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Athena's POV

"You're a fucking slob. You will NOT eat unless permitted to! You will clean after us and you will obey everything Liam, Jack or I say. And if you don't, we don't mind breaking bones," a cold sting was forced onto my cheek by my father, making me tear up, "Pathetic," 

"Papa! It wasn't me! Please don't!" I cried out,

"You're not my daughter. Fuck you," I let out a whelp as he slapped me hard again.

I snapped my eyes opened saw Chris' chest held up against my cheek. I blushed hard as I noticed he was only in underpants. The time was 7:43 am and just about now is when he would wake up. He was the only person who was ever nice to me, I don't deserve him. He's nice, loving, funny and he cares. I feel so bad for him, having to wake up to me. I'm disappointing. I snuggled closer to him and hugged his waist. I took a deep, shaky breath as I calmed down. I think I loved him. I begged myself to not trust anyone ever, but he's a lot different. It felt like I didn't have to trust him, but wanted to. I snuck out of his grasp and tiptoed to the bathroom. This was the first time in a couple of days in which I was able to take my bandages off of my arm. I slowly unraveled the medical tape from my wrists and was shocked to see my arm, it was healing very fast. The stitches were still there, but it was almost completely scarred. The stitches were ugly. They were black and stained with blood. 


"Chris! It's snowing!" I exclaimed as I looked outside in shock, "Let's go!" I grabbed his hand and took him to the front door. He threw on a sweater but gave me; his big jacket, mittens, ear muffs, a scarf, and boots. "Really," I rolled my eyes as he threw combat boots on,

"Yeah really. You'd freeze out there," he held my hand as we walked out,

"Your jacket is way too big for me though," I let out a fake pout. As a snowflake landed right on my nose, 

"Cutie," I looked down as my face went bright red, "Follow me," he grabbed my hand and walked as I followed. He took me to a garden in the back. He placed his hands on my waist and my hands on his shoulders. I'm 5'6 and he's 6'7, so it was pretty awkward. He swayed his feet and I followed,

"I-I don't know how to dance," I mumbled,

"You'll get the hang of it," he twirled me and set his forehead on mine. He hugged my back as we teetered around in the middle of the snow. I held the back of his neck and stood on my tiptoes as we danced. I leaned closer and placed my lips gently onto his. I held the scarf and placed it behind his head, pulling him closer. Our feet were still shuffling as the snow covered the ground. I placed my head on his shoulder as salty tears poured out, "Baby, what's wrong?" he stopped his feet and cupped the side of my cheek,

"I'm sorry. I don't deserve your love, but you give it to me anyways. You probably wanted a tall, thick, tan, beautiful blonde. But instead, you have me-"

"Exactly! I have you and you're all I want. I love you," did he really just say that? He said I love you. My heart raced as he looked me in the eyes, "You're who I want. You're my baby girl," I cried into his sweater,

"Ugh! You're making this too hard," I held him tight as if I never wanted to let go.

"What too hard?" he had a stern look on his face,

"You!" I took a deep breath and calmed down, "You're going to reject me one day when I'm attached. I know it," my voice was unreliable and very unconfident,

"Baby, don't say that! I would never reject you-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence, "Shit, run inside as fast as you can and hide!" he looked at me with fear, "Go!" he pushed me towards the way we came. I was left confused. What's happening? I didn't want to be away from him, not knowing if he was going to get hurt. But, I ran into the house and in his room. I smelled fear and panic like someone was attacking. I got a sick feeling and hid in the closet. It's a big room so, I hid in a box and threw the winter apparel on top.

 I took short and trembling breaths as I waited. I heard the bedroom door smash open and loud footsteps enter the room. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to hold back my tears. Then, the closet door flew open, I muffled my breath by my hand as the boots clanked, one by one. The hangers scraped across the metal bars. I let out a sigh of relief when I smelled Chris. But, I still didn't move. Someone was running into the room, "Hey fucktard!" Chris. I heard loud grunts and a lot of smashing. I peeked through and saw Chris attacking what appears to be a man. The man he was attacking looked very familiar though. Then I saw who it was. Liam. My pack was here, attacking. I cried softly, Why would they come back?  Chris was now standing over the box and pulled me out, "Baby girl, I'm taking you to the bunker. They will not have you again," he hugged me and then pulled me onto his back,

"Promise?" I whispered out of fear,



Chris led me outside to a trapdoor, "Here," he tore his sweater off and placed it over my head. His hands quickly shuffled to the pad code for the door. The entrance slowly elevated. When it was open, he gently assisted me down before getting himself down. It was a small, cold room with a chair, a bucket and a lot of food and water, "Please stay," I wrapped my arms around his neck, still crying, and pressed my cheek up against his warm chest,

"Baby, if I could I would but you know I have to go," he placed his head on my shoulders and whispered, "Do not leave this room unless either John or I get you. I love you," he kissed my forehead and I cupped his bruised cheek,

"I love you too," 


Awhh! They're falling in love <33

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