Blood Ties

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Chris' POV Twelve Days Later

I know something's wrong. Athena's been crying for hours and I can't help but feel guilty. I can't call since Alacander's eyes have been on me like a hawk. I bit my tongue and tried to strategize, but the pain an guilt in my heart is killing me. I growled and burst into the map room. I was going to kill all of them, even if it meant killing them alone. A camp was about three miles south, another was one mile east. They're getting closer.

I couldn't even focus on planning an attack, Cole's been snotty and Athena's hurting. If only I knew what was going on, I could help her. We've managed to kill over 100 camps this past week, but there's still so many more. I growled in frustration, I need to get home. The days spent here were like the days spent in Athena's old Pack' cellar. It smells of blood, silver, and sweat.

The plan was to get as many people as I could and attack the hunters. With them gone, Alacander will be safer and I can go home. Athena's scent is barely even there, the vanilla and orchids I have fallen asleep to for the past year, is almost gone. The scent of her shirt is washing out, leaving me almost alone. I'm angry, alone, sad, and untameable.

I wandered into the warrior's chamber, then punched the wall to get everyone's attention. When that didn't work, I growled using my Alpha tone. Just because I'm not their Alpha, doesn't mean they won't listen. Once everybody looked over at me and silenced themselves, I spoke, "I am going out to attack these bastard hunters once and for all. If anybody is brave enough to accompany me, go right ahead. This war was stupid and I'm getting it over with," I roared. Everybody started whispering an some men walked up to me, saying they would. I politely agreed and told them to meet me at the gate during mid-morning.

During the afternoon, I strategized with some of the soldiers who were coming with me. They have balls, I have to admit it.


When mid-morning came, we gathered by the gate with our weapons. I have where the camps are memorized in my mind. This fight may be the end of me, but I'm doing this for Athena and Ben.

Athena's POV & Nine Days Later

I felt so guilty, I felt dirty and disgusted with myself.  I didn't want to kill anyone, I jut wanted to scare them a little! I feel so much hatred for myself. The amount of blood there was, the smell still lingers after washing and repainting. I put the gun back into the box, hopefully Chris won't ask. I haven't even been able to go into the room for more than an hour, it's haunting me. I don't even trust myself alone, not even with Ben, so I asked Harrison to stay with me just until new guards come. The original ones were beaten and dragged outside by my... My father and brother. They're in the hospital because of me.

Harrison made me some lunch, grilled cheese with tomato soup. I barely even had the stomach to drink water, how was I supposed to eat? I put a spoonful of soup to Ben's lips, but he rejected it. I have him one of Chris' shirts, but it wasn't enough. He wanted him, so did I. I started crying out of frustration, fear, anger, and guilt. I dropped the spoon, all I could think of was feeding blood to Ben. I screamed and started shaking, "No... No.. No!!" I started flaring my arms around as Harrison hugged me,

"Athena, it's just me. Shh, shh," he murmured and caressed my back. I cried and kneeled down, how am I supposed to live knowing that I have killed someone in my bedroom? I shaking my put my arms around him and sobbed harder,

"I need Chris. Where is he? When is he coming back?" I asked, tears streaming down my face,

"He'll be back soon enough, I promise," he murmured. I started crying harder as Ben sloshed the tomato soup around. Blood. Blood was everywhere. On the walls, floor, covers, ceiling... Everywhere. I ran out of the dining room and grabbed the pillow I tucked into one of Chris' shirts. I hugged it tightly and inhaled his scent, rosewood and mint. I bit my lip. It's only been two months, how am I supposed to survive another month or two?

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