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Silas Jones ran like he had never run before. He had to escape from this monstrosity of pig flesh charging straight for him. His feet seemed to fly over the rocky broken shards of bitumen and stone that made up the streets of Ipswich. His jaw was set in a grim line, his small muscles almost rippling. He locked eyes with the beady yellow eyes in front of him. As the boar thundered down the tight alleyway, he snorted, steam rising of his ridged back. The gap between the two slowly closed. 100m. 90m. 80m. 60 no 30 to 10m. The collision was imminent. Time seemed to slow as the two considerably different hunks of meat clashed.

The shockwave caused seemed to shake the very foundations of the buildings surrounding the alleyway. A cloud of roosting lorikeets arose in a panic, screeching there distaste for being awakened so rudely. But as the red cloud of steam and whatever makes up the insides of mammals slowly cleared, silence reigned. It was so quiet you could practically hear the thump thump thump. The sound resembled heart beating, but it was in fact made by the pounding of Silas Jones feet on the ground. He was still running. "YAHOOOOOO!" He roared into the night. Continuing his epic journey, he arrived at the end of the dark street, emerging into the open park that lay before him. Like a runner and the boston marathon, he threw back his hands and his head.

As he collapsed in front of a tree he managed to run into, he panted, quite hard. "I HAVEN'T RUN THIS FAST SINCE TRYING TO ROB THAT CONVENIENCE STORE WITH CALVIN" he muttered loudly to himself.. As his double vision slowly faded, he looked around him. First up, then down, then left then right. Then in front of him, which was a tree, then behind him, where there happened to be a gun barrel faced at him. Ignoring it completely, he looked up at the man who was holding it. The man's face was set like a stone. A very angry stone, Silas mused to himself.

He raised the middle finger, trying to calm down the man with a friendly greeting.

"You move one more finger, you filthy bugger," The man coldly stated, "and i'll blow that cheery little smile right off your face."

"WOW OK MATE, NO NEED TO GET ALL ANGUS" Silas shouted back airily. "I CAN DO IT MYSELF." and with that he set about blowing through pursed lips. The man's finger twitched on the trigger as he look with disgust at the performance in front of him. Finally Silas stopped, a frown plastered all over his usually jolly face. "SEE, I BLEW THE SMILE AWAY MYSELF."

"Out of all the fools i've seen in my life" The man spat out through clenched teeth. "You top the bloody lot!"


Shaking his head in bewildered amazement, the man just stared at this wretched excuse for a man, covered in pigs guts.

"Listen here buddy," he started. "I was gonna shoot you and steal whatever you had on you. I saw you sleeping, and I was gonna slit your throat."


"Shut up punk. Listen and don't shout! No don't even whisper you stupid bugger. Now you woke up so i couldn't do that anymore. So i climbed up on top of the buildings and i was gonna blow you to bits with ol bess here." he proudly patted the gleaming twin barrels of his shotgun. "But then you charged a bloody pig, so i couldn't get a clear shot and hit the big instead. And you kept right on running, straight into the tree." he paused to shake his head. "I was gonna get you right here, but because you're such a stupid bastard, you probably don't have anything worth stealing on you."

"BAHAHAGAWFAWBLERGHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Silas hooted in merriment. "YOUR WRONG MATE, IF YOU'LL PARDON MY SAYING THIS, BUT I DO HAVE SOMETHING WORTH STEALING." and with that he presented the entry ticket to the beer skulling contest to the astonished man. "BY THE WAY, I'M SILAS, YOUR LOCAL BOGAN."

The man was still reading the ticket aloud, syllable by syllable. But he stopped long enough to state his name. "(mumble mumble) Rowan (mumble mumble)"


"Oh is that what that word is." Rowan exclaimed. "I thought it was come pee on it, and someone had just made a mistake." They both laughed at this. "HEY I HAVE AN IDEA!" Silas suddenly shouted. "WHY DON'T YOU COME TO THE CONTEST WITH ME?"

"Aww yeah, free beer if you win right?"

"PROBABLY." Silas shouted over his shoulder, having already taken off in the direction of a streetlight. In logan, streetlights were the things that guided weary travelers of the night to safe places, like government housing or the spaces underneath bridges. However in Ipswich, they mean danger, stay away. Rowan shouted something back to Silas, but he wasn't listening. He was staring at the scantily clad woman leaning seductively against the light post. His eyes gleaming, he was drawn in, like a moth to a flame.

Silas Jones: The Gang FightWhere stories live. Discover now