Slap Her

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Chris' POV

I woke up, chained to bars in a cell. I yelled, not knowing hat happened to Athena. With every movement, my heart ached, my wrists scabbed and my wound pressurized. I soon heard her angelic voice, screaming in agony. My heart raced, "What the fuck are you doing to her!" I screamed to one of the guards. He walked up to me and punched my left jawbone, "Answer me!" I growled. He punched me another couple times, "Please, just- Just help a guy out. What if you were in my position?" I started to shed tears,

"Alpha. I'm in your Pack, there are camera's here. It pained me to hurt you, I can tell you where Luna is, but I have to go right now. Shit, the camera's turning-" He whispered as I looked up at a camera, facing the wall. A fucking wall! They're fucking idiots! Anyways, I sighed in relief and closed my eyes. I thought of Athena, her gorgeous eyes looking into mine for the first time, her body against mine, her hair, her everything. Then, I started thinking of what our pup would look like, dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, slightly tan, chiseled features and a gorgeous smile. My heart ripped when I heard Athena yelling, telling her brother to stop. I knew he was hurting and raping her. I yelled out to Liam, shouting what I would do when I got out. Then, Athena stopped screaming and heavy boots walked this way,

"You were speaking?" Liam kicked me in the gut, "Spit it out pig!" 

"Fuck you!" He pulled me up and threw a bag over my head,

"Maybe this will teach you a fucking lesson!" he dragged me out of the cell. I started counting my steps, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen. He opened a cell door and removed the bag, 

"Chris?" Athena's voice shook from tears, "Oh my God, please help-" she went to hug me but was pulled by chains,

"Slap her," Liam ordered. I looked into Athena's eyes, they were glistening with tears, they held so much fear. I needed to hold her, "Slap her!" he yelled,

"No," I stood tall. I knew he was a bit older than me, but I was definitely stronger,

"Chris, i-it's okay." Athena looked down, my eyes followed her gaze. I noticed her underwear on the floor, I growled lowly. She was wearing my shirt like a dress,

"If you won't then I'll find other punishments," he smirked and grabbed her head. Athena looked up at me and nodded, "Full intensity," he added. If I slapped her, I would surely hurt her,

"You n-need to listen to him," Athena closed her eyes as I sighed. My hands were unchained for a moment as he waited for me to hit her. I slowly raised my hand as she got ready for the blow,

"I-I'm so sorry, Athena," I whispered before delivering a strong slap against the side of her cheek. She tumbled down and held the side of her face, tears pouring out of her eyes. I crawled over to her, "You'll fucking pay!" I shouted to Liam as they pulled me away from her hold. I tried to resist, but six men against one me, what chance did I have. My heart sunk, that was the first time I hit her that hard, must have hurt like Hell. Liam smirked and hugged her, grabbing ahold of her soft skin. He quickly levitated his arm and punched her in the same cheek, making her scream again. I pulled away from them and pushed him off of her, punching him in the face. His men gathered up again and held me up as he punched, kicked and drove my head to his knee. Athena yelled for him to stop, but to no avail. Blood was covering my face and chest, I looked insane. I held my jaw as Liam flung his hand, "Fuck off!" I gnarled as they took me back to my cell,

"Chris!" Athena shouted. I struggled with every touch until I saw the familiar face,

"I'll try to help you." The guard from earlier told me and wiped some blood off my face. He tightened my chains and injected me with some liquid, "Rest," he whispered as I drifted to sleep.

- Athena's POV

"You start today," Liam handed me a pair of very revealing clothes,

"No, please! I-I'll clean the entire house! I'll hurt myself, I-" 

"If you don't want to be the Pack slut, you can be the maid. And hurt yourself? Do that too." He handed me a maid uniform. His men untied me and forcefully undressed me,

"Stop! What are you doing?!" I cried as they touched my body. One of the three grabbed my chest, the other two played with my lower area. I stiffened when I felt something go up, I looked down and saw the two men, handling my down there. I screamed in pain as they raped me individually, "Please stop! Or-Or I'll kill you!" I threatened. They all laughed,

"What are you going to do? Get the big, bad wolf to eat us," one snickered. I kicked one to the wall, punched one in the guts and pulled one down. They were weaker than I expected, "U-Uh, we'll go!" They got up and ran away. I changed into the uniform and my underwear and waited at the bars. They were re-locked. I slid down, crying. I held my bump and cried harder. I felt so bad for bringing Chris into this, it's my fault why he's hurt. 

Two Days Later

I gasped when Liam opened the door,

"Take that maid outfit off," he ordered and handed me a new shirt and underwear,

"W-what?" I tilted my head and he sighed,

"Just fucking change before I change my mind!" he watched as I changed into the fresh clothing, "Why do you have bruises on your tits? It wasn't me," he yelled while I pulled the underwear up,

"Y-your men. They raped me-" 

"What? They're going to fucking get killed!" Liam yelled,

"Liam, why do you care all of the sudden? A couple days ago, you were harming me. Now, you object?" I asked,

"I don't want you to be hurt more than you are! You're pregnant. And I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that's happened," his eyes grew teary,

"What about in the last twelve years! Why couldn't you just, stop? I shed my own blood, because of you!" I cried heavily,

"I-I found my mate," he whispered, "Her name is Amber. I think she's a little younger than you," he looked down at me. Amber? No. Why is she getting punished like this?

"Is Amber from Chris' Pack?" My voice shook,

"I think so. Oh God, I'm so sorry! Could you find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me?" He was kneeling at my feet,

"I-I can't. You raped me for God's sake! Do you know how many times I've almost committed suicide? You probably don't even care!" I screamed in his face. He hugged me for the first time since our mother died. I pried away from him, "Please. Let us go!" I cried,

"I can't. Not yet," He left but kept the door unlocked. I don't think he remembered to lock it! Tonight, I'm escaping this Hell hole!


Oh. My. God. I'm so sorry writing this chap! I know it's REALLY bad, but uh, Chris is hot? I dunno!

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       ~ Mia <3

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