoga pants and a black and white stripped sweater. I fixed my hair and applied minimal make up, not bothering to put on my contact lenses today. I was about to leave when I realized I hadn't seen Liv since I left yesterday. I opened her bedroom door and said, "I need to tell you everything that happened yesterday!" Her room was empty. Her bed looked like it had not been slept on and then I noticed a note stuck to her pillow.

Thomas called right after you left and I'm going out with him. Don't know when I'll be back. I ALSO WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY YOU LIL BITCH
love, Liv x

I laughed at the note and made my way out of her room and out of the apartment. I called an Uber on the way out and waited for it to arrive. Minutes later, I was making my way to Herman's apartment.


I knocked on the front door of his apartment and I was greeted by a very happy looking Herman. "Hello," I said with a smile spreading along my face. He pulled me into his house and wrapped his arms around my waist, his lips crashing on mine. I was a little surprised but I instantly kissed back, craving the feeling of his lips on mine.

I broke off from the kiss and said, "Easy there boy." He laughed and pulled me into the couch with him. "I've been wanting to that ever since I dropped you off last night." My heart fluttered, I was falling hard for this boy.

I looked at what he had set up for us. He had put a bowl of popcorn and had some movies spread out for us to choose from. "You are way too cute," I said as I looked at everything he had put out. "So, what do you wanna watch? I have Harry Potter-" "Harry Potter!! Yes!" Herman gave me an amused look at my sudden outburst of excitement towards Harry Potter.
"Harry Potter it is then!" He got up from the couch and started the movie.

Discontinued - AMERICAN TEEN | Herman Tømmeraas Where stories live. Discover now