chapter three

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What screws us up in life is the picture in our head of how it's suppose to be.

-- Y.C

Aanvi Zenobia

"Izzy stoooop!" I whined as he kept biting and sucking on my neck.

"You keep acting like it's not mine."

"It's not, we're only friends." I smiled at his face.

"Exactly, you're my friend and this my best friend." He touched my vagina making me move his hand.

"Yeah whatever, I'm leaving now."

"So you going to just leave after we had sex?"

"When do I ever stay? We have sex then I leave and we don't talk until one of us need sex again. That's how this works Izzy." I spoke honestly.

He looked taken aback but I was just being honest, before we even started having sex I told him that's just what this is sex. I didn't want a relationship and I still don't, relationships just came with too much shit. If he couldn't understand that then he could get cut off.

"Why does it sounds like you're trying to play me?"

"Why does it sounds like you caught feelings for me?"

"Maybe I did."

"Maybe you shouldn't because the feelings are not mutual, take a few days to yourself so this crush can past by." I told him putting on my shoes.

"So you could be around here riding ride with drug dealers and shit but won't give me a chance?" He asked making me laugh.

"What drug dealers do I be around Izzy?"

"Fuck you think your little boyfriend Mitch does?"

"Alright, well that's his business, and what was your point of telling me that? When he was ready to tell me that, he would of. Nothing you can say will make me give you a chance, I just don't see you like that Izzy."

"But your hoe ass could come over here and fuck me?"

"Make them days into some weeks, don't even speak to me in school."

"Nobi." He smacked his teeth standing to his feet and grabbing my arm. "Aanvi, come on I'm sorry."

"No, every time something doesn't go your way you always act like a little girl and get disrespectful and I always take it because you're my best friend but that's about to fly dead ass."

"Alright, I'm sorry. I'll work on it." He put his hands on my waist and started kissing my cheek.

"Okay, I'm really leaving. I have to go to Lee's house."

"Lemme walk you then."


Since Lee's house was literally down the street, I accepted. I mainly accepted because it's this old pervert man that be watching me when I walk by myself.

I kept quiet as we took the five-minute walk when I got in front of Lee's house, Izzy gave me a hug as I smiled watching him walk away and then rung Lee's doorbell. She opened the door and squinted her eyes.

"What you doing here?" She asked.

"You look like you are about to leave, I came at the wrong time?"

"Actually you came at the perfect time, Sef is about to come to get me and you're coming."

"Nooo." I whined. "I don't wanna third wheel."

"It's a basketball game, Zeph playing." She smirked.

"You said that like that's just going to automatically make me go." I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless.

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