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A few hours later, Silas awoke with a start. "SHIVERS, I'LL BE LATE FOR WORK!" he shouted to the stray cat on the windowsill. He jumped up and grabbing his keys. Then he dashed out the front door and leapt through the window of his car, flying out the other side, as there was no door. He jumped up off the ground, and brushing himself off, he climbed back into his car, pressed the button and doing, as usual, a burnout, crashed into the wall of his house. "OH NO, I FORGOT TO PUT IT IN REVERSE." So saying, he quickly fixed the problem and reversed out his driveway.

Driving two houses down the street, he stopped, parked his car locked the door, and climbed out the window. The, nonchalantly swing his key, he walked the last 2 blocks to work. There was no cars around, and the chilly night air was full of mist. The streetlamps made little circle of light, under which moths, stray cats and homeless people slept soundly. Silas carefully picked his way over a few sleeping bodies, and putting his key in the door of Logan's #1 op shop, he locked the door. Then, unlocking it, he opened the door and strode in turning on all the lights and knocking down a rack of clothes. "Ahhhhhh", he sighed, "back to work."

After half an hour of standing at the counter, Silas wondered why no one was coming into the shop. He looked out the window and saw a crowd outside, and blue and red flashing lights, but no one was coming in. Then two men dressed in blue strode in.

"AH HELLO MATES, I GUESS YOU GUYS ARE THE FIRST CUSTOMERS OF THE DAY!" Silas shouted cheerily. Bewildered, the two men looked at each other, then one asked, "How did you manage to get in here?"

"OH THAT WAS EASY, I JUST UNLOCKED THE DOOR. I DO THAT EVERY DAY." Silas continued to shout. "WE HAVE THE FINEST SECOND HAND CLOTHES IN THIS WHOLE CITY. IT'S LOGAN'S NUMBER ONE OP"- Silas was cut short by a man in pyjamas running in shouting. In the confusion, the men in blue fired some shots, and Silas ducked under a table.

After a few minutes of silence, one of the men in blue said "well boss, he looks dead to me."

"Yeah, I reckon your right, now where did that other buffoon end up? We are gonna have to arrest him."


A look of alarm spread over the officers faces. Quickly, they holstered their guns and dropped to the ground, checking to make sure the owner of the shop was dead.

"Hold on, he's still breathing! Quickly" the cop shouted into the crowd, "call the ambulance!"

Suddenly the man riddled with bullet holes opened his eyes. Seeing Silas looking down on him with concern, he shouted, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, OPENING THE DAM SHOP AT 11 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT? YOU ARE FIRED! I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU! GET OUT AND DON'T SET FOOT IN THIS SHOP AGAIN DO YOU HEAR?!" red faced from the effort, the man passed out.

The police looked with pity at Silas' forlorn figure, sitting dejectedly on the bench outside the now closed op-shop. It had been half an hour since the ambulance had left with Silas' old boss, and now the only people left in the carpark were the two police and Silas.

"It'll be alright mate," one of the police offered. "These things happen to most bogans once or twice in their life. Don't be so glum."

"It's not that I got fired, it's just...." Silas paused. "Well it's just he didn't give me a reference before he left in the ambulance, so I could apply for my next job." Incredulously, the police looked at Silas. "Oh well," he continued, "I'll just have to start dealing illegal stuff and living on the dole. HEY THAT REMINDS ME, I NEED TO ROUND UP MY FRIENDS TO HELP CALVIN! WE'RE GONNA HAVE A REAL FIGHT!" and with that he dashed off into the night, leaving the police shaking their heads, wondering if they should pursue him and lock him up, as a hazard to society.

Silas Jones: The Gang FightWhere stories live. Discover now