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After running about 20m into the night, Silas tripped over a sleeping homeless man and fell flat on his face, knocking himself out cold. Thankfully he had tripped over this same man almost every night for the last 4 years and they had a system worked out. The man kept a bucket of ice next to him and whenever Silas tripped over, the man would pour all the ice down Silas's pants. It worked a charm every time and Silas would wake up screaming and cursing and keep running on his way.

All would have been fine and good this time too, except that it was summer and when the homeless man woke up, he found that all the ice had melted. Cold water would have been fine for the job, but the bucket had holes in it, so it was empty. The homeless guy decided he would throw a brick at Silas and that would end his troubles completely. So he hobbled off on his stiff legs and went to find a brick.

Silas woke up with a start. Where was he? He looked around and saw that he was at the centre of a crowd. Being used to these situations, he sat up and smiled. Seeing some girl he recognised, he shouted out, "MORNING EVERYONE! I HAVE TO GO TO WORK! SO YEAH SORRY I CAN'T STAY.... OH WAIT I GOT-" he was interrupted by people screaming and running away. He looked around him, wondering what had caused the commotion.

He couldn't see anything, so he decided to get up, but realised he had a pile of bricks over his legs. "That's strange... he thought aloud "I don't remember my house falling down. He quickly threw the bricks left right and centre, till he could get up. Then standing up, he realised he was surrounded by 20 or so bricks. After thinking for a minute, he shrugged and sauntered off down the road, oblivious to the cuts and bruises that covered his body.

After walking in circles around the roundabout to clear his head, silas exclaimed "OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAH! THAT'S RIGHT I NEED TO GET SOME MATES FOR CALVIN! YEEEEHA! I'M GONNA BE IN A REAL FIGHT!"

And with that in mind he ran through the oncoming traffic, all the way to where he had parked his car the night before. However, when he got to the place, his face fell, for his beloved old black Holden commodore was gone. With a shout of despair he walked around the block, hoping that his car would magically appear. But after circling it for an hour, he gave up. Sitting back down where he had left his car, he picked up a yellow ticket with his name on it and turned it over in his hands. In total despair, he decided to read it to ease his pain. He read the front of it then threw it down in disgust. It was just filled with some stuff about a tow away zone and fines and things that he didn't understand or care about.

OH I HATE MY LIFE!" he screamed at an old woman staggering down the footpath with an armload of groceries. "I SHOULD HAVE LOCKED THE OTHER DOORS!" with this out of his system, he cheered up and shouted in a friendly fashion "WOULD YOU LIKE SOME HELP WITH THE GROCERIES MA'AM?"

With the look of a startled animal, the woman dropped her groceries and bolted off, leaving Silas Jones to himself. Shrugging at the strange nature of old people, he walked off to the local train station, intent on finding some mates to help Calvin.

Having completely forgot about his stolen car, he jumped in the air shouting ecstatically about real fights, scattering pigeons and stray hamsters everywhere.

Silas Jones: The Gang FightWhere stories live. Discover now