I Am Finally With You

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Athena's POV & Twentynine Days Later

I had spent Christmas and my birthday with Ben, just saying that holiday hurts. He was gone, he wasn't coming back. He told me everything was going to be okay, it's not. Nothing is remotely okay, everything is ruined. I'm a mateless, depressed, suicidal, murderer. I swallowed three Tylenol and chugged some water before going back to Ben. He hasn't said a word since he last talked to Chris, I'm worried sick. What if something happens again? What if I have to... To kill again? What if Liam or Jack come back again, but with a team? I'm completely and utterly petrified without Chris.

I wanted to die. Chris had helped me through so much, he's saved me, love me, cared about me, taught me, and now he's gone. I went into our bedroom, not even phased by the scent, and walked into his side of the closet. I put his shirt up to my nose, inhaled the strong, masculine scent. The scent that has driven me to sleep for the past year, the scent that I felt safe around, the scent that I couldn't get enough of, the scent that I will never forget. With every sniff, it became stronger and my heart raced. Maria is getting her hopes up. I pulled his sweater over my shirt and walked out. It was the sweater I bought him after Christmas, he rarely ever wore anything else. I smiled at the thought of him, but then frowned when I remembered about what happened. It's been three and a half months, he hasn't called, texted or talked to me since he was injured. Oh, what I'd give for just another hug from him. I know he's gone but love can never pass.

I went and got Ben since he just woke up, then started to feed him what was left in his bottle. We didn't have very much powder formula left and I shouldn't be breastfeeding anymore, so I've normally given him oatmeal or soups. I took a deep breath, Chris' scent was stronger than usual.

I started to feel sick when I thought about my father'a dead body. So I ran to the garbage can and emptied my empty stomach. I had gained thirteen pounds for Chris but then lost two. What's the point anymore? What's the point in eating and taking care of myself when my other half is gone?

The scent is so overwhelming now, I couldn't ignore it. It smelled so yummy, I missed it. I felt calmer as the smell took up my senses. I felt physically better, my migraine had stopped and I stopped shaking. I told Maria to calm down, but she was so excited.

I took Ben in my arms and kissed him, even he was quieter. I made him some oatmeal, but couldn't reach his bowls. I stood on my tiptoes to reach, but could barely reach. I felt someone staring at me, then tingles and sparks as warm arms wrapped around my waist. I grabbed a kitchen knife and frantically turned around, but dropped it immediately, "Oh... My... God..." I murmured. I didn't know whether to be scared or overly happy, so I was both. My jaw dropped and I ran back into his arms, "Chris!" I exclaimed and hugged him tightly. My heart exploded with happiness and love, I couldn't contain my excitement. He bundled up the sweater's fabric and hugged me tightly. I started crying tears of pure joy, "Am I dead?" I asked. He chuckled deeply, making my knees grow weak,

"No, Athena. I'm really here... Alive. And I am under no circumstances leaving you again," he murmured against my hair. His voice was so smooth, like silk, "I'm so so so fucking sorry! Athena, I'm so sorry! I'm a fucking douchebag, I know. I should have been here sooner," he said. I hugged him tighter and let him lift me up, as I pulled him into a kiss. I moaned when we kissed, his lips were so soft, yet busted and bloody. I held his cheek as our lips moved at a loving yet lustful pace. His tongue fought through my lips, wanting to taste my tongue. I allowed it and moaned as I could taste him. I almost forgot what he tasted like, sweet yet masculine. I pulled back from the kiss and gazed into his eyes. They held so much happiness, anger, sadness, fear, yet love too. I looked at his face- tears clouding his vision, breathtaking smile, dirty, and his lip was busted with a large gash right on the side, "I missed you," he smiled,

"I missed you too," I returned the smile, but soon lost it,

"Are you alright? What happened to my smiling girl?" he frowned and lifted my chin. I started sobbing and tucked my head into the crook of his neck,

"It was horrible. Chris, I... I had to... Follow me," I murmured and hopped off the counter. I poured Ben some milk and quickly handed it to him before grabbing Chris' hand and heading upstairs. I wiped my tears and stood at the door to our bedroom. He lifted his nose and sniffed the air,

"Why does it smell so... Foul?" he questioned. I couldn't help but sob into his chest. He rubbed my back and walked inside with me clinging onto him. He scrunched up his nose and looked at me, "What happened in here? Did you get sick?" He asked. I took a deep, shaky breath and looked at the spot where my father had died,

"I-I... I had to... I had to kill him... I killed him..." I murmured. He grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes,

"Who did you kill?"

"My Papa. H-he broke in and wouldn't go away. I-I shot him right there," I placed my finger on his forehead, just where the bullet was. He stared at me with pity,

"Where were the guards?" he asked, concerned as he gazed into my eyes,

"They were taken down..." I murmured. Chris slid under the bed and grabbed the gun. There was still blood on it from almost a month ago. He took the magazine out and looked up at me,

"Two bullets are missing," he said in a serious tone, "Did you shoot him twice?" I shook my head and looked down in shame, "Baby, why are two bullets missing then?"

"Because I shot Liam too," I whispered, barely even loud enough for me to heard,

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm never leaving your side, even if you're in the bathroom. I'll be glued to your hip," he pulled me into his arms and sniffled, why was he crying? I held him tighter and sobbed into his chest. I held him so tight, I was afraid I would break his ribs,

"I really hope I never wake up," I murmured,

"You're never going to. I'm here to stay," he kissed my forehead and winced. I loosened my grip on him and pulled his shirt up a bit, revealing a big wound. I wiped my tears as he hoisted me onto his hips, "I love you," he told me. I pressed my lips onto his and smiled,

"I love you more," I ran my fingers through his hair,

"I love you most," he pressed his lips back onto mine, "Your shape feels... Different," he noticed and squeezed my waist, making me ticklish. I felt happiness course through my veins,

"I gained some weight, hoping you'd be happy when you came back," I told him. His smile grew and he twirled me around.

We walked back down after he called someone to properly clean it. He was proud of me for defending myself, yet mad at himself for not being there for me. But I was happy for him being so brave.

Chris grabbed Ben and hugged him tightly, "I miss you, daddy!" He giggled. I could see the tears swell into Chris' eyes as he hugged Ben,

"I missed you too," he kissed his little forehead and held his hand. I rubbed my cheek on his shoulder and inhaled his scent. He was here with me. He was here with Ben.

Chris, my love, my life, my happiness, my other half. He was home.



Next chap is just a small filler, sex and death happen lol.

Please be sure to-



and Follow!!

~~ Mia <3 (( I love you guys/gals! ))

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