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Chris' POV & Four Days After Coming Back (Jan 12)

"Chris! T-the baby!" I started hitting Chris to get his attention, "It's kicking!" I placed his big hands onto where it was kicking,

"It's so, small! Can I, you know, have a moment?" he smiled and I nodded. He brought his head down to my belly and held my hips, "Hey little fella! We love you. Please be a good kid!" he kissed my tummy and put his ear up to it, "Shh! She's right here," he joked. I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Okay, I gotta go, buddy," he kissed me again and came back to reality,

"Had fun?" I smiled and sat behind Chris, "You're healing. That's good," I kissed every scar individually and hugged him, placing my head on his shoulder. 

"Did he ever use the whip on you? If you don't mind me asking," he asked,

"Every day," I whispered. Chris frowned and moved my hands to his heart beat, "Chris, what were you like before we met?" 

"God. Uh, I was normally drunk. I was mean. I was," he paused, "I-I was abusive. I would hurt the Pack members," he stopped talking. I hugged him tighter and he furrowed his eyebrows, "Why aren't you leaving?" his eyes glassed over with tears,

"Because I love you. That was in the past. You didn't hide from my history, and I won't hide from yours," I turned his shoulders so he was facing me, "You now know my entire past. And I will listen if you want to talk," I pulled him into a hug and kissed the faded scars on his face. He wrapped his arms around me and started lightly crying,

"Can we talk?" he asked. I nodded my head and he sighed, "You probably won't believe me, but I used to have a sister. She was beautiful, you really remind me of her," He had a sister? This world is getting, strange,

"W-what happened?" I questioned. He slid the bracelet on my wrist and ran his thumb over my scars,

"She was like you. She cut. It was way worse than yours though. One night, my father got drunk and touched her a-and she," he paused and took a deep breath, "She hung herself." Tears poured from his eyes now. I pulled him into my shoulder,

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know! If I did I-I wouldn't do this! It must have been so painful to have seen something like that! Chris-" I started crying and held him close. He had a sister, that was strange to know. I didn't even think he had siblings, "I'm sorry," 

"Please don't leave me. We're starting a new family. I love you, baby," he whispered and wiped my tears,

"I guess we are," I laughed and Chris smiled, "I love you too," I pressed my lips to his. He responded and held my back up,

"Hey, I was thinking. I should probably start working out again, and the soldiers are training harder. So, maybe you could start. You need to know how to fight back. I will not let that happen again. You're never slipping away like you did before," he caressed my thigh with this thumb, leaving me tingling,

"After what just happened, I'm not taking any chances. When do we start?" I smiled and so did he. His gorgeous, perfect smile. My lips longed to be against his, but I had to resist.

"I was thinking today. If that's alright," he replied,

"Sounds good," I pulled him in for another hug and caressed every scar on his bare back. I nestled my head onto his neck, inhaling his scent, safe.


The sun slowly came up and illuminated the room. We both took showers, dressed into sports gear, and headed down to the Pack's gym. We started with stretches, then he took me to the punching bag, "You know how to punch correctly?" he asked. I shook my head and he stood behind me, "Okay, you need to cover your stomach and head and hit like this-" he guided my hand to the bag as my other hand was blocking. He did it once more, "Good," he smiled. I started to hit the punching bag with one hand, then Chris came back to me, "Let's try a combo," he led my hands to the bag in an order. Right, right, left, right, left. I practiced alone as Chris watched, "Okay. You're doing really good, but now let's try something a little harder," he walked me to an open space and pulled up some pallets, "I'll have my hands up in different spots for a second, then you try to hit them. We'll do a round then change activities," He pulled up his left hand, I hit. He held up his right, I hit. Left again. Right again. He smirked then held up both hands, I missed one and got the other. He pulled the gloves off of me and stood in front of me. He nodded and I punched not too hard. Every time I punched, he countered it, "Not bad. But, you need to plan it out a little more. Think of where your targets weak spots are, let me demonstrate. Try to keep me from hitting you," 

"I-I could try," I replied. I stood in the formation he told me and nodded. His hands were fast, I was able to counter three out of ten hits, and I ended up in his embrace,

"When you're in this position, you want to either elbow them, kick their shin or knee. Go," I kicked his shin and my leg flew to his head, gently, "When did you learn that? I'm impressed," he stood back up,

"I know a thing or two about fighting. Not too much though. My brother would teach me when I was five to six." I told him. Liam taught me so much, I barely recognized him on the night of my mother's death. 

"Okay, what do you do if I-" he drove his lips onto mine and brought me onto his hips. I held the side of his face as our lips synchronized movement. I longed for the taste of his tongue. I grabbed his shirt and drove him to a wall, kicking the back of his knee. I leaned forwards and I hopped away from him, 

"That," I smirked. He smiled and thrust his foot to mine, making me fall into his arms,

"Nice formation. Cardio?" he asked. I nodded and he took me to the other side of the gym.

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I hope you guys enjoy the little scenes with Athenis!! Now we all know why he was drunk! :(

Please be sure to-



and Follow!

     ~ Mia <3

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