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Athena's POV & Four Days Later

After a day of calling, texting, crying and looking for Chris, we gave up. I can't take this anymore! Harrison has been more supportive than Chris in this past week. Although, he rarely lets me leave. 

It's been a hard week, I haven't gotten more than an hour of sleep and my stomach is emptier than my heart. My soul is horribly plain. This is all my fault! I kept pushing him away with all the hatred I had in my heart and now he's gone. I didn't listen to him and I broke our promise.

I slid down a wall and cried into my hands. I contemplated cutting for three hours. I suddenly came back to reality when a warm hand touched my shoulder. I looked up and saw Harrison, "I can't do this. I'm so sorry," I cried out,

"Luna, you can do this. Chris will come back. I promise," he let out a weak smile and I hugged him. 

Harrison's POV

Athena has been crying the entire time I've been here. She's beautiful and it's pretty saddening seeing her weeping. I've been helping her make meals, but she refuses to eat most of the time.

Nine Hours Later

"Harrison?" Athena sat on her bed. I looked over at her, "C-can you stay with me. J-just for a little longer?" her eyes held so much hope, how could I say no?

"Yeah. Do you just want me to sit on the couch? Or?" 

"C-could you lay with me?" she asked. Athena bit her lip and twiddled her thumbs again. 

"Uh, sure." I pulled myself under the covers. It was warmer than I expected, "G'night," I whispered. She curled up against my chest and sighed. Her life was being crushed underneath her and right now, I'm the only support she has. I will support my Luna no matter what happens. I think I'm starting to fall in love with her- No! Stop thinking that. Athena has a mate, he's just gone.

Athena's POV

I woke up in warm arms. It wasn't Chris though. I sighed and sat up, wiping my eyes, "Did you sleep alright?" Harrison asked,

"Y-yeah. Thank you, I hope you actually got some sleep too," I replied. I got up and walked into the bathroom. Harrison fixed the door so I could take showers without having to walk to another bathroom. 

I took a shower and dressed. It was Sunday, the day to clean up. I took the bed sheets, blankets, and pillow cases to be washed, but Harrison had to help the most since I wasn't emotionally stable. We wiped the counters, swept the floors, organized the cabinets, and picked up after ourselves.

It's 8:58 pm and I'm in that sad state again. The rain is pouring outside and with every drip drop, I cry a little harder. I'm slouched on the couch as Harrison took a shower. I really miss Chris right now. I miss his hold, his kiss, his touch, his everything. He was a beautiful man and I didn't deserve him. He was so kind and caring, I ruined that. I yelled at him. I hurt him. I pushed him away. I -Knock Knock- I went to the door. Hesitantly, I opened it. The best surprise came to me, "Chris!" I ran up to him and kissed him. The rain poured over us. He held my back and hoisted me up. God, how I missed his lips! This was the best visitor I've ever received! I tucked my head beside him, "P-please don't leave me again," I whispered. Tears cascaded down my face,

"I won't, baby. I won't," he hugged me tighter than he ever has before. I gently kissed him again, shaping our lips together. I never wanted to be away from his hold again!

"W-why would you leave?" I asked. Chris gently caressed my back,

"I-I thought you hated me," I couldn't tell if he was crying or if rain was falling perfectly under his eyes,

"No, I love you! You don't know how hard it's been not knowing where you are! I-I... I thought you were dead," I whispered. He held my cheek, wiping a mixture of rain and tears.

"Shh, I'm here now," he hugged me with love and passion.

"Chris, don't go," I murmured. Footsteps ran through the house,

"Alpha! Get inside! You two must be freezing!" Harrison pulled us in. We were both drenched. I hopped away from him and nuzzled my head into his chest. It was amazing to be able to smell him again, Maria and I haven't been this happy in a long time. I grabbed a towel from the nearest bathroom and dried Chris' hair,

"I'm so sorry," I told Chris repeatedly,

"Athena, I'm the one who fucked up. You did nothing wrong," Chris' eyes were red and puffy. I kissed him once more and hugged him tightly.

Harrison and I have been nursing Chris for a bit. He's put on dry clothes and so did I. Not once has I left Chris' side. I'm overly happy he's home! Chris told Harrison that he should go, so he did. I'm kinda sad that Harrison isn't going to be here, but I can't be sad while Chris is back. 

It's 10:00 pm and Chris and I are getting ready to sleep. I'm excited to finally get sleep, last night I slept with Harrison but tonight I'm sleeping with my love. I feel like a slut for asked Harrison to sleep with me, but he accepted. Chris took his jeans off and then his shirt, I hugged him and held him with all of my strength, "When was the last time you've slept?" I asked, my voice slightly muffled from his skin,

"Uh. Since we fought. I'm so sorry for hurting you, please forgive me," his voice shook,

"How couldn't I forgive you? I love you, Chris. But you really need to sleep," I sat on the bed and crawled to the other side,

"I love you too. God, why did I even leave? That was a shitty move," he sighed and sat beside me, "But I'm home with you now," I curled up beside him,

"It was really hard being here without you," I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles,

"I know and I'm sorry," we laid down and Chris wrapped his arm around me, "Goodnight, love," he kissed my forehead and I set my head on his chest,

"Goodnight," I whispered before yawning and closing my eyes. Chris was someone that I could fight for a year, but forgive him when he's gone. I love him so much! 

Chris' POV

I woke up with my love beside me. Sleep was amazing, especially knowing that Athena forgives me. She's still sleeping on my chest, this was my favorite way to wake up. Cole is yippity that Athena is back and safe. I grabbed her small hand to look at her wrists. They weren't too clean, maybe for a day or so. My heart ached. It's all my fault she's cutting again, I was so damned proud of her too! Only God knows what's going on in her head, her beautiful little head.

She woke up and kissed my cheek, "I missed you," Her morning voice was beautiful. I couldn't believe how much beauty was in this small body. I pressed my lips against hers. I missed her taste,

"I've missed you too," I held the back of her head and sat her up, "Baby, have you been cutting?" It slipped out. I immediately shut my mouth as Athena looked at the blanket,

"I'm sorry," she covered her arms.

I looked into her eyes and held her arms, "Could you try to stop?" I asked,

"M-maybe. I don't know if it's that easy," tears cascaded across her cheek. I pulled her into another hug and caressed her back,

"Could you consider it?" I questioned. She nodded and wiped her tears.


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    ~ Mia <3 <3

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