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Chris' POV

"Calm down!" John yelled,

"How the fuck am I supposed to calm down! Your mate is safe at home! Mine is gone!" I growled at him and felt my mind go dizzy,

"Alpha!" he slapped me, making me realize the truth, "Calm the fuck down!" I ran my hands through my hair,

"I fucked up," I whispered, "John! I fucking fucked it up again! This is my fault! I'm a huge piece of shit!" I paced around the streets, "What if she's gone forever? What if she's hurt? What if she hates me? What if-"

"Stop worrying so much, I'm sure she's fine," John remained calm, but my gut was telling me something bad happened, "Let's keep looking," he walked towards the car and we drove through the streets, yelling out to her.


It's been several hours since our hunt began and still no sign. We took flashlights out and walked the streets. I could barely smell her anymore, the intoxicating aroma was faint. The scent that has put me to sleep for months. The scent that I have loved for so long, wanted for so long, needed for so long. I was about to finally give up, but someone brought me hope, "Alpha! She's here!" one of the men ran up and attracted me to towards her. She was laying there, tears soaked her face, blood covered her arms and shirt, she was freezing only in her t-shirt.

"Athena! No!" I held her small body in my grasp, frozen. I wrapped my sweater and held her tightly, "Please. Please come back," I looked back at her face, her eyes were closed and had frost on her lashes, her lips were light purple, her skin was white and blue veins popped out. Yet, she was still the most beautiful person in the world. I held her lifeless body in my arms, letting my tears pour onto her head, "Leave," I commanded the men,

"Alpha, we can't just go-"

"Now," I growled, waiting for any sign of Athena's movements. Her fingertips were frostbitten and her nose was bright red. I held her close to me, trying to warm her up. Eventually, it came to me that it wasn't working, she lost too much blood. I picked her up and ran as fast as I could to the nearest building. Then, I burst through the doors, "Please, you have to help her!" My voice shook with fear, sadness, and anger,

"What happened?" a woman ran up and held her hands, "She's freezing!" She stated, bringing more tears to my eyes,

"She r-ran away. After hours of l-looking, w-we finally found her," I told them and they laid her on a couch. It was a small restaurant and people were staring. I held her cold hand as they searched her body, finding her wrists, they were shocked,

"S-she was cutting?" one woman said,

"Someone call 9-1-1!" Another yelled. I hugged her as tight as I could, hoping she would respond. I kissed her fingers, then her palm, then her wrists. A waiter ran into the kitchen and grabbed a soaked cloth to put on her arms. Her blood was dry and frozen from being outside for God knows how long. My heart started once again when she coughed, all though, her coughs were hard and she was choking on air.

Athena's POV

I fell asleep, my body wasn't able to handle the pain and cold all at once. I woke up and people were surrounding me, many people were touching me and yelling. I felt someone holding my hand and my wrists tingled. I choked on air when I tried to breathe, "Athena! Baby girl, you can't do this to me!" Chris held me tight but I didn't respond. I could barely hear him, see him or smell him. I coughed up everything in my stomach and even some blood. I sat right up and the tears once again flowed down my face, "Athena, how do I even start? I-I'm so fucking sorry! I know I'm a huge piece of shit! I-I don't deserve you-"

"Chris! Shut up, it's my fault! Remember? I'm sorry, I'm the one who fucked it all up!" Chris leaned over and hugged me, but I didn't move. Now, I could smell the alcohol off of him,

"Let's go home," he whispered. I shook my head and cried harder,

"I'm scared," I whispered,

"Baby, you have a room for a reason," he stated. I shrugged my hand away from him and glanced at him. His eyes wet, red and swollen from crying, red cheek, wearing a black shirt, hair all messy, and his hands shook,

"L-let's go," I wrapped my hands around Chris' neck as he carried me to the vehicle. I really didn't want to go back, but I didn't have a choice. Chris wouldn't let me leave and he needed me- the Pack needed me. I was in the back of the car with Chris, my head was laying against the seatbelt. My phone buzzed in my bag so I pulled it out -639 Messages. Four Hours Ago- They all said something along the lines of, Athena- Come back- Where are you?- Sorry, and much more. The one that stood out was from a minute ago, -Chris, One Minute Ago-

Athena, you don't have to talk to me ever again. Just know that I truly am sorry. I just lost my temper, I'm a fucking idiot but please forgive me.

Chris, stop. It wasn't your fault I left, I made the decision. I can forgive but I can't forget. I just need time, okay?

I understand. I love you,

I left him on the message and he sighed heavily, making me tear. Chris had a hand to his temples and his foot tapping, his hair was still messy. I looked at the phone in his hand, he was staring at his lock screen- the picture of us. It was about three in the morning, everyone would be asleep, that meant we had to be quiet. The car stopped and Chris hopped out first, then opened my door and helped me out. We walked inside and he walked me to my room, "Athena, you can't do this to yourself. Stop hurting yourself, you don't deserve that! Please, stop," He hugged me tightly, and I stayed stiff, "Sleep, it's early," I walked away from him and sat on my bed. I couldn't sleep, so I took a shower.

The rest of the blood dripped down the drain as I skimmed the cuts. I wanted more, I craved more. If drinking was Chris' way to relieve pain and stress, why can't I cut? That's my way of relieving pain, just like his booze. My blades were his liquor, relief.


They found Athena!

Please be sure to-



and Follow!

~ Mia <3

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