chapter four

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Just because I'm strong enough to handle pain, doesn't mean I deserve it.

--Sammy Q.

Aanvi Zenobia

"Zenobia!" I heard as I walked down the hallway, I turned to see Izzy and his friends standing by his locker. I slightly rolled my eyes and stopped walking to look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"What? Who you talking to? 

I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him. "You showing off, you could talk to me later."

"We ain't got shit to talk about but meet me by my car after school."

"No, I have plans."

"I don't care, drop them."

"No, I can chill with you tomorrow." I stated then walked away.

I walked into the cafeteria looking for Lee seeing she was sitting with the diddy bops, I rolled my eyes getting into line. After getting my food, I sat two tables down from Lee and them. She furrowed her eyebrows then got up coming my way.

"Why you sitting by yaself?"

"Because I'm not in the mood to sit with the two dummies."

Lee laughed sitting down. "What's wrong with you?"

"Izzy being annoying."


"You know since I told Zeph I would talk to him only, I haven't been talking or chilling with him and now he's starting to show off like relax."

"He probably feel like Zeph replacing him or he probably just miss you." Lee shrugged. "I mean that's not just someone you were having sex with, he also your best friend."

"I didn't see it like that, you probably right. Can I see ya phone to text Zeph?"


"So I could tell him I'm chilling with Izzy after school." She handed me her phone as I couldn't unlock it. "Bitch you took my face off?"

"Oh yeah, Sef added his face like a week ago so I just deleted all of them and changed my password."

She unlocked it and handed it to me so I can put my face back. After naming it, I clicked on Zeph's name. I texted him and told him I couldn't see him today then locked it and gave it back to her.

"You and Izzy having sex today?"

"No ma'am, I'm trying this thing out with Zeph." 

She straight-faced me. "It's Izzy bitch, you know you got a weak spot for him."

"This a bad idea?"

"If you feel like it is then it is, ever since y'all started fucking y'all haven't stopped, and yaknow Izzy act like he can't take no sometimes."

"You're right but then again I haven't talked to just one person while doing what I do with Izzy so maybe he'll understand," I said then shook my head. "I'm really liking Zeph more than I should." 

"I would rather you with Zeph then Izzy, I don't think it's worth it but what do I know?" She stated as her phone started ringing. "It's Zeph, here."

I put in one airpod in as her nosy self took the other one. "Hello?"

"What you talking about?"

"Instead of chilling with you, I'm going to a friend's house. That's why I was saying don't come get me."

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