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Chris' POV

I was about to run to the rupture, but was pulled back, "They have hundreds, you'll die if you go!" one of Alacander's men told me. I grunted and pushed him away from me,

"It's worth a damn try!" I growled and ran. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, somebody was going to die. Whether on our side or not. Being away from Athena for so long has made Cole completely ignore me, it's not my fault! We could be cuddled up on the couch with Ben, or even out for dinner. Since we're fully mated, it's harder to be separated It could drive us insane and we could kill ourselves.

I bit my tongue, grabbed a gun, and went to the breach. Somebody was calling out for me, but I ignored it. I don't care that they had a shit ton of silver, I want to kill them. They've made me leave my family and come to this dumb pack to fight. I pushed through people going to Alacander, fucking cowards. I smelled for the silver, burning my nose a bit. I ran outside and was circled by hunters, "It's not him!" One of them yelled. I turned my head to the taller one, the one who spoke,

"What do you want?" I roared. He took a step closer and put his hands up,

"We want Alacander. If you can deliver him to us, nobody gets hurt. Well, except for him," he told me. I growled and stepped forwards,

"Why do you want him?" I asked and put the gun up, "Answer."

"He randomly killed my-" Before he finished, I shot him. The hunters yelled and grabbed their guns and weapons, but I went a little trigger happy and shot, killing most of them. But one guy managed to get a pretty nasty shot on my shoulder. They definitely had silver with them. The bullet made my skin hiss and burn, I growled. The silver bullet didn't go through, so my blood is boiling and hissing. I watched as John ran up to me,

"He's injured!" he yelled. About forty men came and tended to my wound. It hurt like a bitch when they pulled it out, yet my skin felt soothed after. Alacander walked out and looked around, he was confused,

"You killed them alone? There are about... A hundred hunters," he inquired and stood beside me,

"Just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm weak," I replied. I definitely was a lot weaker without Athena, but I was still physically the same,

"That was a very brave thing you did, but why?"

"Because I AM going home after this dumb war. I'm getting it over with," I told him. He nodded and stepped closer,

"There are over 900 camps. That was one. You will do this my way, remember our little... deal?"

"That was NOT a deal! It was a threat. You forced me to come! Why me? I'm the youngest Alpha!" I yelled at him,

"Like you said, just because you're young doesn't make you weak." He gripped my chin and stared at me, "You have something I want and I get what I want." He spat at me,

"What could I possibly have that you don't?" I snapped back, pushing him off of me,

"You have your mate. I don't even have her and I'm 35. My pack is weaker without a Luna, yours has come significantly stronger with her!" He growled at me. Before I could say anything else, John broke up the dispute. I bit my tongue and walked away. I was disgusted by his words, he killed his mate, it's his fault.

Athena's POV & Two Weeks Later

I grabbed my phone, hoping Chris would text me. All I wanted was for him to call and tell me it's okay, that everything will go peachy. Nothing.

Ben hasn't stopped crying for the past two days. He wants his dad and so do I, but I don't know when he'll be back- if he'll be back. Earlier this month, John texted me saying that Chris was wounded, so I flipped out and spammed him. He's hurt, still is, I can feel it. My shoulder has been in pain, I just figured it was from the lack of sleep.

I threw Ben in one of Chris' shirts and he was quiet immediately. I sighed and laid beside him, "I miss him too," I murmured, tears threatening to slip out. A ten-month-old baby shouldn't have to cry because his father could be gone because his mother can't control herself. He should be laughing and making the most out of his baby stage. Grown up should be fun, not abusive, nor sad.

I laid with Ben for hours, yet it only seemed like minutes. I changed him and then laid him down in my bed. I needed inspiration not to cut, the push was almost too strong. I promise Chris that I wouldn't give in, but just one wouldn't hurt. I walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open so I could see Ben, and grabbed my blades. Was I really going to break our promise? I put the blade to my wrists, then one word he said rang through my ears. 284. I have 284 scars on my arms, so I couldn't do it there. My thighs would be too noticeable, so I put it on my hip. I could just say they're old if he ever saw them.

I took a deep breath and slid the blade across my hip, letting the blood flow out. I did it against and again, just until I got out of control and blood dripped down my legs and made a little puddle on the floor. Then, I slid down the wall, I broke it. I can't even keep a small promise. I wiped the blood up with some paper towel, holding it to my hip until it healed. But without Chris, it took almost ten minutes.

I went back to laying with Ben, pain ruptured around my body. My own wolf won't even talk to me, she's whining from the lack of out mates touch, I feel the same way. I closed my eyes and with Ben in my arms, I fell asleep.


Sorry that this chap is shorter than the others. The next one will be Killer, shall I say. lol, You'll get it in the next chap! (Which is written but Imma tease you <3)

Please be sure to-



and Follow!!!

-- Mia <3


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