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Silas wondered around the centre of Ipswich all morning, looking for Bill Tate. He didn't find him however, and decided to get some food, as he hadn't eaten for a while. As he lined up at macca's, he remembered he didn't know where Bill lived. "SO THAT'S WHY I WASN'T ABLE TO FIND HIM" Silas exclaimed in realisation. As he pushed his way through the line to ask the lady at the counter if she knew a Bill Tate, he was met with disgruntled macca's customer's icy stares. Suddenly a tall, solidly built man blocked his way. Silas looked up and was filled with terror. This man looked exactly like a guy that had died a few years ago from a staminade overdose.

The man just beckoned Silas to come. Without any hesitation, but with much trepidation, Silas did. The man led Silas into macca's disabled toilets and locked the door behind him. Then pulling the chain to flush, he yanked it right out. As the back wall of the toilet swung inwards, Silas gasped. The tall man spun around and glared at Silas, putting his finger to his lips, then violently jerking it across his neck in a gesture well known to Silas.

The man walked into the space behind the wall, as Silas followed him on tiptoe. As the wall swung back behind him, the lights turned on, illuminating a grey concrete room with a single metal door, which was closed. The room was bare except for a single wooden table, some chains with handcuffs attached to a wall, and the light bulb. However, it was not empty. It was rather full of men in black leather jackets, black jeans, grim faces and small pink feather dusters. They all turned to face Silas. In fear, he backed into a corner. Suddenly at a signal, they all charged, feather dusters outstretched.

Silas bit back a scream, almost dying of fright, when the men all started to tickle him. In no time at all, Silas was on the ground, screaming with laughter. And with a thud, he was kicked, knocking him senseless.

Silas awoke. He was wrapped in chains, lying on a metal table. Around him were men in black. He couldn't quite recall, however, where he was, or why he was there, or who these men were. He had a vague memory of pink feather dusters, and started to try think, but then decided not to waste time on unimportant matters like thinking. Instead he shouted out "HEY ANYONE KNOW HOW I CAN FIND BILL TATE?" one of the men sprang to punch him, but another held him back. The second man spoke in a soft whisper. "Find who?"

"BILL TATE!" Silas shouted even louder, thinking the man might be deaf. The men all stopped, stared at him for a long second, then picked him up, took off his chains and threw him out the window. As he hurtled through the air, Silas waved at a passing duck, probably on its winter migration, he thought, although it is a bit hot for winter time. Then he stopped thinking, as he hit the ground.

It was late in the afternoon when Silas came round. He was surrounded by savage kids, locals of Ipswich. "HEY KIDS, DO YOU KNOW A GUY CALLED BILL TATE?" Silas yelled in a friendly voice. One of the kids made an animal like growl, and they all ran off. "SO NO?" Silas yelled after them? Wondering at the strange ways of local Ipswich residents, Silas sauntered off down the street. Suddenly he was bowled over by a feral pig. As the pig was about to gore him, a gunshot rang out, and the pig dropped dead. A police officer strode up and helped Silas to his feet. "What are you doing in this part of the street without a gun?" the cop asked Silas kindly. "He replied "OH I JUST GOT CHUCKED OUT THAT WINDOW!" he's gestured to the window he had fallen from "BUT I'M LOOKING FOR MY FRIEND BILL TATE. DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE LIVES?" the police officer looked shocked, and then said "quickly, we must get out of here. I can take you to where Bill lives, but I can't take you all the way. If you can get there I'll be surprised." The cop's voice trailed off as he ran down the dirty alley. Silas, with a big grin, having finally found a way to find Bill, ran after him.  

Silas Jones: The Gang FightWhere stories live. Discover now