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Chris' POV & Next Morning

Fighting with Athena was the worst mistake I've ever made. She was so sweet and gentle and I ruined that. 

I couldn't bear having her hurt, it broke my heart, so I left. She would be so much happier without me, I just ruin everything. I left the house back, I left the Pack back, and I left Athena back. I made her cut herself! I pushed her to a wall and made her bleed! I-I told her that I didn't want her as a mate. 

I drove away from home. I slept at a hotel, barely even getting any rest. Athena's been mind-linking me all day, saying that she's scared and worried. I couldn't stay though, I wanted to but I needed to go. 

I drove for seven hours before checking my phone,

Chris, please come home. I can't be here without you! I miss you so much.

She's sent over nineteen texts. I'm not coming back, the road is absolutely beautiful too.

Athena's POV

I sat on the dining table, staring at a cold meal. Poking around with my fork. Why would Chris leave this all behind? Why would I shut him out like that? 

I got a migraine from crying so much. He was the only person I trusted with my past, and he left me like everybody else. I couldn't bear this pain I felt- Knock Knock-

I ran to the door, hoping Chris would be standing there. But, it was Harrison, "Y-yes?" 

"Uh, Chris wants me to watch you-"

"Chris! Do you know where he is? Please tell me! I-I need to apologize!" I stared into his light gray eyes, I swore tears were dripping out of mine,

"I'm sorry. He texted me though," Harrison sighed and walked in, "Nice place," I nodded and walked back onto my chair. "Do you, uh, do you want to talk?"

"Do you really want to listen to me complain?" I replied,

"Uh? I-I don't mind," I could tell that he was nervous,

"Are you hungry? I could make you something," I replied, staring at my cold microwave meal,

"I'm fine. So... What happened? Unless you don't want to talk, you don't have to," He sat beside me and put my fork down,

"Uhm. Okay. Well, I needed to get into town alone to grab something. Chris said no but I was being too persistent. He yelled at me, I pushed him and he pushed me into a wall. He told me he didn't w-want to be my mate and I said the same. H-he told me to cut, so I did. He turned his emotions around and tried to comfort me, saying h-he was sorry. I-I locked me in the bathroom A-and that's when Chris left. I haven't seen him since." I started crying again,

"Oh God. I-I'm so sorry. Chris always has had temper issues. But, Luna, don't cut. It's a really bad habit. Why did you need to go into town?" He reminded me.

I looked away from him, "I wanted to get him something for his birthday. Thanks for listening," I hugged him,

"Uh, if Chris smells you on me, I'm dead," he replied,

"I-I don't know if he's coming back soon. Can we go look for him today?" I asked. Harrison patted my back,

"If you want to, we'll go. But I need to inform some men," I pulled away from the hug.

"T-thanks," I sniffled and threw my hair up.

I'm a little happier. Knowing that we might get Chris back was like a spark on gas. But what if Chris hates me and I just make things worse? What if he's... dead?

Chris' POV

I'm 19 hours away from everything and everyone I've grown close to. I know that this is a weak decision, but I need to keep Athena happy. It's 4:38 pm. She's probably watching a movie or with Kat. I hope Harrison got there, he has to do my duty for a bit. 


I stopped in a small restaurant, getting some food. The waiter got me a seat beside the window and gave me a menu. A slutty-ass waitress came over, "There's more to eat than what's on the menu," she teased my hair

"I'm fine," I told her. She leaned her chest closer to my face,

"I'm feeling... adventurous... Wanna help me out?" she bent over and placed her hand really close to my inner thigh,

"I said I'm fine!" I growled. She stiffened and grabbed her notepad, 

"U-uh. D-do you have an idea of what you want?" she asked. I smirked at her sudden change,

"An omelet sounds fine," I told her and grabbed my phone. I changed my settings, so it read 'Delivered' when I see texts. I went through my and Athena's texts, remembering all the memories. I looked through my pictures with her and Ben. I just ruined my family. I found the picture with her and the giraffe, it's still the cutest picture I have of her. And when Kat caught us 'in the act' is showing off her beautiful smile. 

I regret everything I've said to her. I feel horrible for saying that I would have chosen a different mate and pointing out her flaws. But the thing is- she doesn't have many flaws! She's absolutely perfect to me, the only imperfection is her past. You know what they say, 'If you love her, let her go,' And I did.

I ate, looking through my camera roll. Cole wasn't talking to me, he's pretty pissed off since I left our mate alone. I had to. There's no way she still wants me there. I threw her to a fucking wall and made her head bleed! I have to admit, I am all who she called me. I've never really thought of it, but I am a murderer.


I left the restaurant and walked around the big town I was in. The ocean was in view, but I walked into a clothes store. I needed to get out of these bloody clothes. 


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    ~ Mia <3

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